RESEARCH template

1. Corporate background


·  What is their funding history?

·  What is their revenue history?

o  How are their revenues split by global regions?

o  How are their revenues split by client size?

o  How are their revenues split by industry?

·  How many employees?

o  How many engineers?

o  How many sales employees?

o  How many marketing employees?

·  What segments of the market are they targeting? (e.g. countries, industries, size).

2. Customers


·  What do customers like and dislike?

·  Why do customers buy from the competitor?

·  For prospects who did not convert, why did they turn down the competitor?

·  Who are their key customers?

3. Product strategy and capabilities


·  What is their range of products?

·  What are the key product features?

·  What are their capabilities for mobile?

·  What are their analytics and reporting capabilities?

·  What is their product roadmap?

·  Is the product localized? What languages are available?

·  How easy is the product to customize?

·  Do they have a professional services team?

·  What is the implementation effort required? How long does implementation take? What resources do they offer? What resources must the client provide?

4. Pricing


·  How much does the product cost?

·  What are the pricing tiers? What modules are an additional cost?

·  What are typical discount levels for multi-year contracts, for volume and for competitive wins?

·  How much is a typical deal?

5. Sales pitch


·  What is their go-to-market messaging?

·  How do they position themselves against competitors? Whom do they consider their primary competitors? How do they pitch against us?

·  What are their proof points that they can successfully drive engagement and ROI?

6. Partners and developer ecosystem


·  What percentage of revenue is from resellers and similar partners?

·  Who are their significant partners? How much revenue do they generate?

·  How successful is their developer ecosystem?

·  How do they recruit and motivate developers?

·  What tools and SDKs do they provide developers?

