(Jamey Nye 916-709-3724)
Garcia Bend--1-street / U16 - U19 / Pocket Rd & Windbridge Dr / 3 / 1/2 / 3/9 / 1/2Garcia Bend-2-playarea* / U16 - U19 / Pocket Rd & Windbridge Dr / 23/25 / 19/28/31 / 4/6/29 / 20/27/32 / 7
Renfree Park-South-1-street / U14 / De Mar Dr & Cache River / 5/9 / 8/33 / 7/5 / 8/26/33 / 4/6
Parkway Oaks Park / U12 / Desertwind Dr & S.L.Park / 12/18 / 10/11 / 12/18 / 10/11
Zacharias Park / U12 / Riverside Blvd & Clipper Wy / 14/15 / 13/16 / 14/15 / 13/16
Z-berg / U10 / 7423 Alma Vista Way / 21/22 / 17/20 / 22/23 / 17/19 / 21
M. L. King School** / U10 / Little River & River Front Cir / 24/29 / 26/27/32 / 24/25/30 / 30/28/31
Renfree Park-North-2-play area / U7-U8 / De Mar Dr & Cache River / 36/37
41/43 / 38/39
40/42 / 36/37
41/46 / 38/39
Charter Point /
/ 610 Cutting Way / 46 / 34/4456 / 43 / 34/42
Marriott Park /
/ Grand River & El Douro Dr / 35 / 45/4852/53 / 35 / 40/48
Portugese Park /
/ 7350 Durfee Way / 49/5051 / 47/54
55 / 49/50
51 / 47/54
- Refer to the Home Fields Assignment list for your team number. Find your team number in the Schedule.
- U6 –U8 teams may be assigned to open grassy areas with no goals. All other age groups are assigned to fields with goals when available. Grassy areas can support multiple U6-U8 teams.
- Teams are assigned two days a week to practice, with an effort to provide, but no guarantee, of one day on your Home Field.
- Practices may be held anytime from 5 p.m. to Dusk each day; but School activities have priority of use at all times at Schools.
- Coaches wanting changes must work it out with other coaches, then contact Fields Scheduler (Jamey Nye , 916-709-3724 for approval. Contact the Fields Coordinator to request a change to any open day (non-assigned) on the schedule.
- Players and parents must pick up any litter after each game and practice. Coaches, players, & parents must be courteous of immediate neighborhoods & neighbors as loss of field use by your team will result (if caught speeding, blocking driveways, running over grass piles, using the fences or bushes as a restroom, etc.).
- Please leave your animals (especially dogs) at home. Animals at practices or games is a safety issue. GSC does not condone bringing animals to soccer games or practices and will sanction your team with loss of field use or games for incidents.
- Coaches must call, before practice & games during the rain. City Parks Dept. “status of use” number is 277-2336 to find out ifthe fields have been closed. Parks Dept. will dictate whether games or practice can continue or not to prevent field damage & for player safety. Use of City School fields will follow the same “status of use” determination as the Parks Dept. Teams face loss of field use & financial assessments for field damages for playing on fields that have been closed by City Parks Dept.
- All nets/flags must be returned immediately after the last game of the day or any cancelled game. Do not leave nets/flags on the field if there are no other teams playing after your game; return them to the Net Storage Volunteer for that field.
- If there is an issue (like sprinklers on or an altercation) at any of the City Parks during your practices or games, call the City Operator at 311 to have a City Parks Maintenance or Enforcement Officer come out to the field to assist you.
- If there is an emergency at any of the Fields you can contact the Sacramento City Police Department at 732-0100 using a Cellular Phone. If you call 911 on your Cellular Phone it will only put you through to the Sacramento Highway patrol, which has no jurisdiction at the Parks or Schools. Non-emergency Police number is 264-5471.
- GSC does not provide restrooms. Parks may have on-site restrooms. School restrooms are NOT open for use. Advise parents & players to plan accordingly for practices & games. Do not allow anyone to use fences, bushes, school buildings or hallways as a restroom. Loss of field use by your team will result if school personnel or neighbors report incidents.
- Contact Fields Coordinator for field issues: large holes, broken sprinklers, flooded areas, long grass, dry grass, field line markings are not visible, goals in need of repair, dangerous conditions, etc.
*Garcia Bend-2 is assigned with three teams at a time. Priority for the goals goes to U-14 and older. For U-12 and younger, the goals must be shared equally on alternating days (goals are not first come first served).
**MLK is assigned with three teams at a time, so coaches will need to rotate access to soccer goals. The goals are notfirst come first served but rather must be shared equally among all three tams on alternating days.