1. Kimball PublicSchools Foundation Scholarshipis worth $1000. One$1,000 scholarshipwill be awardedannually.One alternatewill bechosen.
2. Kimball seniorsplanningto attend either collegeor vocational school are encouraged to apply.
3. Application deadlineisApril 20.
4. Thescholarship application pageand anyfurther referenceand recommendation pagesMUSTall betypewritten.
5. Acommitteecomprised ofat leasttwo FoundationmembersandtheKimballHigh School Honors’ Sponsor will select thescholarship recipients. TheKHScounselor will serve asadvisor to thecommittee.
6. Upon selection,therecipient will receiveofficial written notification fromtheFoundation. The ($1,000) scholarship will be paid upon completion of the first semester of the award year. Therecipient must showproofofattaining agrade point averageof atleast a2.0 and proof offull-timeenrollment forthesecondsemester/quarter. Thesestatementsofproofs should begiven to theSecretaryfor theSuperintendent ofKimball PublicSchools, 901 SouthNadineStreet, Kimball,NE 69145. Failureto providetheseproofswill result in forfeitureofthefunds.
7. An alternatefor thescholarship will beselected bythe committee.
8. Scholarshipapplications should bereturned to theGuidanceCounselornolater than April 20.
Applicant Page
2.Grade Point Average_ Class Ranking
3.School Iplan to attend (college, university,vocational school)
4.I plan to pursue a programin
5.Brieflytell whatyou see yourself doing in 15years.
Howwill receiving this scholarship make a difference in your life?
NOTE: Please usethe backofthis pageif necessary. When finished with Page One, go toReference Page.
Instructions to theApplicant:
You areto present this reference page to an adult other than a parentorrelative, asking thatthe individual complete and return it directly to theguidance counselorbyApril 13. This adult should be someone who knows youwell as a person such asa teacher, employer, coach, or administrator.
1.Name of applicant
2.What is your relationship to the applicant?
3.Describe the personality, interests, values, or philosophy of life that the applicant demonstrates.
4. Discuss the applicant’sabilityto get along with others. Is this person onewho generallytakes the initiative
onhis/her own to complete tasks, or does he/she needto be urged to help with projects or tasks?
5.What kind of a decision-maker is this individual? Doeshe/she think for themselves?
6.What doyou see as themost significant contributions the student has made to others?
Note: Usethe backof this page ifnecessary.