Formularz opisu przedmiotu (formularz sylabusa) w języku angielskim – dotyczy studiów I i II stopnia

A. Informacje ogólne

Nazwa pola / Treść
Course title / Process Management
Faculty/Institute / Faculty of Management, Department of Organization Theory and Methods,
Programme for which the course is offered / Faculty of Management, International Business Program
Course ID
Erasmus code / 2600-ERSM1PM
Course group
Didacticcycle / Summer semester
Type/form of class / Lecture (30 h) using multimedia presentations, analyzes of case studies, discussions, individual and team assignments, computer-supported simulation.
Briefcoursedescription / The course offers an introduction to fundamental concepts and techniques of business process management. Students will learn to identify, map and analyse processes. After completing the course, students should be able to identify and analyse basic organizational processes and solve practical problems related to the ineffectiveness of processes.
Full coursedescription / 1.Introduction to business process management
Definition of business process, concept of the system, relationships between processes in systems
Components of processes
Effectiveness, efficiency, control and compliance in process management
Fishbone (cause-and-effect) diagram
2.Basics of process analysis
Process charts (operation, transportation, inspection, delay, store)
Value added analysis
History of process management concepts and approaches
Capability Maturity Model
3.Analysis of business operations
Value chain model and cost drivers (M.E. Porter)
Outsourcing and offshoring
Make-or-buy decisions and transaction costs
Virtual organization
Value chain analysis
4.Optimizing operations (1)
Reorder Point System (ROP)
Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)
ABC method
Value engineering
Inventory-driven costs (IDCs)
Supply chain management (SCM)
“Triple A” supply chain – agile, adaptable and aligned
5.Optimizing operations (2)
Material Requirements Planning(MRP and MRP2)
Japanese manufacturing techniques: just-in-time (JiT), kanban, lean management, Total Quality Management (TQM)
Six Sigma
DMAIC methodology
Quality management systems and environmental management systems
6.System dynamics
Simple dependencies in fishbone diagram (Ishikawa) versus feedback loops
System dynamics modeling (J.W. Forrester)
Bullwhip effect and “beer game”
Systemic interdependencies and consequences for organizations (P.M. Senge)
7.Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and Improvement
Cost reductions, downsizing and automation versus reengineering of processes (M.M. Hammer, J. Champy)
Process improvement
Drawbacks and limitations of BPR
BusinessProcess Modeland Notation (BPMN) process modelling
8.Final exam
Prerquisites / Formal
prerquisites / Completion of “Strategic management” course
otherprerquisites / Use of personal computers with Microsoft Windows operating system and free-of-charge software packages Vensim PLE and ARIS Express
Internet access
Learning outcomes / Upon the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
work in teams on solving practical business problems,
identify, map and analyze business processes of a selected organization,
use analytical frameworks and techniques including value chain, make-or-buy, fishbone diagram, system dynamics, benchmarking, value analysis, business process reengineering, balanced scorecard,
present principles, benefits and limitations of process approaches including Reorder Point System, ABC method, MRP, JiT, lean management, TQM, inventory-driven costs, Triple-A supply chain, Six Sigma
model systemic interdependencies in organizations using software Vensim PLE,
model business processes in organizations using software ARIS Express.
ECTS credits / 4 ECTS
Assessment methods and criteria / Projects and assignments prepared individually or in teams, in class or at home (60%), final written exam (40%)
Type of examination / Graded assignments and final exam.
Type of course / Specialist, stage II, academic year II, winter semester.
Mode of delivery / Classroom-based lectures, exercises and project-based team assignments.
Language of instruction / English
Bibliography /

Compulsory literature: articles, case studies and books excerpts (available in PDF format from course website)

Workplacement(s) /
Course coordinator /

Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska, PhD

Academicteachers /

Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska, PhD

Remarks /
