LesterB.PearsonCollegeTel:(250) 391-2420
650 Pearson College DriveFax: (250) 391-2412
Victoria, BC, Canada V9C 4H7Email:
Registration Form forMay 28 – June 10, 2011
Applications accepted on a first-come basis. Total Cost: $2100. To secure a spot, your application must include a $300 deposit.(Under no circumstances will space be held without a deposit). Cheques or Money Orders should be made payable to: Rediscovery Training. Sorry, credit cards are not accepted. Final Payment is due May 15, 2011 (applicants will not be admitted into the program if fees are not paid in full).This program is for adults only. PLEASE WRITE VERY CLEARLY
City______Province______Postal Code:______
please print clearly
Phone # Home ( )______Work # ( )______Birth date:______
Nationality:______Native Band Association:______
Are you involved with a Rediscovery Camp? If so, which one:______
Space is limited in each course. Please indicate A & B workshop preferences:
Workshop A (32 hours)
Please rank by choice:
[ ] A. Swimming: Bronze Medallion Lifesaving
[ ] A. First Aid: Wilderness
[ ] A. Canoeing: Flat Water Levels 1 and 2
Workshop B (20 hours)
Please rank by choice:
[ ] B. First Aid: Standard
[ ] B. Swimming: BronzeCross/Learn to Swim
[ ] B. Canoeing: Instructor Course
Address:______Phone ( )______
MEDICAL INSURANCE PLAN & # (you must have medical coverage) ______
FAMILY PHYSICIAN Name:______Phone: ( ) ______
Special Needs? (ex.diabetes, heart condition, medications, dietary restrictions, allergies, etc.)
Head Facilitator: Thom Henley
Have a world of fun while learning over 50 games and activities and how to use them in your field of work. Training in First Aid, swimming and canoeingare an integral part of the program.
Workshops on Conflict Resolution, Respecting Boundaries,Cross-cultural Awareness,Indigenous Protocol and Nature Appreciationwill add to your repertoire ofskills.
You will also learnfundraising, program budgeting, administration, camp set-up and scheduling, staff and equipment needs, nutrition and meal planning, health and safety standards, emergencyprocedures, environmental guidelines, program/camp games and activities. Global and environmental issues will make the experience holistic.
This program is open to all adults over the age of 19.
* pencil, pens ¬ebook
* back pack/day pack
*runners, sandals, water bottle
*casual wear – jeans, shirts,
running shorts, rain gear, etc.
*swimsuit, cap, goggles
*sunscreen, hat, toiletries, towel
* camera
*photos, slides or videos of your
*small trading items for games
(feathers, stones, shells, beads,
*craft materials – leather,
weaving, beading, carving etc.
PearsonCollege is located 20 miles from Victoria. If you wish to visit Victoria or Vancouver while you’re here, plan on spending extra day(s) before or after the program.
Take Note:**there is no store nearby. Bring enough of everything you will need for two weeks i.e. film, cigarettes, phone cards, small amount of money etc.
** there are no bank machines nearby
**do not bring valuables – there is no safekeeping
ARRIVAL & PICK-UP: Participants board our bus in front of the Pacific Coach Lines Bus Station, at 12:00 pm on May28, 2011. This is the only transportation pick-up and there is no bus route to the College. Please pre-book this pick-up with this office.
DROP-OFF: The program finishes at 12:00 p.m., on June 10, 2011. There will be a bus drop-off at the RoyalBritish ColumbiaMuseumand the airport. Participants are encouraged to book return flights in the afternoon.
ACCOMMODATION: The residences accommodate 4 people per room with 10 rooms per dorm.
On the final night there will be a salmon feast and ceremony in which participants can dress in regalia, share their songs, traditional foods, drumming etc.
Family and friends can be invited at $20 per person for the dinner and ceremony. Lodging is not provided.
May 28, 2011: 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
The campus is reached through VictoriaAirport. Ferries run to and from Victoria and Vancouver, British Columbia and from Seattle, Anacortes and Port Angeles, Washington. From Victoria take Highway # 1 North and then the Colwood exit onto Highway # 14. About 1.5 km past Royal Roads University, turn left onto Metchosin Road and follow the signs to PearsonCollege.
COST: $2,100.00 (includes: local transport, course instruction, training manuals, certificates, accommodation and meals)
DEPOSIT: $300.00 deposit will secure your registration
PAYMENT: All funds must be paid by May 15, 2011. Cheques should be made payable toRediscovery Training. Credit card payments are not accepted.If you withdraw your application prior to May 1, 2011, we will refund half your deposit. Other refunds of deposits and registration fees will be considered in the event of illness or injury only.
NOTE: All fees must be paid in full before the program starts, applicants with an outstanding balance will not be accepted.
LesterB.PearsonCollege of the Pacific
650 Pearson College Drive
Victoria, BC V9C 4H7
Tel: 250.391.2420 or 250.391.2416
Fax: 250.391.2412