Woodroffe High School

Course Outline – Career Studies (GLC2O)

Ms. Wallace

The purpose of the Career Studies course is to equip students to intelligently and purposefully interact with their world so that they live, work, and participate in it as satisfied and contributing members of society. Student learning will include assessing their own knowledge, skills, and characteristics, explore career opportunities based on their preferences and discover ways to find work. The course explores post-secondary learning options, prepares students for community-based learning, and helps them build the capabilities needed for managing work and life transitions. Students will design action plans for pursuing their goals.

NOTE: This .5 credit course will be taken in conjunction with Civics (CHV2O)

Units: Unit 1: Skills and Traits

Unit 2: High School Career

Unit 3: Getting a Job

Evaluation: Formative

Assignments and activities are worth 80% of the course credit. Evidence of student achievement will be assessed in the following four categories.

1.  Knowledge and Understanding 25%

2.  Thinking and inquiry 25%

3.  Communication 15%

4.  Application 15%

Evaluation: Summative

The summative assessments are worth 20% of the course credit. This assessment is two summative projects, an action plan and a portfolio.

1.  Summative Project 20%

Late/Missed Assignments/Tests


·  All assignments are expected to be handed in on time (it is due at the beginning of the class). Homework checks and daily work will not be taken in late.

Expectations and Procedures

·  Attendance - It is your responsibility to catch up on missed work (ask a class mate, check the website). Missed work because of an unjustified absence is a zero. On absent assessment days you must provide a doctors note.

·  Late to Class – Don’t be late. You will often miss the instructions for the day and information relevant to the week. I don’t repeat myself.

·  Leaving the Classroom – Take care of business before you arrive and bring everything with you. There is seldom a good reason to leave.

·  Personal Conduct – Be responsible, respectful, and courteous.

·  Personal Limits – MP3 players or similar electronic devices can only be used with my permission and only at certain times. Cell phones should be turned off or on silent. Texting in class can result in the phone being confiscated and given to the VP.

·  Do your best and enjoy yourself, you get out of school what you put in.

My email address is:

My website: https://bethwallace.wikispaces.com/