MPH Student Self-Nomination Instructions and Application for

The Delta Omega Public Health Honorary Society

Spring 2018

Delta Omega is the honorary society for graduate studies in public health. The purpose of Delta Omega is to recognize academic merit and sincere commitment to public health work. For more information about Delta Omega, please visit the National Chapter’s website at

Membership in Delta Omega is by election only. Therefore, you may nominate yourself for an opportunity to be inducted into the society by completing the following application. Please emailapplication materials in one pdf or Word document to Stephanie Kienle, at due by Friday, March 30, 2018 at 5:00pm.

NOTE: Hardcopy, incomplete applications, or an email containing more than one attachmentwill not be considered. Please be sure to place all your application materials in one document – either copy and paste your resume/CV and unofficial transcript into this Word Document or scan all materials in one pdf document.

Our Chapter (Beta Xi) annually can only inducta select number of graduating students. Only students in the top 25 percent of the graduating class are eligible for membership according to Delta Omega by-laws. Hence, all applicants must have completed 39 credits in the 45-credit program, have a minimum cumulative G.P.A. of 3.75 at the time of application, and expect to graduate no later than December 2018.

Our Chapter’s Student ElectionCommittee will review all applications to determine which graduating students demonstrate current and/or potential qualities of outstanding leadership in the field of public health. Due to the maximum number of students we can induct, this process will be competitive.

Inductees will be announced at the MPH Poster Session held on Friday, May 4, 2018at from 4:00-6:00pmat the Graduate Business Center.

To view the application, go to: > click on Current Students & Faculty Student Resources > click on Professional Organizations (Delta Omega is at the top of this page) > open the MPH Student Self-Nomination Instructions and Application pdf.

E-mail complete applications toStephanie Kienle, at .

If you have any other questions, please contact Dr.Lynn Carson at .

MPH Student Application for Delta Omega Public Health Honorary Society

Spring 2018

MPH track:
Proposed Graduation Date:
Cumulative GPA:

I. Please answer each of the following three questions in essay format in the box provided beneath each question. Each essay is not to exceed 1-page single-spaced.

  1. Describe your recent involvement with community health efforts (please limit to past 5 years). Community health involvement may include volunteer, internship, and/or professional job experiences.

  1. Describe your current professional involvement in public health. Professional involvement may include professional affiliations, board memberships, organizational leadership positions, attendance and/or presentation at public health-related conferences/workshops.

  1. Summarize your career goals for after you graduate. Be sure to comment on your potential for leadership in the field of public health.

II. In addition to the above essays, please includethe following documents and combine into ONE Word or PDF file to submit

(1) current resume or CV

(2) current graduate studies transcript–an unofficial transcript is acceptable.