Clark County GIS Data Committee

May 18, 2017 1


Clark County Government Center

500 South Grand Central Pkwy.

4th Floor, Gold Room 4047

Las Vegas, NV 89155

Thursday, May 18, 2017

9:30 am – 11:00 am


MEMBERS PRESENT: Ryan Kammerer (Mesquite), Brian Bolduc (Clark County GISMO), Michael Todd (CCRFCD), Todd Gurnee (RTCSNV), Hetal Luhar (SNHD), (CofH/Alternate), Tommie Weckesser (CofH) and Jason Hall (CCWRD)

1.  Call to Order

a. Conformance with Nevada Open Meeting Law: The meeting was called to order at approximately 9:32 am. There are seven (7) voting members present, so there was a quorum today.

b. Introduction of Data Committee Members and Guests: Everyone introduced themselves.

2.  Presentation by Federal Aviation Agency (FAA), Scott French and Nicholas Colvin

Scott French and Nicolas Colvin, both with the FAA Department, gave a 40 minute presentation on Las Vegas Air Traffic and Drones. Together they discussed an overview of the FAA’s policies and procedures regarding the flying of drones in Las Vegas proper. They covered three categories; Public Operations, Commercial Operations (Part 107) and Recreational Operations (Part 101).

They addressed such topics as the legalities of flying drones in the Las Vegas Valley, UAS, three ways to legally fly drones in the Las Vegas area; Commercial and other Operations, and Recreational Operations. They talked at length about small UAS rule – Part 107, Part 107 Basics, Operating Rules, and Part 107 Airspace Requirements. Part 107 Operating Storing Requirements, UAS forecast, UAS Facility Map, UAS Aerial Maps, ATC Authorization process (no one can fly drones over people), UAS Outreach and Education, Part 107 Authorizations (Air Traffic Controllers), Part 107 Authorizations and showed examples of a waiver and the local Las Vegas Waiver for line-of-sight flying (where you can see your drone flying), daylight and night-time operations and flight for multiple UAS’s. The FAA is working on a flight authorization automated system, but it will take about a year to implement.

Each said they were responsible for giving authorization for flying on behalf of the FAA. The presentation also included how the public can report unsafe UAS activity. Time was let to answer questions from committee members. They said waivers are good for six months and it’s based on a queue system. Brian told committee members he would send out contact information on the FAA presenters.

Contact Info for Scott French

725-800-7068 tel

702-715-4395 cel

3.  Administrative Action

a. Approval of Agenda: A motion was made and seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

b. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried.

4.  Sub-Committee Reports

a. Open Data Portal, Tommie Weckesser, City of Henderson IT

Brian reported this sub-committee did not meet this month.

b. Master Address Database, Brian Bolduc, Clark County GISMO

Brian reported this is going to involve the Assessor’s Office as well as OpenData. He said the Assessor’s Office approved of the data and they will implement it when the Interlocal expires with the start of the new fiscal year.

5.  Nevada GIS 2017 Conference, Brian Bolduc, Clark County GISMO

Brian asked how many members attended this conference and what their experiences were. Tommie reported 138 people attended this conference and thanked those who attended. Tommie said they did make some money from the conference and this will be used to create a scholarship. Tommie said about 20% of the attendees come from other agencies outside of ‘GIS’, such as the BLM.

6.  Interlocal Agreement, Brian Bolduc, Clark County GISMO

Brian said that agencies who do not enter into the Interlocal Agreement may elect to sign a ‘Memo of Understanding’ which the County’s legal department is writing at this time. This is so agencies can continue to share GIS data between those agencies.

7.  2017 Aerial Photography/LiDAR Update, Judy Brandt, Southern Nevada Water Authority

Judy Brandt reported the data has been collected and everything is looking good. Judy expressed a concern about the Interlocal Agreement and Brian said the Water District has been a leader in providing monetary support of the aerials.

8.  Comments by the General Public

Ø  Brian Bolduc, (CC GISMO) said they are getting the new servers up, as well as a whole new infrastructure and that it would be mostly likely a three month project. Discussion followed. He also said they are also working on their NearMap contract, and they have found out they have tripled the number that they have used. He said four agencies primarily use NearMap.

Ø  Tommie Weckesser (CofH) talked about their MapService and wondered which one was better. Brian said he would be glad to help her.

Ø  Judy Brandt (SNWA) said she could get a drone vendor in to give a presentation and asked if committee members would be interested in this kind of presentation. She said they would talk about drone technology and also discuss risk management pertaining to drones. Discussion followed. Brian asked committee members if this was of interest and it was agreed such a presentation would be good for the June 15, 2017 meeting. Judy will make the arrangements.

9.  Agenda for next meeting – June 15, 2017

8. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:45 a.m.