LFND Board Meeting Minutes and Notes, Thursday May 21st via FUSE
Minutes as recalled by those present: Tabitha, Laurie, Jim, Jody, Mike, Sarah, Monte, Jennifer, and Kim
Tabitha called the meeting to order. The minutes from the March 23 board meeting in Valley City were reviewed and approved.
Jim S gave a treasurers report.Jim shared documents online, indicating a treasury balance of $15,845.25 as of April 30, 2015. The treasurer report was approved.
Tabitha reported outcomes from meeting about merging AdvancEd and LFND Annual Conference. Present for conference discussion meeting: Peg Wagner (DPI), Laurie Stenehjem, Jim Stenehjem, and Tabitha Lang (LFND), Angie Koppang and Meredith Traeholt (AdvancEd).
- We will move ahead with partnering with AdvancEd conference.State AdvancEd director, Russ Ziegler(former principal at Richardton-Taylor) begins July 1st.
- Angie looking to hire someone to do conference logistics.
- Target $5000 for LFNDto generate from conference.
- Laurie still deciding how coaches can tie in, looking at a pre-conference.
- Conference theme “Engaging Learners for Success”. Still need to decide how to co-brand, discussrevenue and provide topics for conference.
- National speaker availability- Stephanie Hirsh (Learning Forward)-Sept. 30thopening general session and 1-2 breakout sessions
- Conference will take place September 30thOctober 1stat the Baymont Hotel, Mandan.
- Dr. Ann Clapper (NDSU) on Advanced Ed state university board and willing to present on standards
- We discussed an Un-conference idea, target audience and conference strands.
- Critical elements of this joint conference that need to be maintained for LFND-build on to Laurie’s coaching, (maybe preconference), cover costs for President Learning Forward,LFNDembed itself into AdvancEd, LFND annual meeting
- Currently AdvancEd charges $150 1 ½ days conference. We will need to decide how much more to charge.
- AdvancEd will do accreditation protocol sessions for one strand, DPI will provide sessions, andLearning Forward will provide a strand as well. Standards will be part of that strand. Other strands will include best practice and Data, using data from supervision and evaluation processes, and Needs assessment/PD. Angie volunteered crosswalk of AdvancEd and LF standards.
- Need to decide how to handle payment-pay Advanc Ed and they cut LFNDa check?
- Possibly at Noon-lunch do business meeting for LFND.
- Information about both organizations need to be included in advertisements.
- Possible name for the conference include AdvancEd/Learning Forward North Dakota. Previous conference title: Fall Education Improvement Conference.
- Registration, expenses, reimbursement will be through AdvancEd.
- There’s a possibility of streaming out some of the sessions…more discussion on some of the support that could be provided.
Jim S shared information on a PLC conference planned for Spring 2015 that didn’t come to fruition. Looking for some support, and will move ahead with plans for a possible October meeting (There has been a void left by Title 1 conference and the Educational Academy not being held this year.)
Action Items:
- Logo of LFND-get to Angie
- YAPP? And other Social Media streams need to keep going.
- State network-EduTech assist with network hubs.
- Hope to have sessions from ETC-Grant show off-Utilizing Park River, Barnes County North.
- Need a Conference committee from LFND Board – Next meeting date with Mr. Ziegler after July 1.
Meeting adjourned.
Next Meeting: June 12, Face-to-face in Valley City, Regional Technology Center