Pine Ridge Shopping Expo

October 28, 2017

Present: Jennifer Vaino, Deanna Drew, Debbie McComber, Caroling Winters, Dawn Lesperance

Vendor News

A few vendors still left to pay. Those vendors that pay first will have priority if vendor companies are duplicated.

Christmas Dreams (another shopping expo that is not going to run an event this year) has sent e-mails to vendors letting them know about our event. We`re waiting to see if we have more vendors signing up through this contact.

Jen. contacted Greenwood mall Santa. She is waiting to hear back from him.

If this Santa is unavailable, Mindy has a photographer who could attend as the big guy.

Jen. has booked Danika to have a booth offering sparkle Tattoos.

Jen. will redo the flyer adding Santa and Tattoo artist.

Ticket Auction Tickets – 20 tickets for $5.00

- need tickets printed

- need 500 envelopes

- need envelopes stuffed

Deanna volunteered to cut the Ticket Auction numbers.

- More numbers can be printed on the day of the Expo if necessary.


Deanna will make signs to indicate the tables for:

  1. 50/50 tickets
  2. Ticket Auction
  3. Door Prizes
  4. Cafeteria Sign


100 Subway Cookieshave been donated.Committee decided to give cookies to Grade 8 bake sale.

Jen will bake 2 cookies for each vendor to have with their lunch.

Debbie will ask Armstrong for donation of spoons and either 10 or 12 ounce bowls.

Committee members -Christmas decorations, tablecloths and boxes for Ticket Auction provided by (lent or bought). Please be sure to write your name on any items you want returned.

Chili donation – 20 crock-pots of chili needed

Jackie F. has already donated 1 pot of chili

Maria will ask teachers

Maria will check with resource room group that cooks on Fridays

Parents will be asked

Jen will approach Meadowbrook for wieners & buns

Need 2 crockpots for hotdog wieners.

Parents will be asked to donate either items or their time. Participation points will be given. Master list needs to be created to keep track of who donated.

Jen will verify with Maria if we can use Sign-up Genius to organize parent volunteers and donations.

Next meeting scheduled for Sunday, November 5th @ 2:30 at 1197 Mayhew Drive.


Friday, November 24 – 12:30

Task / Materials Needed
Set up tables for Vendor’s in the gym / Map of tables
Vendors receipts (to be taped to their table)
Ticket Auction box for each table / 10 Leaders
Set up 1 Entry Table near the front door for:
Entry Fee collection ($2-12 & under)
50/50 draw tickets
(1 ticket = $2.00 or 3 tickets for $5.00)
Door Prize Tickets
*There are signs for 50/50 & Door Prizes for this table. / Hand Stamp
Door Prize paper for names & phone numbers
Set up 1 Ticket Auction table either just inside the gym or in the hallway leading to the gym for:
*There is a sign for this table.
20 numbers for $ 5.00 / Master List-Name & # bought
500 envelopes with tickets
Put up the Cafeteria signin front entrance
Cafeteria Set Up
Set up small dining tables in the cafeteria / Tables & chairs from the library
Christmas tablecloths
Christmas music
Christmas decorations
Trays to carry lunches to Vendors
Set up 1 table for collecting money & taking orders / Order slips
Set up 1 table for urns:
Coffee Tea Hot Chocolate / Tablecloth
Cream & Sugar
Little Candy Canes
Set up 1 table for food to be served:
Chili Rolls Butter Hot Dogs / Tablecloth

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Volunteers are scheduled to change every 2 hours.

Time / Volunteers Needed / Total for Day
7:30-9:00 / Vendor Set-up / 3 Leaders
Committee / 3 Leaders
8:30 / Set-up
Coffee, tea, hot chocolate table / Make beverages / 1st Leader
1st volunteer
8:30 / Beverage table / 1 Leader
1 volunteer / 3 Leaders
3 volunteers
8:30-3:00 / Floating/Odd Jobs / Relieve vendors
Take lunch to vendors
Runner / 2 volunteers / 6 volunteers
9:00 / Doors Open / Entry Table
Float ($100 in $1,2 & 5’s)
50/50 tickets / 2 volunteers
1 Leader / 6 volunteers
3 Leaders
Ticket Auction Table
Float ($50.00 in $5’s) / 1 volunteer
1 Leader / 3 volunteers
3 Leaders
Start Serving at 11:00 / Food Table Set Up / Chili
Pats of butter / 3 volunteers
2 Leaders / 6 volunteers
4 Leaders
11:00-2:30 / Lunch Service
2:30 / Lunch Clean-up / 2 volunteers / 2 volunteers
3:00 / General Clean-up / 3 volunteers / 3 volunteers