Victoria Park Kindergarten

Improvement Plan Questionnaire for Parents


Dear Parents

Each year the staff and children review the progress we have made in teaching and learning and school improvement and identify areas of focus for continued improvement for the future. This self-review and evaluation is part of our ongoing nursery self review and improvement cycle and helps us to devise the ‘Improvement Plan’.

We are looking to indicate our development priorities for 2009 - 2012. Any suggestions and any further areas of development will be included in a new version of the Improvement Plan which will be formulated at the end of the Summer term. Throughout the year you will receive updates about our progress in the Improvement Plan and it is very important that all members of the school community have the opportunity to contribute towards this plan. All parents and staff are asked to contribute as of course, are the children, who are asked for their views regularly.

We would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete the attached questionnaire, so that your suggestions can be included. Please return the questionnaire to Tracy in a sealed envelope. This document will also be available on the nursery website( and you are able to submit this electronically if you wish, sending it to

Tracy Patterson

Nursery Manager

The Questionnaire

I have divided the questionnaire into 4 headings:

·  Personal Development & Wellbeing

·  Achievement, Standards, Teaching & Learning

·  Care, Guidance & Support

·  Leadership & Management

Please mark the relevant box with a number rating 1 = strongly agree - 5 = strongly disagree to show your answer to each question. There is also space for you to add any comments you wish.

1 to 5
Agree Disagree
Personal Development & Wellbeing
My child is happy and likes coming to school
The information I received when my child started school was very good
Transition arrangements were good and my child settled in quickly
Children are taught to appreciate people who have different backgrounds to their own
Racism is not tolerated
Any issues my child has had have been dealt with
I feel involved in the education of my child
My child has a good knowledge of how to keep healthy
Achievement, Standards, Teaching & Learning / 1 to 5
Agree Disagree
I think teaching in the school is good
Staff have high expectations of children
The school expects my child to work hard and achieve his or her best
My child is making good progress
I am kept well-informed about my child’s progress
I have opportunities to talk to my child’s key worker
The curriculum is exciting, interesting and meaningful to my child
Leadership & Management / 1 to 5
Agree Disagree
I am always made to feel welcome at Victoria Park
I am kept up-to-date and informed about what is going on at nursery
The nursery has a clear vision for improvement
The nursery is led and managed well
I would feel comfortable about approaching the nursery with questions or a problem
Issues are dealt with quickly
There have been improvements to the building and environment
The nursery works closely with parents / carers
Care, Guidance & Support *please answer if your child has special educational needs / 1 to 5
Agree Disagree
The school makes it easy for children with a Special / Additional Educational Need to come to the school*
My child’s additional needs are catered for and he/she is well integrated into the school community*
There is good provision for children identified as more able
The children at behave well
Staff at Victoria Park encourage all children to do their best
Victoria Park helps with learning and all intentions properly explained
Behaviour in the nursery is good
The nursery provides an interesting range of activities outside playroom e.g. visits, community, outdoors.
What do you feel to be the particular strengths of the school?
Please add any comments about the school which you think might help to make it a better place for your child(ren)

Thank you for completing this questionnaire

Child’s Name: / Playroom

You can remain anonymous if you prefer.