Los verbos dar,ir, estar & ser

¿Cómo usamos los verbos?

Think about the fourirregular verbs we have been working with: dar, ir, estar & ser. How they are used & what are the conjugated forms?

Write one sentence for each of the four verbs using it in one of the ways we’ve discussed. Then write at least two additional sentences that compliment the first sentence. Your additional sentences may or may not include one of the four verbs. NOTE: Your descriptions must be at least three sentences in length. Then on the paper provided to you by your teacher, illustrate each of your descriptions in one of the four boxes. Underneath your picture, neatly & correctly write your sentences. Lastly underline the verb that is in the primary sentence of each description.

Plan your writing before putting it on your final project. / Write bare bones sentences.
Have a peer edit your writing & then edit it again yourself. / Use the same verb as in the primary sentence of more than one description.
Be creative in your writing – make it interesting by adding additional words to your sentences. / Use the same subject four times – that is don’t write each description in the yo form.
Vary your subjects in each of the 3 descriptions! / Leave LA rules in LA class!
Make each description at least 3 sentences in length. / Spend so much time on the artwork that the writing suffers.
Make your pictures creative, detailed & attractive; unless excessively detailed pencil drawings, be sure to color your pictures. / Give me sloppy or incomplete work.
Use correct capitalization & punctuation. / Forget to underline the primary verb in each sentence.


1. El Sr. McKenna da mi clase de inglés. En clase tomo muchos apuntes y presto

atención. Los profesores en mi escuela dan muchos examenes.

2. Mis amigos y yovamos a la cafetería al mediodía. Compramos unossándwiches.

Hablo con mis amigos también.

3. Los alumnosestán en el laboratorio. No es una fiesta. No bailan y no cantan.

Ellos estudian la lección.

4. Soy dependientaen una tienda de ropa. Los calcetines y los zapatos son caros.

Hoy es viernes y trabajo mucho. Los clientes pagan en la caja.


Date Due – Friday, 3/7/2014


For each picture + story:25 pts

100 pts total

Número 1______

Spelling/grammar5 pts

Capitalization/punctuation5 pts

Creativity in writing5 pts

Creativity & neatness (illustrations)5 pts

Followed directions/included all elements5 pts

25 pts

Número 2______

Spelling/grammar5 pts

Capitalization/punctuation5 pts

Creativity in writing5 pts

Creativity & neatness (illustrations)5 pts

Followed directions/included all elements5 pts

25 pts

Número 3______

Spelling/grammar5 pts

Capitalization/punctuation5 pts

Creativity in writing5 pts

Creativity & neatness (illustrations)5 pts

Followed directions/included all elements5 pts

25 pts

Número 4______

Spelling/grammar5 pts

Capitalization/punctuation5 pts

Creativity in writing5 pts

Creativity & neatness (illustrations)5 pts

Followed directions/included all elements5 pts

25 pts

My Score = ______