Session Breakdown: Please ensure that you read the session descriptions in the leader book as they are much more detailed. The following is a brief overview with adaptions that may need to be made to accommodate a school setting.

Session 3: Clothed in Christ

Before the Session:

  • Ask students to wear a special article of clothing for this session
  • The Gathering area:
  • Classroom: leaving it set up as it normally is will be fine. No need for name tags or snacks. Cross can be already in the Ritual Area.
  • The Ritual Area:
  • Make sure you choose an area that is relatively private and has a smartboard or projector available (If possible use the same space as used in previous sessions).
  • Darken lights, have calming music playing (monks singing, etc.)
  • Desk or table draped with a white cloth
  • Rug in front of table for students to sit on or chairs formed in a semi-circle around central table.
  • Session 3 presentation set up on smart board, slide 1, or other presentation form, ensure that it will not ‘sleep’ while you are gone.
  • On the Table place;
  • The Bible: place a photocopy of the adapted text with the bible (page 103 of the leaders guide)
  • Large Bowl of water
  • Cross (preferably upright)
  • Perfumed oil (any oil (olive oil, etc.) is find, add essential oil for light scent, but remember possibly allergies)
  • Alb
  • If you do not have access to an alb, some other garment that has personal meaning will do, however preferably white.

Beginning of Session: Gathering

  • Have students get out books and allow those that would like to share what they put on page 20 (working on the kingdom of God)
  • Introduce Session in words such as
  • On the day of a baptism the church gives baptismal clothing. Today we will look at the importance of baptismal clothing and what it represents. We asked you to wear a special piece of clothing to our session. It may be special for many reasons: a gift, a favorite color, a lucky sweater.
  • Invite students to share something about the special piece of clothing they wore.
  • Conclude with words such as
  • We are going to move to another space where we will recall being clothed in a special way. We will pray and say the response we sued at our last session, do you remember? (O blessed be God)
  • You will need to use all your senses; sight, sound, touch, smell, taste and your memory.
  • Remind students that the space they are moving to is to be viewed as a sacred space and they should be on their best behavior.
  • Take group to the Ritual space, remind them again that this is a quiet reflective time.

Ritual Experience: anointing

  • Have students enter the Ritual area and sit in the chairs/on rug. Remind them to sit silently.
  • Say:
  • On the day of your baptism you were claimed for Christ. As you prepare to celebrate the sacrament of confirmation, the Christian community greets you joyfully and holds you in its heart. Remember that God loves you.
  • Take the Bible and the adapted text, read it to the class.
  • As we prepare to celebrate confirmation we enter again into what happened at the celebration of our baptism. In the passage I just read, St. Paul is speaking to the Christians in Galatia. He is telling them that those who have been baptized have been clothed in Christ. He also tells them that baptism has changed them. At the time of a baptism, after being anointed on the crown of our head with chrism, St. Paul’s words are spoken and the child receives baptismal clothing.
  • Go to slide 2 on the session 3 presentation, say;
  • During the next part of the Ritual, I will make the sign of the cross on you and I will say ‘Blessed be God’, you all then respond, O blessed be God
  • Go to the closest student, invite them to stand
  • Trace a large cross on the front of the participant without touching. The cross you make should stretch from head to toe and from one side of the body to the other.
  • As you are tracing the cross say;
  • (Their name) you have become a new creation and have clothed yourself in Christ.
  • Then say
  • Blessed be God
  • Students respond: O blessed be God
  • Repeat this process with each student.
  • Once all students have gone, invite students to sit.
  • Allow a few moments of silence, then say
  • Blessed are you, Lord our God for new living things, for baby brothers and sisters, for all living creatures or seeds and plants.
  • Say: Blessed be God
  • Students respond: O blessed be God
  • Blessed are you, Lord our God for new beginnings; for the first day of holidays, for birthdays, for the morning.
  • Say: Blessed be God
  • Students respond: O blessed be God
  • Blessed are you, Lord our God for our new life; for Jesus, for the family of God, for new ways of being in the world.
  • Say: Blessed be God
  • Students respond: O blessed be God
  • Go to slide 3 on the session 3 presentation
  • Loving God, may we remember all that you have done for us. Guide us to reflect Christ to others, so that all people may know you and walk in your ways. We ask this in the name of Christ your Son and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • All respond: Amen
  • Have students sit back down.
  • Invite students to recall the experience in these or similar words
  • Think about our conversation earlier about special clothing. Think about the scripture reading and our actions.
  • Use the following questions, one at a time, to help everyone remember the oil ritual. Wait for responses. Do not be afraid of silence.
  • Questions (see leader guide, pages 54-55) for ‘hoped for responses’)
  • What did you hear?
  • What did you hear me say?
  • What did you see?
  • What did you feel?
  • Is there anything else you remember?

