February 16, 2009 - 6:30 pm

Location: 3489 Observatory Place (Cincinnati Observatory Center)


MLCC Board Members (08-09) / Role / Attending (Y/N)
John Brannock / President / Y
Jennifer Fairbanks / Vice President / Y
Matt Johnson / Treasurer / N
Jeff Waltz / Secretary / Y
Sean Foss / Marketing/PR / Y
Dave Beckett / Development / N
Eric Flamme / Membership / Y
Andy Park / Director at Large / Y
Mike Hurst / Director at Large / Y
Brian Kierce / Director at Large / Y
Trent Douthett / Director at Large / Y
Dave Mason / Director at Large / N
Betsy Sundermann / Director at Large / N


Motion Description / Yea / Nay / Passage
Approve the minutes from the January 19, 2009 meeting / 7 / 0 / Y
Not support the reclassification of property at 577 Delta Avenue as located in Mt. Lookout (vs. Columbia-Tusculum) / 9 / 0 / Y
Approve allocation of 2009 NSP and NBDIP funds as recommended by Treasurer Johnson / 9 / 0 / Y


· None

Officer and Committee Reports:

1.  President – John Brannock

·  The 2009 Mt. Lookout Golf Outing has been scheduled with California golf course for May 30, 2009 at 1:30 pm. The goal is to register at least 100 golfers. Sponsors should be contacted as soon as possible to support the event.

·  Andy Park reported on the Hyde Park Neighborhood Council’s recent meeting. They are soliciting participation (financial and/or volunteers) by MLCC for the July Fourth event. Hyde Park Community Council is attempting to make the event more family oriented. It was suggested that a Mt. Lookout resident be asked to serve on that organizing committee.

·  John Brannock is developing the Board member Role and Responsibility chart.

·  Andy Park reported on the MLCC Scholarship Board. A draft cover letter and application should be submitted to Rick Fehr as soon as possible. Scholarship applications, addressed to the Mt. Lookout Scholarship Board, will be due by May 1, 2009.

·  There was no report regarding the “Welcome to Mt. Lookout” project.

·  MLCC website update report is deferred until the next meeting. All material and suggestions should be forwarded to Brian Kierce and Trent Douthett

·  An update was given regarding the Mt. Lookout rezoning efforts. Mike Hurst presented a draft letter to be sent to Mt. Lookout residents, signed by John Brannock, explaining the status of the rezoning project and MLCC’s recommendation that the City of Cincinnati proceed with their efforts on the proposed rezoning. Any revisions to the draft letter should be forwarded to Mike Hurst by February 18. After that date, the letter will be forwarded to the city zoning department for mailing to all Mt. Lookout residents. This rezoning issue should be going before Cincinnati City Council in the near future.

2.  Vice President – Jennifer Fairbanks

·  No report

3.  Treasurer – Matt Johnson (absent)

·  Matt Johnson’s email recommending the allocation of 2009 Neighborhood Support Program (NSP) and Neighborhood Business District Improvement Program (NBDIP) funds to Mt. Lookout projects was discussed and the allocation of funds were approved as recommended by Matt Johnson. (NBDIP funds - $7,000 on landscaping for Mt. Lookout Square and NSP funds as follows: $2,000 for Luminaria materials, $1000 for landscaping and $3,000 for community gatherings/communication).

4.  Fundraising – Brian Kierce/Betsy Sunderman

·  No Report

5.  Marketing / PR – Sean Foss

·  Sean Foss led a discussion regarding publication of The Observer. It was suggested that the on-line edition of The Observer be published on an “as needed” basis instead of a set schedule. Writing and editing continues on the paper edition that should be finalized and mailed soon. Printing companies are still being investigated

6.  Membership – Eric Flamme

·  Deferred until the public meeting

7.  Miscellaneous Topics

·  An email request from Emily T. Supinger, an attorney with Manley Burke, was discussed. Ms. Supinger, on behalf of the owner of the condominium development located at 577 Delta Avenue, asked for MLCC’s support of a petition to reclassify that property as being located in Mt. Lookout instead of the Hamilton County Auditor’s listing as Columbia-Tusculum. This petition would be presented to either the Hamilton County Auditor’s Office and/or MLS. During the ensuing discussion it was determined that an area map from January 2004 indicated that the area in question was not a part of Mt. Lookout. Based upon this information and the consensus of MLCC members, the Board decided not to support a petition to reclassify the property as being located in Mt. Lookout.

Public Meeting - 7:30 pm

Fire Department Update

·  Fireman R. Inman reported that the fire department continues their annual check of fire hydrants. He asked that residents be careful to not cover the hydrants with snow when clearing their drives and sidewalks as it is sometimes difficult for the department to locate hydrants when covered. He also reported there were 33 runs so far during February, which included 6 fire runs and 7 EMS runs.

