The Henry Albert Senior Public Service Award 2018

The Henry Albert Senior Public Service Awardrecognizes graduating seniors whose collegiate record shows good scholarship, good character and worthy service. Up to four recipients of this award will receive a minimum of $3,000 to be awarded at the Honor the Best ceremony in May 2018.

TheHenry Albert Senior Public Service Award is awarded through a UNR Foundation Endowment on behalf of Henry Albert and his wife, Edith. This prizeis awarded annually at the Honor the Best Awards Ceremony to a graduating senior who has brought distinction to the University through significant community involvement and public service.

Civic engagement is defined as “working to make a difference in the civic life of our communities and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values and motivations to make that difference. It means promoting the quality of life in a community, through both political and non-political processes.” (Ehrlich 2000).

This award is based on the following selection criteria:

  • Graduating Senior–degree awarded in December 2017 orin May 2018
  • Scholarship - cumulative 3.0 GPA or higher as of the end of Fall 2017
  • Character - student must be in good standing with the university
  • Service - service completed during collegiate career in benefit of universities or communities or both.

Submission Requirements:

Please share your civic engagement activities just for your time while attending college in an essay.

-Prompt: Please describe what activities you were engaged in, why you chose those activities, how those activities affected you and your personal growth and development.

  • Please also includewhat the outcomes were and how they affected the organization or population, you served, as well as indicate if the services performed were paid or unpaid.

-The essay must:

  • Be a minimum of 1,000 words and not to exceed a maximum of 1,500 words.
  • Include your contact information (current phone and e-mail).

In addition to your essay:

-Please submit aresumethat has been drafted specifically for this award by using the online word document format that can be found on the student life website. Be sure to read the resume format for suggestions on how to proceed.

-Two letters of recommendationwithone of those recommendations being from afaculty member and one from someone familiar with your service.Letters of recommendation are required to be formatted on letterhead.

Helpful tips: have someone review your submission/proof read it; stay in contact with/follow up with your recommendations and possibly have back up recommendations.Please visit this ASUN wufoo link to apply: submission deadline is March 11, 2018 at 5:00pm. There will be no exceptions for late submissions and applications that do not meet all of the criteria listed above will not be considered.

For questions, please contact Erinn or (775)784-1471.For more information, visit our website at