Number Toss

Make a square playing area. Inside the play area scatter numbered floor targets. Have students stand on the outside of the square. The object is to toss the bean bags on a designated number. The teacher will identify the number that is targeted. You can start at one and count up, count backwards, target only even numbers, target only odd numbers, etc. Each student throws at the specified number. This is a great game to incorporate other subjects as targets; e.g., colors, animals, food, letters.

Equipment: Numbered floor targets (polyspots work best), bean bags, tape to outline playing area.

Musical Ball Exchange

Students sit in a circle. One student will be given a ball. When the music starts, the ball gets passed around the circle. Students should hand the ball off, not throw it to the person sitting beside them. The student that is holding the ball when the music stops must get up, run around the entire circle, and sit back down. The music starts again and the ball continues its way around the circle. Add more than one ball to pick up the pace.

Equipment: Gator Skin balls, music

Poly Spot Surprise

Place polyspots randomly throughout the gym. Under each polyspot place an activity; e.g., jumping jacks, pushups, sit ups. The students should walk laps around the basketball court. At any time, stop the music and call out a student’s name. That student must find a polyspot, pick it up, and call out the activity. The class will then complete the activity. You can also incorporate the use of dice in this game. Call two student’s names and have one roll a dice and the other pick up the polyspot. The number on the dice is the amount of times the class must do the activity on the poly spot.

Equipment: Polyspots with activities, dice, music

Scooter Scatter

Randomly place half dome cones throughout the gym. On top of every cone place a ball. The object of the game is to knock as many balls off of the cones as possible while riding a scooter. Students are allowed 30 seconds each. When the music starts students should ride the scooter into the playing field and start knocking balls off of the cones. When the music stops (30 seconds later) another student will get on the scooter. To increase the pace of the game, implement “Retrievers.” Retrievers are responsible for collecting the balls that have been knocked off and placing them back on the cones. The object is to have all of the balls back on the cones when the music stops.

Equipment: Scooter, half dome cones, Gator Skin balls, music


Scatter half dome cones throughout the gym. Under some, but not allof the cones, place a bean bag. Put students into groups or teams on the baseline. When the music starts, the students will run,one at a time, to a cone and pick it up. If there is a bean bag under it, they pick it up, put the cone back on the floor, and bring the bean bag back to the line. That’s one point for their team. After 2-3 rounds, there will be more cones than bean bags. The students should try to remember which cones are empty and which are not. The team with the most bean bags when time is up wins. If possible, place a few cones on chairs. This will enable those in wheelchairs to reach them.

Equipment: Half dome cones, bean bags

Variations: Have students ride scooters. Place more interesting objects under the cones. Assign different point values depending on found objects.

Head Start

Instruct all students to line up in a horizontal line along the baseline of the basketball court. Choose or ask a volunteer to stand on the free throw line. This will be the student with the “head start.” On the signal, all students will race to the opposite baseline. The object is for the head start student to arrive first. If applicable, choose more than one head start student. Adjust the distance of the student’s head start according to their ability level. Incorporate the use of flag football belts. Have the head start student wear the belt and work to keep others from pulling the flags until they get to the other side.

Equipment: Cones for boundary markers, flag football belts

Scooter Bowling

Divide the students into partners. Place bowling pins in a line at half-court, one for each set of partners. One partner sits on the scooter and the other partner gives them a push towards the bowling pin. If they miss, they should continue pushing until the pin is knocked down. Once the pin is knocked down the students should continue to the other boundary and switch roles. Have a paraeducator set the pins back up for the students. This can also be done using a rope attached to the scooters. Instead of pushing, the students will pull the scooters.

Equipment: Scooters, bowling pins, rope (optional)

Knock ‘emDown

Set up a goalie area with two large cones on the baseline of the gym under the goal. Place bowling pins between the cones serving as the goal. Place two or more buckets or boxes of balls at the free throw line. Choose one or two students to play the position of goalie. They will be guarding the pins. All other players will start next to the buckets of balls. On the “go” signal, the throwers take the balls from the buckets and start throwing them at the pins. The goalies can use any part of their body to guard the pins. The teacher or paraeducators can stand behind the goal and roll the balls back to the throwers. After all pins have been knocked down, reset and designate new goalies.

Equipment: Lots of soft or Gator Skin balls, buckets to hold balls, bowling pins, cones


Students will work in partners. Partners are given a pile of foam pieces. Place a poly spot on the sideline opposite fromthe students. Each student picks up a piece of foam, travels to the marker, and returns to get another piece. Players continue to shuttle in this manner, until all foam pieces are stacked on top of each other. Next, one student lies prone on a scooter and the other pushes them towards the tower of foam. The object is to knock the tower down in one push. Push the student on the scooter until the pieces are all knocked down. Leave the foam pieces in a pile and start activity over again. If foam pieces are not available, use shoe boxes,but require students to contact the tower feet first.

Equipment: Scooters, lots of foam pieces, shoe boxes (if foam pieces are not available)

Matching Relay

Separate students into even teams. Place piles of various objects in front of each line at half court. From the starting point on the baseline, students will run, one at a time, to the pile of objects and pick up any object they want. After picking up the object, the student must carry it back to the baseline and match the object with others that are in hula hoops on the baseline. For example: If you are using four different objects such as bean bags, scarves, Frisbees, and whiffle balls, you will need four hula hoops on the baseline – one for bean bags, one for scarves, one for Frisbees, and one for whiffle balls.

Additional Equipment: Miscellaneous objects, hula hoops

Variations: Incorporate different locomotor patterns – skipping, hoping, crab walking, etc. Have students ride scooters. Instead of objects, use laminated numbers, letters, or shapes.

Stability Ball Mahem

Set up 2-3 cones on the baseline and 2-3 cones at half court. Have a stability ball at each cone on the baseline. Have students complete various activities from one cone to the other and back, with the stability ball. Activities with the ball can include rolling, kicking, bouncing, holding over the head, holding behind the back, walking backwards or walking sideways while holding.

Equipment: Cones, stability balls

Roller Bat

Set up 1-2 tees on the baseline. Students will hit the ball off of the tee and place the bat on the floor. Students then run to their ball and roll the ball back towards the bat. The object is to roll the ball so that it hits the bat. One point is awarded for every successful roll.

Equipment: Softball tees, whiffle or Gator Skin balls, bats