National Personal Safety Awards 2012

Nomination Pack


What are the Awards?

The National Personal Safety Awards celebrate the work being done across the UK to help keep people safe from the risk of violence and aggression.

They also provide an opportunity for Suzy Lamplugh Trust, the UK’s national charity for personal safety, to recognise best practice in the field across all sectors.

What Awards can be won?

National Personal Safety Day Award 2011
Awarded to the individual, organisation, school or college whoSuzy Lamplugh Trust believe did the most to promote personal safety within their own organisation, school/college or local community in and around NPSD 2011.

Safer Workplace Award
Awarded to the employer who has done the most to improve personal safety awareness among staff.

Safer Community Award
Awarded to a local group, individual orlocal authority whohas done the most to improve the personal safety of others and spread awareness of their work within their local area.

Inspiring Individual Award
Awarded to the individual who has done the most to promote personal safety in his/her organisation, school or community.

The Awards Ceremony

The National Personal Safety Awards will be presented at the Suzy Lamplugh Trust Awards Ceremony in November 2012, in the week commencing 12th November 2012in central London. (Date TBC)

Shortlisted nominees will be announced prior to the event and will be invited to attend.

Who can nominate?

Anyone!Organisations/individuals can either nominate themselves or be nominated by others.

How do I nominate?

In order to make a nomination (either for yourself or someone else) you will need to send:

  • A completed nomination form
  • Evidence in the form of a photo, video or testimonial

You should send this to us by email at r complete the online application at

What is the deadline?

All nominations must be received by email by 6pm Monday 1 October 2012.

What are the criteria?

Put simply, we are looking for nominees in their respective category to display how they have best helped people stay safe. Nominees or their proposers are invited to provide evidence of how they have met the following criteria:

  1. Involvement – engaging others (staff, residents, pupils, communities etc) to find the best ways to improve their personal safety
  2. A focus on risk assessment – identifying personal safety risks and enabling others to do so (whether through formal processes or “on the spot” judgments)
  3. Embedding – ensuring personal safety isn’t isolated as a separate issue, but is embedded in people’s thinking and everyday lives
  4. A positive, proactive and preventative approach – avoiding scaremongering; taking positive actions and encouraging proactive steps towards having confidence in avoiding violent or aggressive incidents
  5. Creativity – taking an innovative approach to improving people’s personal safety
  6. Commitment and drive – a clear dedication to improving personal safety

Please consult the Terms & Conditions at the end of this Pack for full details.


Step 1

Your Title
Your First Name
Your Surname
Which Award are you nominating for?
(Please put an X in the relevant box. You can nominate yourself for up to two awards. Please choose a 1st and 2nd option) /
National Personal Safety Day Award 2011
Safer Workplace Award
Safer Community Award
Inspiring Individual Award
Which organisation / person are you nominating?
Is this your organisation / you?
(Please select the box which is applicable) /

Email address
Postal address
Telephone number

Please explain below why the nominee should win a National Personal Safety Award and how they

meet the six criteria (max. 1,000 words)

Step 2

Step 3

Along with this form, please submit evidence to support this nomination in the form of EITHER a photo slideshow, a film (no longer than 2 minutes in length) OR a beneficiary’s testimonial. (We may ask to contact this person to speak about their experience so please get permission from them before submission)
Please check this box to indicate that you give Suzy Lamplugh Trust permission to use this material on our website and/or at the awards ceremony.



  • Entrants must complete the nomination form, either in Microsoft Word or online at
  • Entries must be received by Monday 1st October 2012 at 6pm. Entries after this date will not be counted.
  • Organisations/individuals can either nominate themselves or be nominated by others. Entrants nominating a third party must seek permission from the nominee before submitting their nomination.
  • The judges reserve the right to dismiss an entry should it exceed the stated word or length limit.
  • Nominations will be shortlisted in the week beginning 1stOctober 2012 and shortlisted nominees will be notified by 12thOctober 2012.
  • Shortlisted nominees will also be listed on our website unless otherwise requested
  • Winning organisations will receive permission to use the title and Suzy Lamplugh Trust logo for one year on websites and in print. Winners will be required to agree to the terms and conditions of the award before being able to use the title and/or logo.


National Personal Safety Day 2011 – anyone who took part in our National Personal Safety Day in 2011

Workplace – any organisation which employs more than 5 members of staff (private, public or voluntary sector) in the UK

Communities – any individual or group working within the community as part of a local authority, community group, school, college or organisation within the UK

Individual – any individual in a workplace, school or community setting in the UK


The Awards will be judged by a panel of experts in the field of personal safety, incorporating Suzy Lamplugh Trust staff and training consultants. Sponsors of the Awards will also be invited to sit on the judging panel.

Regrettably, due to the volume of nominations, the judges are unable to provide specific feedback on any nominations which are not shortlisted for an award.

If you are unsuccessful it is possible to apply again next year, with a new application.