St Mungo’s Academy

Parent Council


21st November 2016


Attendees: AMilton; DCurrie; JBradley; JHillhouse; JMcInlay; PMcWatt

Other invitees: MRoach


  1. Prayer
  1. Establishing the Council:

Purpose of St Mungo’s Academy Parent Council will:

  • Engage the parent forum to identify what they require to work well in partnership with the school to improve outcomes for our children;
  • Support parents to know, understand and engage with the work of the school;
  • Engage with the local community;
  • Focus on bringing out the best of our young people.
  1. Practicalities: roles, responsibilities and meetings

Office Bearers

The following parents agreed to take on the following roles:

  • Secretary - Joanne
  • Treasurer - Jacqueline
  • Chairperson - Jim
  • Vice chair - Donald

The Parent Council will communicate through the following channels:

  • Letters;
  • A parent council email address;
  • ()
  • A parent council Facebook and Twitter presence;
  • / (@stmungosacpc)
  • Parent Council Leaflet;
  • Parents area on school website;
  • Through the school office (dookit).

Immediate focus:

The Parent Council will focus on engaging with the parent forum to increasing its membership and to identify priority areas of interest or concern for parents. To do this, the Council will look to:

  • Attend S3 and S1 parents nights
  • Canvass and survey he parent forum (money available for translators)
  • Canvass student council
  • Supported study and expectations


A bank account exists for the Parent Council with a current balance of approximately £2000.


Training opportunities and support for Parent Council members is available.

  1. Consultation: Vision, Values and Aims

AMilton distributed the latest version of the school’s Vision, Values and Aims document for the Council to review and provide feedback at the next meeting.

  1. AOCB


  • S3 parents night: Jacqueline/Donald (28/11/16 – 4.30-6.30)
  • S1 parents night: Jim/Joanne (5/12/16 – 4.30-6.30)
  • Produce draft Parent Council Leaflet – Joanne to email all members to review (by Friday 25/11/16)
    The leaflet will include:
  • Introduction and statement of purpose
  • Facebook / twitter account link
  • Outlook account - Joanne
  • Invitation to invite more parents to participate
  • Email, facebook and twitter accounts to be created – Joanne
  • Email addresses, minute and school logo to be distributed to all members - Paul
  • Dates of meetings (all Mondays at 7pm in the school) – Donald to check with rota:
  • 16th January
  • 13th February
  • 13th March
  • 24th April
  • 15th May
  • 12th June

Handout– from

What is the Parent Forum?

The 2006 Parental Involvement Act states that every school in Scotland has a Parent Forum which consists of all the parents/carers who have a child at the school. They are automatically members, whether they like it or not! The Parent Forum can expect to:

  • receive information about the school
  • decide on the format of the Parent Council and how it operates
  • identify issues for the Parent Council
  • be consulted by the Parent Council
  • express views through the Parent Council.

Are there any rules about who should be on our Parent Council?

Although the number of members is not specified in the legislation, there are certain things that are fixed:

  • The majority of Parent Council members must be parents of children at the school.
  • The definition of “parent” is very wide and includes everyone with a parenting role with regards to a pupil; this could include foster parents, family members who have care of a child and divorced/separated couples.
  • The Chairperson must be a parent with children at the school.
  • The Parent Council should promote equality and fairness in their activities and recognise the diversity in the school community.
  • The Headteacher (or his/her representative) has a right and a duty to attend all Parent Council meetings.
  • In denominational schools, the local church can nominate a representative.

What are the main duties of the Parent Council?

The first duty of the Parent Council is to represent the views of the parents at the school. The duties of a Parent Council are not laid down in legislation so it is up to each Parent Forum to decide what they want their PC to do. This should be detailed in the constitution. There are many things a Parent Council could get involved in, including:

  • Supporting the work of the school, for example, by advising the school on its policies
  • Being involved in the appointment of senior staff
  • Organising social and fundraising events
  • Promoting contact between all parents and the rest of the school community
  • Discussing anything that’s of interest to parents
  • Ensuring all parents from different backgrounds are listened to and understand what the Parent Council does

What are the main responsibilities of the PC to the Parent Forum?

The Parent Forum (all parents at the school) can expect the following from the Parent Council:

  • To receive information about the PC and its activities
  • To be invited to be involved in PC activities, such as subcommittees
  • To be asked for their opinion by the PC on issues relating to the school community
  • To have all views represented in an equal and fair way
  • To participate in how the PC is organised and how it operates, for example making changes to the constitution
  • To be inclusive and recognise the diversity in Scottish schools by involving all types of parents.

What is the role of the Headteacher on the Parent Council?

The Headteacher has a right and a duty to attend meetings of the Parent Council or s/he can send a representative. Of course, it might not always be necessary for the Head to be at a meeting, for example if you are discussing arrangements for an event.

The Headteacher is an advisor to the Parent Council and does not have a vote.

The Parent Council may ask the Headteacher to report to their meetings but remember that parents decide on the agenda and the HT’s report should not dominate proceedings.

The Headteacher should involve the Parent Council in the School Improvement Plan and encourage them to have an active role in the development/review of school policies.

Possible areas to support parents:

  • Supporting the parenting of teenagers
  • Communicating with the parent forum
  • Opportunities to volunteer
  • Supporting learning at home
  • Consultation and decision-making
  • Engaging with the wider community

A Model Constitution for Parent Councils


The Parent Forum must decide the name of the Parent Council – the committee could select a number of names and put this to a vote. It does not have be called a Parent Council; it could be a “Friends of” group, for example. The name should tell people what the Council stands for and what it is trying to achieve.


