Newsletter Volume 1 Issue 3November 1, 2013
Washington DC
The 8th grade Washington DC Trip will take off Monday, November 8th and return Thursday, November 11th. Students are to arrive at the school by 8:00 PM for bag check with departure @ 9:15PM.
Veterans Day
Veterans Day will be honored once again at Tri-County North Local Schools. Every student at Tri-County North will have the opportunity to enjoy and participate in a program that honors the veterans of the United States of America. Students will get a short glimpse of what makes a person a veteran and to see local veterans who have served our country. This program is open to veterans and guests and Tri-County North would like to invite anyone to come and witness this truly great program put on by the students and staff at Tri-County North. The program starts at 1:00 P. M. and will end at approximately 2:00 P. M. on Friday, November 15th. We can’t wait to see you and God Bless the U. S. A.
Parent-Teacher Confernces
Parent Teacher conferences are just around the corner. November 14th, TCNMS will be hosting parent teacher conferences from 2:30 PM to 8:30 PM. For the first time all of four grades in the middle school will be conducting student-led conferences. This gives every student and parent the opportunity to come in and review materials their students have learned. You will also have the opportunity to talk with teachers if you have questions. If you have any questions, please contact the middle school office at 962-2631 or 833-3075.
Quiz Team
The Middle School Quiz team ended their season with a perfect season as UNDEFEATED Preble County Champions! Congratulations to Brady Bateman, Dylan Bateman, Greg Ras, Ethan Browning, Noah Daugherty, Alex Boggs, and Cheyenne Rauch! The quiz team ended their season with eight wins against zero losses. It is nice to see TCNMS represented so well not only here in Preble County, but they had wins against teams from Darke and Montgomery County. This is the second year TCNMS has completed an undefeated season. I would also like to recognize Mr. Jim Conway, quiz team advisor, for his leadership of the team.
Recess/Lunch Room
With the winter season just around the corner, I want to remind 5th and 6th grade students and parents to dress appropriately for recess. We will be going outside for recess unless the temperature drops below 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure that you wear a warm coat, hat, and gloves to school and to recess. We want our students to have a fun, yet warm recess outside.
During lunch students should abide by all school rules and when finished eating, they should be respectful to themselves and others.
Upcoming Dates
November 1st – Report Cards sent home
November 3rd – Daylight Saving Time Ends
November 14th – Parent-Teacher Conferences
2:30 PM – 8:30 PM
November 15th – Veteran’s Day Program
November 15th – End of 1st Trimester
November 18th-21st Washington D.C. Trip
November 27th – 29th – Thanksgiving Break
December 7th – All Day, All Schools Christmas Music Program
Ohio Achievement Assessments
Mark your calendars. Tri-County North Middle School has scheduled the dates for the Ohio Achievement Assessments for the 2013 – 2014 school year. TCNMS will be giving the assessments during the weeks of April 21st– 25thand April 28th – May 2nd. 6th and 7th grade students will take the reading and math state assessments on Tuesday (22nd) and Thursday (24th), respectively. 5th and 8th grade students will take the reading, math, and science state assessments on Tuesday (29th), Wednesday (30th), and Thursday (May 1st), respectively. Please do not plan any vacation or doctor appointments during this time, so to give our students the best opportunity to do well on these assessments.
Students of the Month
Students of the month were selected for the month of October. Students showed their PRIDE, being Prepared, Respectful, Involved, Disciplined, and Expecting success. The students were 5th grade Jaelyn Hawkins 6th grade Bethany Salyers, 7th grade Blake Noble, 8th grade Patrick Timmons. They were treated to lunch at our local pizza place with Mrs. Clift.