Conversation at the Cliff

by Tammie Ekkelboom

Tomorrow was "V" day. Although Julie had voted against it, she knew she had to stand by the group’s decision to attack. The reality sickened her as her thoughts continued to be plagued with images of the wounded and the dying, knowing that there was probably nothing that she, as a doctor, could do for them. She sighed, put her head in her hands, and closed her eyes when she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. Looking up, she saw Maggie Blodgett standing there. Julie’s eyes spoke.

"How ya doin’?" Maggie asked as gently as she could.

Julie forced a smile. "I’ll survive. I hope," she said doubtfully.

"Hey Julie.", Maggie said with words that soothed Julie’s soul. "We’re gonna win. We’ve got Sean’s information and we’re going to do this. They’ll never know what hit them."

At the mention of Sean’s name, Mike ran through Julie’s mind. Where was he, she wondered?

Noticing her perplexed expression Maggie continued on. "I saw Mike head out towards the cliffs."

"Thanks," Julie said smiling as she forced herself out of the chair that felt glued to her legs. "I’ve got to go see him," she said absently as she gave Maggie a squeeze on her arm and headed towards the door.

The night air was cool, brisk. Julie threw a blanket across her shoulders and started heading towards the cliffs, a place where she and Mike would spend a little time together whenever the opportunity allowed. She continued walking, her boots snagging in the dying grass, as she rubbed her hands together for warmth. From a distance she could see him there, his head low, as he kicked the ground below with the heel of his shoe. Even in the near darkness, Julie could recognize the sadness that draped his face. She knew he felt bad about their previous fight, when Mike had accused her of being converted, just as a way of trying to confront his own realities. It was Sean who had in fact been converted, not her, and she knew this. She walked away from Mike feeling hurt and torn, yet she said nothing when she walked away from him, knowing that further words would only hurt the outcome. Now, here he was almost twenty feet in front of her, as she approached slowly with a concerned look masking her beautiful face. She was the first to speak.

“Thinking about tomorrow?"

"Thinking about Sean.", Mike said shortly as he looked at her briefly, then to the stars above.

"You don’t know how rotten I feel to have had to be the one to tell you."

"I don’t blame you. I’m sorry for what I said to you," Mike said seriously as their eyes met for the first time since their fight.

"Thanks.", Julie said solemnly. "But you shouldn’t blame Sean either. He’s not a traitor or a spy, he’s just a little boy who couldn’t fight back like I did."

"I don’t blame him," Donovan said correcting her. "I blame them.", he said as his eyes traveled to the night above.

"Do you think they’ll believe his story?" Julie asked letting out a sigh.

"I hope so.", Mike muffled out as his arms reached for her quickly. Without hesitation she fell into his arms, the arms that always made her feel so safe and secure, and they stood there underneath the night sky, their heartbeats against each other. Moments passed which seemed like an eternity when Mike pulled Julie down to the ground to sit. They sat on the cold, damp earth, Julie’s blanket draped around the both of them, as they snuggled together tightly for warmth and comfort. Julie leaned her head against Mike’s chest, listening to his heartbeat quicken, as she took his hand in hers. Even without looking at him, she knew that he smiled, for his heart slowed down and his breathing began to steady as she touched his fingers lightly, gently, as if they had all the time in the world. Mike tightened his embrace as his eyes searched her face. Her face. There was something about Julie that magnetized him. Since the day that they met two years ago, there was a strength about Julie that he could never pinpoint. Although they started off on the wrong foot, their differences had somehow drawn them closer. Mike could never figure out what Julie saw in him. He knew he was arrogant, self-centered, and rock hard stubborn. He knew there had been times where he risked an entire mission for personal reasons, yet Julie always forgave him or somehow understood. Looking at her now, he couldn’t help but feel almost paralyzed by her face - - so beautiful and young - - her cerulean blue eyes, and her touch that kept him warm. He shifted slightly, trying to draw her closer to him, as he continued searching for the answers in her eyes. She said nothing, but continued to return the gaze, as if trying to understand just what it was that he was thinking. Suddenly, out of nowhere, her eyes filled with tears.

"Hey…hey…", he said suddenly, his hand stroking her blonde hair. "What’s wrong?"

For a moment she couldn’t speak, as she continued to nuzzle her head in his chest, still listening to his heart for proof that he was still alive.

"I’m sorry," was the only thing that she could muffle out as Mike continued to hold her as he wiped tears from her cheeks. Her cheeks. The onset of tears added a rosiness to her cheeks that he had seen only once before: The night after Robin’s supposed-to-be abortion. Julie had been tear struck that night, yet their relationship was still unsteady at that time and as much as Mike wanted to hold her, he didn’t. He left her sitting on the stairs, crying, trying to regroup and convince herself that the resistance needed her, for she was their leader. He wondered how she made it though that night alone. He would not let her be alone tonight. As strong as she was, she was also vulnerable, and Mike felt lucky that she shared this vulnerability with him. He would do anything he could to help her. Julie shifted as she looked up into his green eyes. "Are we going to make it, Mike?"

