A- Language Functions (5 Marks)

1- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Rick: Hey Joe, ______?

Joe: Oh, hi Rick. I did really badly on the science test. I failed it.

Rick: ______?

Joe: I didn’t study for it. I was too busy playing video games.

Rick: That’s too bad. ______?

Joe: I’m afraid to tell my parents. They will be very disappointed.

Rick: I did poorly on my English test last week. ______


Rick: Wow! That’s good to hear. Maybe our science teacher will let me take it again too.

Joe: ______

Rick: I know! No more video games for me.

B- Vocabulary & Structure (15 Marks)

2- Underline the correct word(s) in brackets: (10 Marks)

1. (Illegal – Informal – Illness - Impossible) means against the law.

2- (Conversation – Conservation – Pollution – destruction) is taking care of the environment.

3- People believe that our (food – planet – temperature – continent) is in danger because of global warming.

4- Edmund Hillary became famous for climbing (a Mount Everest – the Mount Everest – Mount Everest – the Everest).

5- (You have been sitting – Have you been sitting – Have you sat – Have you sit) on the beach for three hours?

6- Farmers used this machine to separate the (liquid - olive – skin - gas) from the solids to produce olive oil.

7- . (Did you use to - Do you - Would you - Did you get used to) cooking your own meals when you were a student?

8. She’s studying the ecosystem on a small island in (/ - the - a - an) Bahamas.

9- The manufacturing company (has been - hasn’t been - hasn’t - isn’t) used plastic to make these toys.

10- The biologist discovered this species of fish (since 1998 - so far - before 16 years - about 12 years ago).

3- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets: (5 Marks)

1. We play tennis and they swim. (While)


2 - I last went to the club three years ago. (since)


3- My father hasn't travelled for 5 years. (ago)


4- - We're still working on our project. (yet)


5- I started teaching ten years ago and I am still teaching. (been)


C- Reading Comprehension (9 Marks)

4- Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

After water, coffee is probably the most popular drink in the world. Coffee has many positive properties that are good for your health. Drinking coffee can help reduce the chances of some cancers, stomach and neurological diseases, type 2 diabetes, and even heart disease. Coffee has had a long and interesting history on its road to becoming the much-loved drink that it is today.

The coffee bush was first discovered in Africa in the 9th century. The coffee berries that grow on the bushes contain coffee beans which can be made into a drink. The recipe for this drink was passed from Africa to the Middle East, to Europe, and then to the Americas. Even though the drink we know as coffee is well known all around the world, most countries have their own special way of making it. 'Cowboy coffee' is made in Finland and Norway by mixing coffee and boiling water together in a kettle and pouring out the liquid into a cup without the grounds.

Turkish coffee is made by mixing very finely ground coffee and sugar in a small pot with a long handle called an ibrik. The ibrik is held over a fire and then removed when the coffee comes to the boil. The mixture is poured into a small ceramic cup and drunk slowly, leaving the grounds at the bottom. Italians typically drink small cups of espresso every day and usually don't even sit down when they order it; they drink it and leave. Many people in the U.S. have an electric coffeemaker which uses a filter to separate the water from the coffee. Hot water drips through the grounds and comes out as the drink they know and love. There is even a way to make coffee using a roasted coconut and the milk inside it!

Answer the following Questions:

1. What are the positive properties of drinking coffee?


2. When and where was the coffee bush first discovered?


Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:

3. The recipe for coffee was passed from …………….to the Middle East, to Europe, and then to the Americas.

a. Africa b. china c. Italy d. Turkey

4. '……………. coffee' is made in Finland and Norway

a. Roasted coconut b. Cowboy c. Espresso d. Turkish

5. Coffee is ……………all around the world

a. public b. anonymous c. unknown d. well known

D- Writing (7 Marks)

5- Write a paragraph of seven sentences on the following topic: (My Future Ideal Home)

These guiding words may help you: large - close to - house - garage - garden - attic - rooms - floors - furniture - comfortable - pleasant





______E-Literature (14 Marks)

6- The Novel: (Pride and Prejudice) (10 Marks)

A- Comment on the following quotations: (4 Marks)

1- “Miss Bennet, are all your sisters out?”





______2. “Now Colonel Fitzwilliam will think I pretend all the time.”





B- Answer the following questions: (6 Marks)

1- Mr Collins was a foolish snob. Explain.




______2- Mention two examples of humour that you liked in Pride and Prejudice.





3- What were the first signs, in your opinion, when Darcy started being interested in Elizabeth? ______




7- Poetry (4 Marks)

A- Answer the following questions:

1- What is the theme of the poem?






2- What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?
