Phase 3 /
- Introducing phoneme-grapheme correspondence ‘sh’
- Blending for reading, and segmenting for spelling, CVC words using short vowels.
Resources / Letter cards Letter fans
Magnetic letters and board CVC objects and pictures
Hoop Whiteboard
Dry wipe pen Silly questions
Revisit and review
Previously learned phoneme – grapheme correspondences / Fast letter recognition.
Produce letter cards for previously learned phonemes, one at a time. Ask the children to say each phoneme together– brisk pace.
Phoneme-grapheme correspondence /sh/ / Ask the children to listen. Say the phoneme ‘sh’as purely as possible, extending and repeating the sound. Encourage the children to say‘sh’.
Show what that sound looks like written down. Model writing the grapheme ‘sh’ while saying the phoneme.
Encourage children to practise sky-writing ‘sh’ while saying the sound.
Give children an object each. Children say the word slowly and clearly. Place in the hoop if it contains the ‘sh’ sound.
Make a CVC word including ‘sh’ using the magnetic letters. Model how to say the three phonemes before blending them together, running a finger underneath the letters as the whole word is read (sound buttons). Repeat other words, encouraging the children to join in.
Show a picture of a CVC object including ‘sh’. Model segmenting the word making the sounds as purely as possible. Repeat for other words, encouraging the children to join in.
Blending and segmenting CVC words including /sh/ / Play a variation on ‘What’s in the box?’ as follows.
Choose one of the objects/pictures from the ‘sh’ bag without the children seeing. Explain that the children have to work out what’s in the box by reading. Write the word on the board, but do not read it to them. Children blend and read the word quietly with the person sitting next to them. Blend and read the written word altogether and then look in the box. Repeat for more objects/pictures.
Select another item and invite the children to spell out the name of the object, in pairs, using letter fans. Encourage the children to read the words all through.
Make sure that those who are having difficulty with segmenting and blending receive immediate support.
While reading / Play ‘Silly questions’.
Reveal large cards on which the ‘silly questions’ are written using words that the children can decode. After the children have signalled either a thumbs up or down, read the ‘silly question’ together. Agree on an answer.