Vietnam is located in what continent?

Describe Vietnam’s climate.

Who was the main leader of the Vietnamese independence movement?

Vietnam is trying to gain independence from what country?

Vietnam defeats France at what battle site?

When did this battle take place?

How was Vietnam divided?

What is the importance of the Gulf of Tonkin regarding the United States and Vietnam?

What was the domino theory?

What was the Tet Offensive?

Who technically won?

How was it seen as an American loss?

What is napalm?

Who were the Viet Cong?

What was happening to President Lyndon Johnson during the Vietnam War?

What did Richard Nixon do that made him popular during the Vietnam War?

Who was President when the United States officially left Vietnam?

In what year did the war come to an end?

What happened at Kent State in 1970?

What were some symbols of the anti-war movement during the Vietnam War?

During World War II, what country controlled Korea?

How was Korea divided?

On what continent is Korea located?

What happens on June 25, 1950?

Who was the President of the United States at the time?

Who does he send in as a response to the invasion?

What country sends in soldiers to counter this new invasion?

Describe the movement of soldiers during this war/conflict.

Who was the commanding General for the United States at the time?

MacArthur successfully invades Korea at what city?

What is MacArthur’s plan for the conflict?

What does President Truman do in response?

How is this decision treated by the public?

When does the war end?

Who won?

Why is it sometimes referred to as the Korean Conflict?

Just before the Holocaust, what does Germany need to do I order to expand?

What does Germany do to those people?

What are the problems with slave labor?

The Holocaust is essentially the Jewish population against what other group of people?

What were the Aryans?

What was the Final Solution?

What is the first thing to happen to Jewish people during the Holocaust?

What were some reasons to attack the Jewish population according to the Germans?

Why are Nazis moving Jews from Ghettos into camps?

What kinds of camps were used during this time?

How many total people were killed during the Holocaust?

How many of them were Jewish?

What does Germany not like about the Treaty of Versailles?

What happens to Germany as a result of the Treaty of Versailles?

Who was the leader of fascist Italy at the time?

In order to expand his empire, what country does he choose to invade?

On what continent is this country located?

How does this invasion make Italy look?

During the Spanish Civil War, who is leading the attempted overthrow?

What countries help Franco?

Why do these countries choose to help Franco?

In 1937, where is Japan looking to expand?

What city do they attack and brutalize?

In the Anschluss, what country does Germany annex?

The Sudentenland was part of what other European country?

Why did Europeans choose to give Hitler the Sudetenland?

What does it mean to “appease” someone?

What are neutrality acts?

What was cash and carry?

What was lend lease?

September 1, 1939, Germany invades what country?

What happens as a result of this?

What happens on December 7, 1941?

What is the significance of this event?

What is island hopping?

In the Atlantic, the United States chooses to invade what piece of land first?

What happens on June 6, 1944?

While the United States pushes Germany from the west, what other country is pushing from the east?

What happens on May 8, 1945?

What were the positive aspects of using the atomic bomb?

What were the negative aspects of using the atomic bomb?

What was the positive aspect of not using the atomic bomb?

What were the negative aspects of not using the atomic bomb?

The United States uses the atomic bomb on what two cities?

What happens on August 15, 1945?