
Transcribed by the Seventeenth Century Population Research Group

of the St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society

The names which follow appear in a poll book relating to the

parliamentary election in St Albans in February 1689/90.

The book can be found at Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies.

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John Abbott

Stephen Adams

William Adamson

George Aglington

John Aglington

James Aglington

Humphrey Aldwin

Thomas Allen

Mathew Alport

Henry Andrews

John Andrews

John Archer

John Arnett

John Arnold

Thomas Arnold

William Arnold

Thomas Arris

James Arrowsmith

Edmund Ayleward

Francis Babb

Thomas Babb

William Babb

Daniel Baker

Edward Baker

James Baldyn

Anthony Ball

Benjamin Balshon

John Barnard

James Barnes

Richard Barnett

John Baseley

Henry Beech

Nathaniel Beech

Richard Beech

Walter Beech

Robert Beeton

Thomas Beeton

Edward Bentley

John Beamond

Thomas Berry

George Bigg

William Birchmore

John Bloefield

Giles Bloefield

William Blower

Samuel Blunt

John Boulton

James Bradbury

John Bradwin

Robert Bradwin

William Bradwin

Nicholas Bradyn

Edward Branch

Richard Brashaw

John Brimbleby

Ralph Brittaine

George Broofe

Samuel Brooks

Thomas Broomer

George Brown

William Brownfell

William Brydon

Thomas Bull

William Burley

William Burr

John Burton

William Burton

William Bush

Edward Bygrave

Edward Camfield

John Camfield

William Campion

John Canon

Joshua Carpenter

Christopher Carter

Joseph Carter

Jeremiah Carter

John Carter

Richard Carter

William Carter

John Castledine

Joseph Cattlyn

John Chamberlen

Richard Chamberlen

Thomas Chambers

Richard Champ

Thomas Chandler

Richard Childe

John Chilterne

William Chilterne

William Christmas

George Churchill

John Claridge

Alban Clarke

Charles Clarke

Francis Clarke

John Clarke

Thomas Clarke

William Clarke

William Clayton

John Cock

Thomas Cogdell

John Cole

Richard Coleman

John Cooke

Thomas Cooke

Ralph Cooper

Thomas Cooper

George Covington

John Covington

Abraham Cowley

Jeremiah Cowley

John Cowley

Thomas Cowley

John Cox

John Crawley

John Crofts

Nathaniel Crooke

Thomas Crosfield

William Darey

Robert Davie

William Davie

John Deacon

William Deacon

John Dickenson

John Dixon

Henry Dobbins

Henry Doggett

John Doggett

Thomas Downes

Roger Dunkley

Joseph Durdon

John Duse

Joseph Eales

John Eaton

Joseph Eaton

John Edmunds

Thomas Edmunds

Isaac Eeles

John Elisha

Peter Embason

Daniel Evans

Robert Eves

Nathaniel Ewer

Michael Falkener

Anthony Farrington

Edward Fenn

Gabriel Fenn

Richard Fermsley

George Field

Richard Finch

Jeremiah Fitch

Zachariah Fitch

Christopher Flanders

Richard Floyd

William Forrest

Thomas Fossey

Edward Foulks

John Francis

William Franklyn

John French

Peter Fullwood

Nicholas Gale

Nathaniel Gamerington

John Gape

Thomas Gape

Thomas George

James Gibbon

William Giles

Ralph Gladman

Thomas Goldsmith

Richard Goodson

Thomas Goodspeed

William Goodspeed

Robert Graver

Henry Graves

John Green

Robert Gregory

Jonathon Grew

John Grey

Thomas Grey

Samuel Grimston

Henry Grissill

Thomas Grubb (Junior)

Thomas Grubb (Senior)

