An Overview of the 20-hour Full Program of Secondary Three Curriculum

Construct / Unit / Unit Aims / Learning Targets
1. Bonding / Modern Love Stories
(30 minutes) / To understand qualities of a healthy love relationship /
  1. To examine one’s attitude toward love relationships
  2. To identify the essential elements of love

What Is Freedom of Love?
(30 minutes) / To construct the proper attitudes toward love relationships /
  1. To differentiate the proper and improper attitudes that appear during the initial stage of love relationships
  2. To generalize the do’s and don’ts of dating

2. Social Competence / “She” Comes from China
(30 minutes) / To establish a sense of connectedness with China /
  1. To develop a sense of connectedness with China by understanding the relationship between China and Hong Kong
  2. To identify concrete examples on how Chinese culture and custom affect the day-to-day life of Hong Kong people

Siblings of Hong Kong
(30 minutes) / To establish the vision of contributing to one’s country /
  1. To identify the educational situation and needs of China
  2. To reflect on how we can contribute to China

Who’s Right? Who’s Wrong?
(30 minutes) / To analyze the reasons for conflict among siblings and suggest solutions /
  1. To understand the reasons for conflict among siblings
  2. To learn the proper attitude to get along with siblings

A Blog Post a Day
(30 minutes) / To understand the reasons for conflict among friends and how to handle such conflict, and learn to distinguish good company from bad company /
  1. To understand the reasons for conflict among friends
  2. To learn how to face and handle conflict with friends

3. Emotional Competence / What Are My Feelings?
(30 minutes) / To understand the causes and consequences of our emotional problems /
  1. To examine the dynamic interactions between emotions and physiological responses
  2. To experience the impact of relaxation strategies in relieving pressure and negative emotions

Changing Emotions through Positive Thinking
(30 minutes) / To learn to handle negative emotions with positive thinking / To manage negative emotions by applying rational and positive thinking
4. Cognitive Competence / Truth Or Myth?
(30 minutes) / To cultivate critical thinking to enable students to analyze information to which they are exposed in daily life /
  1. To learn to distinguish between fact and opinion
  2. To analyze information in its context by differentiating between fact and opinion

The Truth behind Advertisements
(30 minutes) / To apply critical thinking in tackling information promoting materialism and consumerism /
  1. To apply critical thinking in analyzing advertising messages
  2. To reflect on what has to be considered before consumption

5. Behavioral Competence / The Key to Happiness
(30 minutes) / To learn how to express and accept appreciation /
  1. To understand that appreciation brings joy to oneself and others
  2. To learn how to observe and appreciate people and things around us, and to express sincere appreciation
  3. To learn how to respond to appreciation in a proper manner

Revenge Or Forgiveness?
(30 minutes) / To teach students to forgive those who have offended them /
  1. To understand the importance of sincere forgiveness
  2. To understand the negative influence of taking revenge on those who have offended us

6. Moral Competence / Ideals And Reality
(30 minutes) / To discover the different aspects of fairness in our ideals and in reality /
  1. To discuss the differences between fairness in our ideals and in reality
  2. To understand that a system or situation of “absolute fairness” does not exist in reality

Am I a Superhero?
(30 minutes) / To reflect on how to help others, and understand the importance and ways of giving help / 1.To learn how to exercise self-reflection and how to help others
2.To discuss ways of helping others in society
Lovers’ Codes
(30 minutes) / To help students to build up proper attitudes and positive values about love relationships /
  1. To learn to cherish love relationships and to love with commitment instead of quitting easily
  2. To discuss the proper attitudes to end a love relationship

The Stolen PIN
(30 minutes) / To understand the importance and impact of honesty / 1.To understand the relationship between honesty and personal credibility
2.To understand how interpersonal relationships affect the practice of honest behavior
3. To learn to take responsibility for one’s behavior and its consequences
7. Self-efficacy / Who Is the Richest?
(30 minutes) / To cultivate students’ self-efficacy in wealth management /
  1. To understand that successful wealth management relies on the ability to exercise self-control and accept delayed gratification
  2. To understand the importance of controlling desires for unnecessary material things

My Dream! My Way!
(30 minutes) / To motivate oneself to live according to one’s dreams through an appropriate vision of the future /
  1. To understand the meaning of dreams and their importance in life
  2. To identify the personal qualities that help one overcome environmental constraints and realize dreams

8. Prosocial Norms / Who Makes the Call?
(30 minutes) / To teach students to incorporate moral considerations into decisions / To understand that prosocial and moral consideration and analysis are essential when making decisions
Stand Up, Speak Up
(PN 3.2)
(30 minutes) / To develop students’ critical thinking when facing socially accepted behaviors that conflict with one another /
  1. To understand that society has different expectations of different roles
  2. To investigate the potential conflicts between being prosocial and socially accepted behaviors