Police Department Update

·  Captain Doug Wiesman, District 2 Commander, reported on a January meeting where 14 community councils were represented. There were seven December police academy graduates that will be assigned to District 2 and these graduates are additions to the current District 2 force. Captain Wiesman continues to emphasize crime scene investigation training. When questioned, he reported that he believed 2009 staffing levels within the District will remain unchanged, but he could not forecast 2010. He did express a concern that since fewer criminals are being incarcerated due to limited jail capacity, there may be a resulting increase in crime. Captain Wiesman is also seeking additional funds to allow for more patrols and police visibility.

·  Officer Dwayne Dawson (Community Liaison) presented the crime report for the area. In December, there were 11 petty thieves (mostly from automobiles), while January 2009 crimes were lower, possibility due to the extreme weather during the month. The non-emergency police dispatch telephone number is 765-1212.

Guest Speakers

·  Molly M. Reidel, Sales Vice President at Sibcy Cline Realtors, presented an update on the Mt. Lookout real estate market. While it is currently considered a “buyer’s market,” sellers can be successful if the house is priced correctly. She offered tips for selling houses and distributed area real estate sale statistics for 2007 and 2008. The average sales price for the Mt. Lookout area declined in 2008 to $341,041 (from $374,214 in 2007).

·  Colleen Wilder, Hamilton County Fair official, reported on the 2009 Hamilton County Fair to be held August 11th through 16th at the fairgrounds in Carthage. There is a new ride and concession operator for 2009 and the hope is for more family and community involvement and attendance. The 4H program is expanding and encompasses much more than just agriculture programs. Go to the fair’s website for more information.

Cincinnati Recreation Commission (CRC) Update

·  No report

MLCC President Update – John Brannock
·  John Brannock presided over the recognition of the Mt. Lookout Community Council Past Presidents. Andy Park, most immediate past president, oversaw the beginning of the square revitalization project and the development of the website and email distribution systems during his term. Will Brown, MLCC president prior to Andy Park, was instrumental in championing Mt. Lookout’s interests during the expansion of Lunken Airport. Under his tenure, the council was also rebranded as a community council versus a civic club. Both Past Presidents were presented an engraved gavel and afforded a hearty round of applause.

·  Reported that Mt. Lookout was one of a few communities in the city to meet the recycling goal challenge issued by the City of Cincinnati. As such, Mt. Lookout received a $250 award for use in the community. Those funds will be used in furtherance of the community’s recycling efforts.

MLCC Vice President Update – Jennifer Fairbanks

·  No report

MLCC Treasurer Update – Matt Johnson (absent)

·  No report

MLCC Membership Update – Eric Flamme

·  At the end of 2008, there were 64 paid members of the MLCC. The goal for 2009 is 100 members. The annual membership fee remains $20 and can be purchased or renewed on-line (, in person or by sending in a membership form. As a thank you for joining, individuals receive a membership card that includes Mt. Lookout business offers valued in excess of $100. Proceeds from membership revenue help fund community events and activities (e.g., the Fall Festival and the Holiday Meeting/Party), new landscaping, seasonal flags and decorations, website maintenance and publication of The Observer.

MLCC Miscellaneous topics

·  Trent Douthett presented an update on the progress of MLCC’s rezoning recommendation to the city. Additional information can be found on the MLCC website under the “ABOUT MLCC – MLCC News” tab.

·  Andy Park discussed the progress of the Mt. Lookout Square revitalization project. First phase funding of $550,000 was approved in January 2009. Mt. Lookout Community Development Corporation (MLCDC) will apply for another $650,000 in April 2009. When funding is in place, square reconstruction can start in late 2009 or 2010. It will be the recommendation of MLCDC to begin work in 2010 to avoid the extra costs associated with two-phase (2009 and 2010) construction. Publicly raised funds will also be needed to add additional improvements (e.g., trees and benches) to the square and business district. Volunteers are needed to help procure grant funds, sell naming rights and solicit private donations. Those interested in participating should send an email expressing interest to .

·  The Mt. Lookout Foundation, formed in 2008, is currently seeking approval for 501(c)(3) status from the Internal Revenue Service.

Attendee Questions-Comments

·  Can the trash cans in the Square, especially those in front of Aqua or other businesses, be emptied more often? Many times on the weekend they are overflowing onto the pavement.

- It was suggested that when this occurs, please call the City of Cincinnati 24 hour customer service line (591-6000).

·  There was a concern expressed that there have been incidences of property destruction and damage when the neighborhood bars closed at 2:00 am.

- It was noted that MTL and Millions bars do hire police until 3:30 am on Friday and Saturday nights and while they cannot patrol everywhere, their presence does help limit the nuisance.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:04 pm. The next public meeting will be held at 7:30 pm on Monday, April 20, 2009, in the Christ The King Church cafeteria (3223 Linwood Avenue).

Respectfully submitted,

Jeffrey P. Waltz

Secretary, MLCC

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