Thank you for being a part of the Worship Arts Prayer Partner Ministry. Your persistent prayers are heard by our Loving Heavenly Father! We trust God’s will to be accomplished as we seek Him on behalf of the leadership team in Worship Arts. May God bless you as you intercede on their behalf!
Prayer Team Members:
Team 1:Mike & Barb Allen
Skipp Machmer(Worship Arts Pastor)
Candy Hary(School of Music)
Team 2:Michelle Crocker
Joy Scherber
Brett Krohn(Orchestra)
Melissa Krohn (Worship Arts Director)
Team 3:Carol & Steve Johnson
Wendy Clark (Prayer Partners)
Diane Chock (Signs of Love)
Team 4:Helen Davis
LuAnn Kasper
Dan Kasper (“Stage Right”)
Tom Haley (Sound)
Team 5:Cathy Angell
Lisa Erler
Josh Euerle (Lights)
Mark Gerber (Tech ArtsTeam Leader)
Team 6:Lori Young
Vern Heidner(RecordingDuplication)
Jon Parsons (Projection)
Don Abbott (Live Video)
Team 7:Ava Seger
Jaci Decker (Kingdom KidsChoir)
Marc Jackson (Media Services)
As you utilize this guide each day, pray for the leaders specifically assigned to your prayer team for the current month. The areas of ministry which they lead are indicated in bold, italicized print after their name is listed in the prayer team members.
June 2007:
Team 1 prays for:Vern Heidner & Marc Jackson
Team 2 prays for:Jon Parsons & Mark Gerber
Team 3 prays for:Brett & Melissa Krohn; Wendy Clark
Team 4 prays for:Jaci Decker & Candy Hary
Team 5 prays for:Tom Haley & Josh Euerle
Team 6 prays for:Dan Kasper & Diane Chock
Team 7 prays for:Pastor Skipp & Don Abbott
July 2007:
Team 1 prays for:Pastor Skipp & Don Abbott
Team 2 prays for:Vern Heidner & Marc Jackson
Team 3 prays for:Jon Parsons & Mark Gerber
Team 4 prays for:Brett & Melissa Krohn; Wendy Clark
Team 5 prays for:Jaci Decker & Candy Hary
Team 6 prays for:Tom Haley & Josh Euerle
Team 7 prays for:Dan Kasper & Diane Chock
August 2007:
Team 1 prays for:Dan Kasper & Diane Chock
Team 2 prays for:Pastor Skipp & Don Abbott
Team 3 prays for:Vern Heidner & Marc Jackson
Team 4 prays for:Jon Parsons & Mark Gerber
Team 5 prays for:Brett & Melissa Krohn; Wendy Clark
Team 6 prays for:Jaci Decker & Candy Hary
Team 7 prays for:Tom Haley & Josh Euerle
Summer 2007
“Never stop praying, especially for others. Always pray by the power of the Spirit. Stay alert and keep praying for God's people.”
(Ephesians 6:18 CEV)
Sunday – Spiritual Growth
- Pray for engaged conversation and relationship between our leaders and God.
- Pray for adequate study time in the Word that our leaders will “correctly handle the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15) and so that the “word of Christ would dwell richly” in them (Colossians 3:16).
- Pray for opportunities for our leaders to be accountable with trustworthy people in this area.
- Pray for adequate time for personal worship for our leaders, that they may “love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, and strength.” (Deuteronomy 6:5)
Monday – Leadership
- Pray for vision for our leaders within their area(s) of ministry.
- Pray for wisdom, discernment and decisiveness as they implement their vision for ministry.
(Continued next column)
- Pray for strength and the ability to clearly communicate as our leaders.
- Pray that our leaders will become “5 G” people, modeling Grace, Growth, Groups, Gifts and Good Stewardship as they live and lead.
Tuesday – Team Building/Meetings
- Pray for our leaders as they develop the teams they are leading, and that additional team members would become available as needs change within each ministry.
- Pray for the Worship Service Planning Team meeting held Tuesday mornings. Pray for wisdom, creativity, sensitivity and unity as this team plans the weekly services.
- Pray for monthly Tech meetings held the 2nd Saturday of each month and “Stage Right” team meetings held the 1stWednesday evening of each month.
Wednesday – Health & Physical Renewal
- Pray for wisdom for each leader that they will know when to rest and will do their part to take care of themselves.
- Pray for balance for each leader, that they will be able to juggle the demands of family, ministry and work and stay healthy.
- Pray that each leader will be an example to their team, encouraging their team to find balance in this area.
- Pray for safety for our leaders, that they will not be injured as they participate in ministry (especially for tech team members).
Thursday – Artistic Growth & Development
- Pray for time for each leader to dream…
- Pray for opportunities for each leader to experience growth through seminars and special events.
- Pray for time for each leader to write, paint, dance, express, and utilize all the gifts God has given them to keep their spirit renewed.
Friday - Ministry Specific Requests
- Pray for the current sermon series about becoming a G5 church, transforming people through Grace, Growth, Groups, Gifts and Good Stewardship. Pray also for the upcoming “I Must” series teaching us what Jesus knew he “must do” while he was here on earth.
- Pray for all the leadership teams as they transition from the school year into summer that God would guide, renew, equip, and impart vision as they prepare for the fall season.
- Pray for wisdom as the Technical Arts areas expand – that God will equip the various teams as we grow in this crucial area.
Saturday – Family
- Pray for healthy, strong relationships with spouses and their children for our leaders.
- Pray for quality time for our leaders and their families.
- Pray for vacation and break opportunities for our leaders and their families.
- Pray that the needs will be met for all family members of our leaders’ families, especially during busy seasons of ministry.
Interested in joining WA Prayer Partners?
Please contact Wendy Clark call 763-262-7797
or E-mail