Table S1. Major population-based HIV-1 cohorts in the World

Cohort / Design and description / Enrollment date / Sample size / Population / Refs
United States
ALIVE (AIDS Link to theIntravenous Experience) / Prospective cohort of injectingdrug users / 1988–1989 / 1042 (SC, SP and EU) / 92% AA / [1]
HGDS Hemophilia Growth and Development Study) / Prospective cohort ofchildren withhemophilia exposed to HIV-1 throughblood products from 14 hemophilia treatment centers / 1988–1990 / 333 (SC, SP and EU) / 72% EA and 11% AA / [1]
MACS (Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study) / Prospective cohort: MSM / 1984–1985 / 1695 (SC, SP and EU) / 83% EA
and 10% AA / [1]
MHCS (Multicenter Hemophilia Cohort Study) / Prospective cohortof persons withhemophilia exposed to HIV-1 throughblood products from 16 hemophilia treatment centers / 1982–1986 / 2669 (SC, SP and EU) / 90% EA and 6% AA / [1]
SFCC (San FranciscoCity Clinic) / Prospective cohort ofMSMat the San Francisco municipal sexually transmitted disease clinic / 1978–1980 / 225 (SC, SP and EU) / 96% EA / [1]
WHMC(WilfordHallMedicalCenter) / US Air Force (USAF) section of the Tri-Service AIDS Clinical Consortium (TACC) at the WHMC; a prospective cohort / 1988 / 515 SC, 623 SP / 55% EA, 36% AA, / [87]
HIV Elite Controllers Consortium / HIV Elite Controller Study;individuals maintainingviral loads of less than 50 copies/ml;case–controlor retrospective cohort design
( / Since 2006 / 1000 controllers / NA / [88]
Euro-CHAVI / Center for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Immunology: a consortiumof nine European HIV-1 cohorts;case–control and prospective cohort design / various / 486 withset point viral load; 805 progressors or non-progressors / European / [71]
SHCS (Swiss HIV Cohort Study) / Retrospective and prospective HIV-1 cohort in Switzerland( / Since 1988 / 805 (259 SC) HIV positive patients, follow-up of average 7 years / European / [89]
ACS (Amsterdam cohort studies) / ProspectiveHIV cohort studies at Amsterdam / 1984–1986 / 364 MSM (131 SC, 233 SP) plus
120 HIV-1 infected / European / [90]
GRIV (Genomics of Resistance to Immunodeficiency Virus) / Case–control design; non-progressors with a CD4+ cell count >500/mm3 for 8 or more years after seroconversion;rapid progressorswith CD4+ cell count <300/mm3 in <3 years / In 1995 / 85 rapid progressors and 275 non-progressors / French Caucasians / [17,69]
ANRS (Agence Nationale de Recherches sur le Sida et les Hépatites Virales; France)SEROCO cohort / Prospective SC / 1988–1995 / 373untreated SC / French / [91]
ANRS (France) PRIMO cohort / Prospective SC cohort enrolled patients during primary HIV-1 infection in 81 French hospitals / Since 1996 / 605 SC / French / [68]
German HIV-1 Seroconverter Study / ProspectiveSC cohort / In 1997 / 648 SC (496 therapy-naïve;80%MSM and 12%heterosexual)
/ German / [92]
Botswana acute
Infection study / Prospective cohortenrolled patientsduring acute infection in Botswanacohort ( / Current / Recruiting / African
South Africa CAPRISA(Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa) / Prospective cohortenrolled High risk individuals for HIV-1 infection in Durban, South Africa.( / 2004–2005 / 245 uninfected high-risk women and 28 who became SC / African / [93]
ANRS (France) PRIMO-CI cohort / SC cohort in Côte d'Ivoire / 1997–2006 / 148 SC / African / [91]
Kenya; PSWC
(Pumwani Sex Female Worker Cohort) / Prospective cohort following up female sex workersat Pumwani,Nairobi / Open cohort since 1985 / 277 SP or SC, 87 uninfected female, follow-up twice a year / African / [94]
Zambia; couples / Prospective cohort of HIV-1 discordant Zambian couples / 1995–2006 / 429 couple pairs / African / [95]
Africa-MTCT (Mother to Child Transmission Study) / Prospective cohort of Sub-Saharan Africa mother-to-infant transmission, originally for the Vitamin A trail and ARV trail in South Africa, Malawian and Uganda / 1995–1999 / 980 mother-infant pairs / African / [96]
Total enrollment / 19797

Abbreviations: AA, African American; EA, European American; EU, HIV-1 exposed uninfected; HREU,

high-risk, exposed uninfected individuals; MSM, men who have sex with men;SC, seroconverters; SP, seroprevalents.