William Grunill

Humphrey Gumersall

John Gumersall

Stephen Haines

Francis Halford

James Hall

John Hall

Sam Hall

John Halsey

John Hamerton

Robert Hamerton

Gideon Hand

Ralph Hannell

John Harlow

William Harris

John Harrup

John Hawgood

James Hawgood

Thomas Hawgood

John Hayward

Ralph Hayward

Samuel Hayward

Thomas Hayward

Walter Hayward

William Hayward

Robert Hazle

Henry Heald

William Hickman

Robert Hitchin

Thomas Holland

John Hopkins

Edward Horsell

Edmund Howe

James How

Thomas How

William How

Robert Hoyland

Mathew Hubbard

Thomas Hudson

Richard Hull

Stephen Humble

Henry Hunt

Henry Hunt

William Hunt

George Hurst

John Hurst

Mathew Iremonger

Ralph Jackson

Thomas Jackson

William Jackson

William Jackson

Charles James

William James

George Jacques

Thomas Johnson

William Johnson

Edward Jones

Thomas Jopson

Richard Joy

George Keen

Richard Keen

Walter Kent

Thomas Kentish

John Kilby

Gilbert Kinder

Thomas Kinge

John Kitchen

William Knight

Jacob Lattimer

Jeremiah Lattimer

John Lattimer

Thomas Lawrence

Thomas Lawrence

Robert Lea

Christopher Lee

John Leigh

Robert Lemon

John Leonard

Charles Littlewood

William Lockey

Samuel Loft

John Longe

Philip Lovett

John Lynam

Samuel Malpart

Joseph Marshall

Abraham Marston

William Marston

Ralph Marston

William Marston

James Martyn

Richard Martyn

William Martyn

William Martyn

Edmund Mathews

Thomas Meadowe

Charles Meadues

William Medcalf

Henry Medowe

William Millard

John Miller

Richard Moate

William Moate

Ephraime Moores

William Moores

Edward More

William Morris

William Mount

Richard Mountague

Zachariah Mountford

Daniel Mun

Joseph Mun

Richard Mun

Roger Napkin

John Nash

Thomas Nash

Francis Neaves

Robert Neaves

Thomas Neaves

John New

John Nicholl

William Nichol

Ed. Norcoate

Thomas Norris

Thomas Oliver

Sam Oney

Robert Owen

Edward Oxton

Philip Oxton

Thomas Oxton

Walter Oxton

William Oxton

William Oxton

John Packer

Francis Peacock

Richard Peake

Thomas Peake

Jonathon Penn

John Perry

John Philby

Anthony Polkinhorne

John Poole

William Prentice

Thomas Preston

Richard Proctor

Gregory Pulford

Alexander Ramridge

James Ramridge

Thomas Ramridge

William Rance

Edward Rawlinson

Samuel Rawson

Robert Raynsford

Zachariah Reeve

Thomas Reynolds

Thomas Richards

John Richardson

John Robards

Henry Roberts

Thomas Roberts

Edward Robinson

John Robinson

Nicholas Robinson

Robert Robinson

Thomas Robinson

Robert Robotham

John Rochford

John Rodgers

Richard Rodgers

William Rose

George Rowney

Thomas Rowney

William Rugg

Abel Rumford

Richard Ruth

Thomas Ruth

John Rylance

Thomas Samon

Michael Sanders

Godfrey Scofield

Robert Scott

Thomas Scott

Edward Seabrook

Henry Seares

John Selby

Jeremiah Severe

Thomas Shepherd

John Sheppard

Thomas Sherer

Andrew Sherlock

William Sherrer

Thomas Siggins

John Sillioke

John Silvester

Robert Simkin

Richard Simons

Henry Sims

Francis Sleape

Robert Smeedon

Daniel Smith

John Smith

John Smith

John Smith

William Smith

John Sparling

John Sparling

Hugh Sparlinge

Joseph Sparlinge

Nicholas Sparlinge

Thomas Spink (Junior)

Thomas Spinks (Senior)

William Steevens

Abraham Stimson

Robert Stopp

John Street

John Stringer

Robert Swenstone

George Swinhow

Thomas Swenstone

Thomas Tanner

Gregory Tarbox

Joseph Tarbox

Charles Taylor

William Tearle

William Thetcher

Thomas Thorpe

Nathaniel Tibbs

William Tibson

John Tisdale

Edward Townsend

John Townsend

Alexander Trott

Jas Trustram

William Tryant

Henry Tull

James Turner

Thomas Tynsley

Thomas Waller

Isaac Wallis

Robert Wallup

William Watson (Junior)

William Watson (Senior)

John Watts

Samuel Watts

Thomas Watts

Thomas Watts

Thomas Watts

Thomas Wells

Jas. Wenlock

John Wethered

Nicholas Whelpley

Ralph Whitbread

John White

Richard White

Robert White

Edward Whitehead

John Whittacre

Thomas Whittacre

Gilbert Wilds

John Wilkinson

George Wilshere (Jnr)

George Wilshere

John Wilshere

Anthony Wilson

Edward Wilson

Thomas Wilson

William Wilson

John Winter

Robert Wood

Timothy Woodrooff

John Woodward

Robert Woodward

Robert Woodward

William Woodward

Daniel Wright

John Wynn

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