Dr. Hoyt

Spring, 2005


Date / Assignment Due
Mon. Apr. 25
(by 5 pm) /
  • Research Proposal Due

1. Length and elements: The body of your paper will be 8-10 pages, double spaced and typed (this does not include your title page, abstract, or references page). You must include a cover sheet with the title of your paper and your name. After the cover page (but before the body of the paper) you must include an abstract, which is a brief, comprehensive summary of the paper, no longer than 120 words. Finally, references should be listed on a separate page after the body of the paper. Margins should be no wider than 1". Please number your pages.

2. Number of references: Your paper should include a minimum of 10references. Appropriate sources include: (a) research articles from scientific journals (not popular articles such as Psychology Today and Omni)(b) books (but not encyclopedias or textbooks). I want you to use sources that have strong scientific support.

3. Format: Your paper should follow APA format (please refer to the APA format handout I gave you). For further information, consult the style manual.

4. Guidelines: Follow the guidelines for your proposal as described below.



1. Introduction:

  • Introductory paragraph introduces the nature of the problem and its significance.
  • Statement of the purpose of the study
  • Introduction to the IV’s and DV(s)
  • Research cited to support variables and justify hypotheses
  • Statement of hypothesis(es)

Keep in mind:

  1. Purpose: The purpose, problem, or question to be considered is stated clearly.
  2. Interest: The author convinces the reader that the paper is worth reading in an interesting fashion.
  3. Preview: The author presents a preview of how the problem will be handled.
  4. Analysis: It is clear that an analysis of the literature has been used to support the statements made, and that the assumptions are logical.
  5. Presentation of evidence: If sources contradict one another they are dealt with adequately. Multiple sources are compared if available. A simple listing of information is avoided. The points are internally consistent, (i.e. one point follows from another), plausible and well supported. References are recent, high quality, and appropriate to the paper topic (research articles and edited books).
  6. Suitability of focus: The problem chosen is focused enough to be adequately covered in the space of the Paper, but not too narrow.
  7. Organization: Presentation is easy to follow and well organized.

2. Method:

Method sections vary, but here are typical sections that are used:

  • Participants – who, how many, how recruited
  • Design – Description of type of design
  • Design - Identification of IV’s and DV’s and their levels
  • Design – Clear explanation of operational definitions of variables
  • Materials – clear description of materials used
  • Procedure – clear step-by-step description of what will be done
  • Measures _ description of the measures that will be used

3. Results:

  • Statement of type of analyses that will be used
  • Statement of expected results
  • Refer toexpected Figure in the text
  • Figure Caption Page
  • Figure (graph of expected results)


a. Correct spelling.

b. Grammar and use of words correct (not awkward or inappropriate)

c. Paragraph form: Topic sentences are used to introduce transitions, and the order of transitions is appropriate.

d. Borrowed ideas and statements are given credit (citations used frequently and listed in reference section).

e. The paper is in APA format.