GAME RUBRIC (1st Level)

CATEGORIES / 93 – 100 / 92 – 85 / 84 – 75 / YOUR SCORE


/ All 3 objects were created using a different method of construction. The construction methods were done correctly. / All 3 objects were created. Only 2 methods of construction were used. There were some inconsistencies in overall object construction / Fewer than 3 objects were created. Object(s) was not constructed properly
/ Both game objects included at least 3 surface colors. Game board contains at least 2 surfaces. Various methods of selecting the areas to be surfaced were used. Surfaced areas were selected and applied with care. / Not all of the objects included required surfaces. Methods of selecting areas to be surfaced were limited. Color application was spotty and inconsistent. / The 3 objects did not include the required number of surface colors. Not much thought went into selecting the areas to be surfaced


/ Lighting creates more dimensions on objects. Shadows are correct and appropriate. / Lighting is used, but minimal. Does not add to 3D quality. Shadows used, but not realistically. / Lighting is not used correctly. Does not add to 3D quality. Shadows are non-existent or take away from layout.
Camera Techniques / Effective and creative camera movements enhanced the overall animation. / Camera movements are added. Attempts are made to enhance the overall animation / Camera movements are not used or movements did not enhance the overall animation.


/ Animation is planned & purposeful, fluid & smooth. Each object includes a variety of movements are distinctive and interesting. Frames are adequate for the purpose of the animation. / Animation is limited and predictable. Object movements contained inadequate thought or planning, movements are jerky and abrupt, or the view is obstructed. Object movements are limited and predictable. The number of frames are inadequate for the overall purpose of the animation / Movements are inadequate for the overall animation and demonstrated lack of thought or planning. Objects are keyframed incorrectly and the animation did not contain the required number of frames. Objects’ movements are inadequate. The movement of one object obstructs the view of another.
/ Student demonstrated high degree of creativity and individuality. All 3 objects show a high degree of individuality and creativity. They are interesting and completely different from each other. / Student’s work did not demonstrate a high level of creativity or individuality. The objects are different from each other but do not show a high level of creativity and individuality. / Student’s work lack imagination. There’s a similar look about the objects. They do not show a great deal of individuality or creativity. Student may have copied idea from someone else.
Work Habits / Student demonstrated consistent work habits throughout the animation. Stayed on task & demonstrated high concentration and focus. All parts of the assignment are completed. / Student’s work habit was not consistent throughout the assignment. Had difficulty staying on task and did not complete all parts of the assignment. / Student demonstrated poor work habits throughout the assignment. Lacked focus and did not stay on task. Student did not complete many of the required parts of the assignment.
