About SDSS:
Self Directed Support Scotland (SDSS) is a national membership organisation which actively promotes Independent Living by supporting, working with and championing the aims of Self Directed Support disabled people's organisations.
About membership:
Full Members are user-led disabled people's organisations (see definition below) or organisations that are working towards this status.
Associate members are organisations that have an interest in self-directed support (SDS) and which may have an SDS function, e.g. information service. These are not user-led disabled people's organisations.
“A user-led organisation is one where the people the organisation represents, or provides services to, have a majority on the Management Committee or Board, and where there is clear accountability to members and/or service users.”
Membership to SDSS is free of charge.
What to do once you have completed this form:
The SDSS Management Committee will consider your application at their next meeting and they will notify you of their decision within 1 month of SDSS receiving your application form.
The Management Committee has the right to approve/reject applications and to terminate the membership of any organisation.In the case of termination of membership, the organisation concerned will have the right to an independent hearing, attended by their representative, before a final decision is made.
Please complete and return your membership application form to:
4 PURE Offices, Bonnington Bond
2 Anderson Place, Edinburgh, EH6 5NP
Or email:
Name of organisation/service:Address:
Name of nominated representative for SDSS correspondence:
Registered charity number
(if applicable):
Company Limited by Guarantee number
(if applicable):
or insert number as appropriate / Comment
Does your organisation support individuals to access self-directed support (SDS)?
Does your organisation consider itself to be an independent body?
Does your organisation identify as being user-led?
If your organisation is not a user-led disabled people’s organisation, does it intend to become so within the next 3 years?
Is your organisation’s governing body composed of at least 51% disabled people and/or people in receipt of (or eligible for) self-directed support for their own care needs?
Is your service or organisation managed overall by another organisation? If so, please state which.
Is your organisation not-for-profit/within the voluntary sector?
Does your organisation have an understanding of the Social Model of Disability?
Does your organisation work to this model?
Is your organisation committed to the philosophy of Independent Living?
Is your organisation: / Please
as appropriate / Comment
Local (if so, where do you operate?)
Please tell uswho your main service user group(s) are:
Please describe the work that your organisation does on self-directed support, e.g. provision of information on SDS, support with assessment, training.
If your organisation provides services out-with support for SDS, please describe those services here:
Do you require our information to be in a specific format or language?
Please as appropriate / CommentBraille
Audio tape
Large Print
Language other than English
Other, please specify
The information provided in this form is correct to the best of my knowledge
Signature:Full name:
(Please print)
Please ensure that you have enclosed the followingdocuments so we can process your application:
- Copy of organisation’s constitution or governing document (we require this to determine your organisation’s type of membership)
- Information about your organisation, e.g. publicity material
Thank you for taking the time to complete this application form
Admin use only:
Date application form received by staffRecommended category of membership
Self-Directed Support Scotland, @SDSScot
Scottish charity no: SC039587 Company registered in Scotland: SC371469