  1. to promote close co-operation and communication between parents and teachers
  2. to study and discuss matters of mutual interest relating to the education and welfare of pupils
  3. to engage in activities which support and advance the education of pupils attending the school

The aims should be general so that the Parent Council is not restricted in its activities.


The Parent Council shall have the power to do anything considered by them to be in furtherance of the aims but remembering that they are there to represent the views of the Parent Forum.


The membership consists of parents/carers of children attending Merrydown Primary School as selected by the Parent Forum.

There are no set rules about the size of a Parent Council and it is up to the parents to decide how large/small the Parent Council should be. It is a good idea to allow for a range rather than a fixed number of members.


The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held in (any convenient month) each year. The notice calling the meeting shall be sent to the Parent Forum at least two weeks in advance.

The business shall include:-

  1. the work of the Parent Council
  2. approval of the accounts
  3. appointment of an individual who will review the annual accounts
  4. any resolutions submitted by the Parent Forum
  5. election of members to serve on the Parent Council

At all general meetings voting shall be on the basis of one vote per parent/full Parent Council member present at the meeting.

At all general meetings the quorum shall consist of (any number)*.

As long as all parents have been told of the meeting and of the main items of business in adequate time, there is no need to have a large quorum which might be difficult to achieve and which might prevent the Parent Council from holding a proper AGM. * A number between 5 and 20 – perhaps equal to the number of Council members – depending on the size of the school – would be appropriate.

The Parent Council or (any number)* of the Parent Forum shall have the power to call an Extraordinary General Meeting.

Again, we suggest a number equal to the number of Parent Council members.


Members of the Parent Council shall be appointed at the AGM. They shall be elected for a one year term and be eligible for re-election. Parents shall always form the majority of the Parent Council.

The term of office can be anything you choose but “one year” and “eligible for re-election” offers the greatest flexibility.

The office bearers will be chairperson, secretary, treasurer and such others as may be required. The office bearers will be elected by the Parent Council at the first meeting after the AGM.

Although there is no requirement to have office bearers, there are clear tasks that have to be done. It is possible to have office bearers elected at the AGM. The advantage of having them appointed by the Parent Council is that if someone has to stand down during the year, a replacement can be appointed without having to call an Extraordinary General Meeting.

The Parent Council may co-opt any other member to fill a vacancy occurring between AGMs. The co-opted members shall retire at each AGM but shall be eligible for election.

The Headteacher or his/her representative has a right and a duty to attend meetings of the Parent Council.

The Headteacher attends meetings in an advisory capacity and does not have voting rights unless these are given by the Parent Council/Parent Forum.

The Parent Council shall invite the church/denominational body to nominate a representative to be co-opted onto the Parent Council.

This in only mandatory in denominational schools.

The Parent Council may co-opt up to (insert a figure which has been agreed by the Parent Forum)to help carry out its functions. The co-opted members shall retire at the AGM but shall be eligible to be co-opted for a further term.

Each member of the Parent Council shall have one vote and resolutions shall be passed by a simple majority vote of those present. The Chairperson shall have both a deliberative and casting vote. The Chairperson’s casting vote shall be used only in the event of a tie.

The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping accurate minutes of all meetings and shall make these available upon request to any member of the Parent Forum.

A member of the Parent Council failing to attend three consecutive meetings without reason/apologies may be deemed to have retired from the Parent Council.

It may also be useful to think about what to do if a member acts in a way that is not within the aims/objectives of the Parent Council or brings it into disrepute. It may not be necessary to write this into the constitution but it may be a good idea to have guidelines/procedures in writing.


Meetings of the Parent Council shall be held as required. At all meetings of the Parent Council a third of members, at least two of whom are office bearers, shall form quorum.

A quorum is only valid if all the Parent Council members have been informed of the meeting, and sent notice of the items of business, in advance.

All Parent Council meetings shall be open and any member of the Parent Forum may attend although they will not have voting rights.


The funds of the Parent Council shall be lodged in a bank, building society or other account in the name of the Parent Council. Cheques shall be drawn or withdrawals made against the signatures of at least two named Parent Council members.

If there is a Parent Council clerk then they may be added to this clause.

The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping accurate records of the financial transactions of the Parent Council. The books shall be brought to balance six weeks before the AGM and the accounts shall be reviewed by an individual appointed at the previous AGM by the Parent Forum.

The individual does not have to be a qualified accountant, just someone who is comfortable working with figures, who is not a member of or related to a member of the Parent Council and whom everyone trusts.

The Parent Council shall be responsible for ensuring that all property/money received by/for the Parent Forum/Council shall be applied for the aims of the Parent Council.

“Aims of the Parent Council” include “supporting and advancing the education of the pupils”, eg buying computers etc. Wrangles over money are the most common cause of problems for parents’ groups. It is important to keep good records and it helps if the Parent Council determines how the money they have raised is spent – that it is not simply handed over to the school. A report should be made to the Parent Forum at the AGM (see “General Meetings – business”) of what’s been bought.


Changes or additions must be made at an AGM or an EGM called for the purpose. The proposed change shall be specified in the notice calling the meeting and be approved by not less than two thirds of those present.


In the event that the Parent Council ceases to exist any remaining funds should be distributed for the benefit of the children at the school and/or local authority as necessary.