9. Resilience / A Contented Heart Is a Joyful Heart
(30 minutes) / To promote optimism through positive thinking / 1.To describe experience and how people can be our treasures
2.To develop an optimistic view of life among students
From Crisis to Opportunity
(30 minutes) / To cultivate the ability to face and handle crisis /
  1. To demonstrate how to face crisis
  2. To identify crisis as an opportunity of growth

Life Springs from Sorrow And Calamity
(30 minutes) / To introduce traditional values of the Chinese in relation to adversity so as to enhance students’ resilience /
  1. To state how Mencius looked at adversity
  2. To reflect upon oneself and how Mencius’ teachings can be applied in daily life

From Dream to Reality
(30 minutes) / To promote a sense of hope toward the future /
  1. To construct a vision of one’s future family
  2. To recognize that one needs to work hard and use resources properly so as to achieve their aspirations

10. Self-determination / Look Further And Wider
(30 minutes) / To learn how to make important decisions through simulating a choice of further studies or a career /
  1. To learn the importance of collecting comprehensive information before making choices
  2. To identify the most important factors in decision-making

Let Me Say It!
(30 minutes) / To enhance students’ ability to gain parental support for personal decisions /
  1. To discuss the proper way to seek parental support for personal decisions
  2. To understand the ways in which different actions and tones of voice affect the outcome of a discussion

11. Spirituality / Fortune’s Favorite
(30 minutes) / To enable students’ discovery, from different perspectives, of “the master” in their lives / To explore the meaning of “master” through “fortunate” and “unfortunate” stories
Where Does Value Lie?
(30 minutes) / To help students understand life values from different perspectives /
  1. To reflect life values from the stories of people who have suffered
  2. To understand the importance of belief in life

(30 minutes) / To deepen students’ understanding of
the meaning of life /
  1. To introduce the work and life values of people who are committed volunteers and to explore how their beliefs influence their commitments
  2. To deepen students’ understanding on how beliefs influence behavior

The Life Novel
(30 minutes) / To help students search for their own meanings of life /
  1. To integrate and consolidate the content learned in previous units
  2. To apply the knowledge and experiences gained from daily life

12. Clear and Positive Identity / Unshakable Me!
(30 minutes) / To identify the core competences for success and ways of cultivating them /
  1. To identify the core competences which help establish a foothold in different careers
  2. To explore ways to develop core competences in one’s own life

Men And Women, Past And Present
(30 minutes) / To examine gender stereotypes and their impact on society /
  1. To discuss the gender-role expectations in contemporary society
  2. To reflect on the effect of these concepts on individuals’ perceptions of gender roles

13. Beliefs in the Future / What Will Your Future Be?
(30 minutes) / To assist students to choose a realistic but optimistic way of life / To adopt a realistic and positive attitude in exploring future careers
Job Market
(30 minutes) / To put students in touch with the job market and let them understand different jobs /
  1. To understand that different jobs have different requirements
  2. To be aware of the issue of gender stereotypes and their impact(s) on career choices

Gifts from Heaven
(30 minutes) / To enhance students’ aspirations for higher education and future careers /
  1. To identify one’s interest, capability and attainable career options
  2. To identify pathways for higher education and vocational training

Looking Forward
(30 minutes) / To cultivate students’ abilities to plan for future education and careers, and to monitor and motivate their goal-pursuing behavior /
  1. To make both short- and long-term career plans
  2. To set up evaluating and rewarding thinking patterns to strengthen one’s perseverance in the process of goal-attainment

14. Prosocial Involvement / Across Generations
(30 minutes) / To develop students’ abilities to design and plan prosocial activities / To learn to plan activities with the W5H1 method
All Hands on Deck
(30 minutes) / To develop students’ ability in analyzing people’s motives for participating in prosocial activities /
  1. To understand the common barriers to participation
  2. To devise feasible strategies to promote an activity and attract participants

Secret Recipe
(30 minutes) / To improve students’ discussion techniques required for planning and organizing prosocial activities / To learn and practice how to lead a discussion by asking questions in appropriate ways
Gathering Opinion
(30 minutes) / To enhance the students’ abilities to plan and evaluate prosocial activities /
  1. To utilize critical thinking and evaluate the success of an activity from the participants’ point of view
  2. To consider the needs of the participants in the planning process for community or prosocial activities

Note. The 10-hour Core Program consists of the units from Constructs 1-8.