Catechesis on the experience: Phase 1: Initial Reaction on the Experience

  • Have students return the classroom
  • Do not clean up the ritual space at this time. Wait until the session has completely ended.
  • Have students sit at their desks and say
  • On the day of baptism children are clothed with a white garment. Before we talk about the white garment, let’s use our imaginations. Think for a moment about if you could wish for just one piece of clothing, what would you choose?
  • Allow students to comment.
  • Say:
  • The church announces that ‘you have become a new creation and clothed yourself in Christ.
  • If Christ were a piece of clothing that you could put on, what might it look and feel like?
  • Allow students to comment see leaders guide, page 56, for ‘hoped for responses’

Catechesis on the experience: Phase 2: Connecting with Baptism

  • Remind students of baptism by saying;
  • In baptism we are given a new identity. When adults or older children are baptized, the Church chooses a big white alb as the baptismal garment. This is also what a priest will wear.
  • Show the image of the alb (click link)
  • Ask the following questions, hoped for responses can be found on pages 56 & 57
  • Why is the alb white?
  • Why do you think the Church chooses a large piece of clothing?
  • Why does the Church have us wear a new piece of clothing at baptism?
  • Thank them for their responses and highlight that in baptism we have become a new creation and have put on Christ. Our new identity means that we have put on Christ.
  • Ask
  • What is the most important thing Jesus did?
  • Answers will vary. When someone share that dying on the cross is the most important thing Jesus did, explain that the cross is the sign of our new identity. The cross is our constant reminder that we have put on Christ and have put on the mind of Christ.
  • Tell students about World Youth Day when Pope John Paul II (now St. John Paul) gave the cross to the youth of the world. Can show video of the event by clicking the following link
  • Recall with students that during the ritual the cross was traced over our entire body. This reminded us that no part of us has been left untouched by baptism. Our Christianidentity touches every part of who we are. A cross was traced on our entire body to remind us that our identity as Christians is linked to Jesus’ death and resurrection.
  • Demonstrate making the sign of the cross on yourself and then ask:
  • When are some of the times we trace a cross on ourselves?
  • Hoped for responses on page 58

Catechesis on the experience: Phase 3: My life in the Christian community

  • Remind students that Jesus’ death on the cross and his resurrection are linked to the cross. The cross is a symbol of self-giving so that others may live fully. The mystery is that when we give of ourselves not only do others live fuller lives but so do we.
  • Because our baptism identifies us with Christ and his cross, we are called to live differently. We are to be visible signs of Christ working in the world.
  • Ask;
  • Can you think of ways you can be a visible sign of Christ in the world?
  • Allow for comments
  • In confirmation the Church prays with us that we will be aware of Christ presence in our lives and that we will discover how to rely on the Spirit to guide us. Explain that it is the strength of the Holy Spirit that helps us to be more like Christ.

Bringing the Session home:

  • Have students open the family book.
  • As a class or individually read and complete page 25
  • As a class, or individually read andcomplete pages 26- 29
  • Look at the prayer on page 30, encourage students to pray this with their families
  • Conclude by reciting, as a class, the prayer on page 31.
  • Play students the song by Chris Tomlin – At the Cross