Billing Specialist 101
How to create a bill –
Billing/Maintain Bills/Standard Billing
1. Bill Entry Screen – Add a new value
Bill Type Identifier – 001
Bill Source – 008
Customer – hit magnifying glass to look up customer number
Click on Add
2. Header – Info 1
Bill Inquiry Phone – change to your phone number
Billing Specialist – change to your 008-XX
Change Invoice Form to “No Print” if the customer should not receive the invoice.
Click on Next
3. Address Info
Attention to (Contact) - change to correct contact name if necessary
Location – change to correct location if need to, most attention to & locations are linked so if you change the attn. to the location might be correct, remember the location number to complete the next step.
Click on Next
4. Header – Order Info
PO Ref – enter PO # if there is one
Ship to – re-enter the Bill to number (Customer #) on the top of the page
Ship loc – enter the same location number from the previous page
Click on Next
5. Header Note
Enter any Notes for entire bill here
Click on Next
6. Line Info 1
Identifier – choose Foundation Transfer if billing UMF, otherwise choose non-taxable, you may want to copy this field if you are entering multiple lines.
Description – enter fund number if billing a foundation or a short description for everything else
Qty – enter amount
Unit Price – enter price per item or draw down amount if from a foundation
Click on the plus sign if you need to enter more than one line
Click on Next when you are done
7. Line Note – add note text if needed, the long description of each item (for UMF invoices, enter description of the request and Foundation Fund #)
Click on Next
8. Acctg-Rev Distribution
Add chartstring information and amounts or enter 008-xxx in the code box and it will automatically populate the accounting information. (This will only work if codes are set up.)
9. Back to Header Info 1
Invoice form defaults to XMLPUB which means the invoice will print, choose no-print if doing a wire transfer or a UMF bill
Status – change to ready
Click on Save
10. If you need to print an invoice from your desk rather than having Accounts Receivable print it and send it out, click on the invoice icon in the top right of your screen. You are then responsible for making sure the vendor receives the invoice. (To retrieve copy go to People Tools Process Monitor View Log/Trace look for Invoice xxx.pdf)
How to add/change customer information –
When you receive new customer information, you should go check it in the billing system first to see if the customer, customer address, customer contact already exists. Jot down any information relating to that customer that you find. For example, customer number, address location number etc.
Go to Customers Customer Information UM Maintain Customer Request
How to Cancel a bill or Cancel a bill and re-bill it
Billing/Maintain Bills/Adjust Entire Bill
1. Enter the invoice number that needs to be credited or corrected and re-billed.
2. Select Search then click on search results
3. Under Select Bill Adjustment Action, choose Credit Entire Bill if you are cancelling the invoice or Credit & Rebill if you are just fixing it. Click on Save.
4. For the Credit bill – click on Header Info 1 to go into the bill.
5. Go to the Header Note section and enter the reason for the credit and rebill
6. Go back to the Header Info 1 page and click save, change status to PND (change to ‘No Print’ if vendor should not get a copy of credit invoice)
7. For the Rebill bill – click on Header Info 1
8. Make the necessary changes to correct the bill
9. Go to Header Info 1 page, make sure PND is in the status back and click on Save.
To Reprint an Invoice
Billing/Locate Bills/Bills Invoiced
1. Put the customer number in the ID box and hit search
2. The search will pull up several invoices – put a check in the box to the left of the invoice(s) you want to print. (If invoice does not show up, go to ‘Customer’ in drop down box in ‘Bill Search Results’ section.)
3. Then click on the print button.
4. Navigate to People Tools/Process Monitor/View Log/Trace Look for
5. Keep clicking on the Refresh button until EFS says your report is posted. Then click on the blue report name on the left to pull up your invoice.
6. You can either print it or save it to a PDF file and send it to someone.
To Print an A/R aging report (see “SOP – A-R Aging – Tracking and Follow-Up” for more info)
Accounts Receivable/Receivables Analysis/Aging/Aging by Chartfield Rpt
1. Enter a Run control ID
2. Enter Deptid
3. Enter Program Code
4. Enter Fund Code
5. Click on Save and then on Run
6. Server Name should be on PSNT and then hit OK
7. Wait a little bit and then click on Report Manager
8. Click on the Administration Tab and you should see something that starts with “AR30…”
9. Click Refresh until you see the Status say “Posted”
10. Click on the Blue “AR30…” under description and your report will pull up. You can print it if you want or save it as a PDF.
UMF (see “UMF, Endowments and Gifts to University” SOP for more information)
1. People should e-mail you when they want you to draw down.
2. Enter the bill into EFS. On the Header Info 1 page, leave the default to Crystal.
3. On the Acctg-Rev Distribution page: Use Fund 1701, Account 540101, and CF1 of UMF00xxxx. (The ‘xxxx’ refers to the UMF fund # being invoiced.)
4. When the status has been changed to Ready and then saved, click on the print button on the upper right hand side to print the actual invoice.
5. Print off the invoice and get the account managers signature.
6. Email to UMF along with the signed Disbursement Authorization.
Regents of the University of Minnesota
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PO Box 1450
Minneapolis, MN 55485-5960
s:Deans Office Share\Finance\Accounting SOP\list of SOP’s\Deposits & Billing