Donovan always loved when Julie used his first name. That meant there were on a personal level and there would be no harsh words, no fights. Mike felt the trust that Julie had in him and wanted to solidify that trust and make her believe she could always count on it. "I think so," he said seriously. "I do Julie. We’ve got quite a unit here, many thanks to you," he said with a smile as he tried to soften the mood, "and the Fifth Column have really come together for us.

As much as I hate thinking that Sean had to be used in this, I know that in the end, it’s for all the right reasons. We’re going to walk away from the Visitors tomorrow, Julie. We’re going to show them that they can’t mess with us."

With those words, Julie’s tears stopped and she smiled. A smile that Mike hadn’t seen in a very long time.

"I almost believe you," she said warmly. "But I need a little more convincing."

With those words, Mike leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips. Julie felt a sensation run through her, something warm and intoxicating, as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment.

Mike pulled away as he smiled.

"We’ve got a lifetime ahead of us, Julie. If you want it."

Julie knew Mike was referring to a lifetime together. In the past months Mike had suggested wanting to spend his life with Julie after the war, but she pulled away, saying that was something she couldn’t even think about at least not until the war was over. But what if tomorrow did mark the end of the war? What would that mean? Julie definitely couldn’t imagine her life without him and she had a longing for a since of normalcy. On those rare occasions where she would imagine the war ending, the dream always consisted of finishing her doctorate and settling down with Mike and Sean. That was the life she imagined and Mike was offering that to her right now. Even in the near darkness, Mike could detect a sparkle in her blue eyes as she smiled again.

"I want it," was all she could say as she drew him closer and kissed him again, this time more passionately, as her lips blossomed against his. Her hands went to his face, his hair, as they slowly reclined back towards the ground, unable to restrain their desire for each other any longer. There was no reason to fight. Although the earth against their skin was cool, the warmth between them eliminated any cold. And for the first time in a long time, nothing mattered except being with each other and living for the moment. - - "Has anyone seen Donovan?" Tyler asked walking through the HQ as the resistance members geared up for tomorrow’s attack. Maggie heard the question as she looked to Tyler.

"He was out at the cliffs with Julie." she said trying to avoid his gaze. There was something about Tyler’s eyes that were flat and always made her blood run a little cold.

"I gotta go find him," Tyler said as he headed for the door, but Maggie stopped him.

"Hey. If you have respect, you’ll leave those two alone for tonight, huh?" she said casting a hook which she hoped Tyler caught. Tyler looked at her blankly as her stare fixated him. Finally, he showed some emotion.

"Sure. I’ll wait for him to come in.",he said as he started walking away.

"Thanks Tyler." Maggie said as Tyler looked back at her and gave her a wink. Maggie thought she was hallucinating and she smiled to herself and checked the ammo to her M-16.

When Mike woke up, he was cold. The air was thick, almost tangible, as he made sure Julie was covered completely with the blanket so she wouldn’t be cold. He enveloped her closely to him as their bodies sunk together, generating heat. He smiled when, unexpectedly, Julie woke up. She sighed.

"We need to go, Donovan."she said snapping back into leadership mode. Mike noticed this right away as Julie tied back her shoulder length blonde hair in a quick pony tail. He couldn’t help but smile to himself. He was always amazed at how fast Julie could change gears. Noticing his grin, she couldn’t help but to smile herself.

"What?" she asked girlishly.

"Nothing. Nothing." Mike said still grinning as he pulled Julie to her feet and wrapped the blanket, along with his arm, around her shoulders. "Think anyone missed us?"

"Nah." Julie said laughing. "We’re not important."

"No, not at all.",Mike said smiling as he felt Julie’s arm slide around his waist, her fingers sliding beneath his shirt to keep her hands warm. Mike flinched at her touch.

"Scare you?",she asked laughing.

"No. I’m just constantly amazed by you Dr. Parrish," Mike said very matter of fact.

"Likewise, Mr. Donovan." Julie said smiling as they both realized they were retreating back to their early days when they kept each other at arms length. Those days were definitely over.

"So, whattya say?" Donovan asked. "Want to go kick some alien ass?"

Julie laughed at his comment as she kissed him quickly. "The sooner the better."

Walking back inside the HQ they noticed all of the resistance members shuffling around, gearing up ammo, and making the sure the plans for the raid were concrete. With a touch of their hands, Mike and Julie parted ways and geared up for the attack.

After all, it wasn’t only the future of the earth that they were fighting for. It was also their own.