
Online Education Course Proposal Agreement & Instructions

  • All Keystone Faculty members are invited to propose a course for online delivery.
  • Stipends for Online Course Development are dependent on funding. Stipends will be paid in the semester the course is first delivered for instruction.
  • Online courses are capped at 20; other students are added only at the Faculty member’s discretion.
  • Online Course Development & Instruction may require additional technical training and does require an orientation session.
  • All Online Course Proposals are reviewed by the Online Learning Committee which meets the third Thursday of the month Sep-May.
  • The online course will conform to course content and learning outcomes as specified in any syllabus previously approved for face-to-face delivery. (This form is for courses already on the books.)
  • Course content shall meet Copyright Guidelines.
  • All courses will be developed and maintained in the approved learning management system (currently Blackboard).
  • Content developed for any course belongs to KeystoneCollege and will include supporting documents to facilitate other qualified instructors to teach the course as it has been produced.
  • Course content will meet the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements.
  • Any faculty member developing a distance education course for KeystoneCollege will commit to instruct the course for the first semester it is delivered. If this is not possible the course developer will provide support documents to facilitate other qualified instructors to teach the course as it has been produced.

For courses to be delivered in the Fall, your proposal must be submitted by January 15th.

For courses to be delivered in the Summer, your proposal must be submitted by January 15th.

For courses to be delivered in the Spring, your proposal must be submitted by May 15th.

Proposing a Course

There are a number of steps in the process of proposing an online course.

√ / Steps/Tasks
1. / Attend an Online Orientation session at any point in the proposal process.
2. / Contact the Coordinator of Online Learning to discuss your project.
3. / Review the Online Faculty Handbook & Copyright Guidelines as related to Distance Education.
4. / Review of similar courses elsewhere and talk with other Online faculty.
5. / Meet with your Division Chair to secure preliminary support for offering this course Online.
6. / Complete and submit an Online Course Proposal to your Division Chair for review and signature.
7 / Upon Divisional approval, proposal is forwarded to the Dean’s office.
8. / Meet with Media Services for an initial consultation about Blackboard, Captivate,and Video/Audio options.
9. / Meet with the Faculty Coordinator for Online Learning about your project.