For museums, galleries and other

collecting and exhibiting institutions in Queensland

122 Gerler Rd, Hendra QLD 4011 t: 07 3059 9740

e: w: www.magsq.com.au

Grants and funding information:

Museums & Galleries Queensland has compiled a listing of funding and grant opportunities of interest to museums, galleries and other collecting institutions in Queensland.

The grants and funds are organised into areas of activity. These include:

·  Capital Works

·  Staffing and Administrative Costs

·  Equipment

·  Workshops, Seminars, Conferences, Professional Development, Training including funds for hire of consultants and speakers

·  Conservation/Preservation

·  Project Work inc. exhibitions, public programs, events, collection projects and crowdfunding

·  Indigenous Programs

·  Residencies/Internships/Mentorships/Individual Development

·  Disaster relief

This resource is intended as a starting point only and does not necessarily represent all levels of funding available to any particular group. This information is also subject to change. Grant seekers should check the funding body’s website and speak to a funding body representative before submitting an application. This listing does not include: funding for film, television or radio projects; sponsorship opportunities; or funding for for-profit arts businesses.


GRANTS (sorted by type of activity and linked to more information in this document)

/ Funding Body / Brief Details / Closing Date
Capital Works / Australian Government – Department of Communication and the Arts – Ministry for the Arts – Catalyst – Australian Arts and Culture Fund / Can be used for project work including infrastructure projects. / Can be made at any time but will be assessed in quarterly cycles.
Australian Government – Department of Industry, Innovation and Science – Building Better Regions Fund – Infrastructure Projects Stream / To support regional projects that involve the construction of new infrastructure, or the upgrade or extension of existing infrastructure that provides economic and social benefits to regional and remote areas / 28 February 2017
Brisbane City Council – Access and Inclusion Community Partnership Program / Funds projects around social inclusion initiatives and accessibility for people with a disability, carers, seniors, people with temporary impairments or parents with young children, such as improvements to facilities, raising community awareness, and inclusive activities / Check provider’s website for details.
Brisbane City Council – Lord Mayor’s Suburban Initiative Fund / Projects that build stronger communities in Brisbane, such as community events, equipment hire, community facility improvements and equipment, funding towards community sporting organisations equipment and activities / 16 June 2017
Local Councils Funding / Local Councils often provide funding for local community arts and culture. / Visit http://dlgcrr.qld.gov.au/local-government-directory for your local council
Queensland Government – Department of Justice and Attorney-General – Gambling Community Benefit Fund / Priority area includes facility improvements / 28 February, 31 May, 31 August, 30 November 2017
Staffing & Administrative Costs / Arts Queensland – Organisations Fund / Provides four year operational funding to small to medium arts and cultural organisations. / Applications will open again in 2020
Australia Council for the Arts – Four Year Funding (Organisations) / Provides multi-year core program funding for small to medium arts organisations. / Applications will open again in 2019
Australian Government Department of Social Services – Multicultural Arts and Festivals Grants / Staff salaries and on-costs that can be directly attributed to the provision of the Activity.
Operating and administration expenses directly related to the delivery of services. / Check website for 2017 details.
Local Council / Local Councils often provide funding for local community arts and culture. / Visit http://dlgcrr.qld.gov.au/local-government-directory for your local council
Equipment / Brisbane City Council – Lord Mayor’s Suburban Initiative Fund / Projects that build stronger communities in Brisbane, such as community events, equipment hire, community facility improvements and equipment, funding towards community sporting organisations equipment and activities / 16 June 2017
Local Council / Local Councils often provide funding for local community arts and culture projects. / Visit http://dlgcrr.qld.gov.au/local-government-directory for your local council
National Library of Australia – Community Heritage Grants / Purchase and installation of environmental control and monitoring equipment when based on the prioritised recommendations of a preservation survey. / 8 May 2017
Queensland Government – Department of Justice and Attorney-General – Gambling Community Benefit Fund / Priority area includes the purchase of equipment / 28 February, 31 May, 31 August, 30 November 2017
Workshops, seminars, conferences, professional development, training including the hire of consultants and speakers / American Friends of The National Gallery of Australia and American Australian Association – AusArt Fellowship / Supports an Australian Masters or Graduate student of the fine arts or curatorial studies to further their studies in the US / 30 April 2017
Anne and Gordon Samstag International Visual Arts Scholarship / The scholarships are intended to enable Australian artists to further their studies in the visual arts overseas. / 30 June 2017
Australia Council for the Arts – Fellowships / Supports professional development and creative activity / 6 June 2017
Arts Queensland – Arts Business Innovation Fund / To support innovation to strengthen income generating and entrepreneurial capacity in not-for-profit arts and cultural businesses. To strengthen not-for-profit arts businesses financially and operationally by responding to innovative business ideas that will achieve an organisation's mission into the future. / This is a rolling fund, with applications accepted at any time.
Arts Queensland – Individuals Fund / To assist individual artists and cultural workers to participate in transformational professional and career development opportunities / 8 March 2017
Arts Queensland – Queensland Arts Showcase Program / Arts Illuminate – to engage high quality national and internationally renowned artists to present unique arts and cultural experiences that will engage the community / This is a rolling fund with applications accepted at any time.
Arts Queensland – Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) / To support local arts and cultural priorities, as determined by local communities across Queensland. Check with your local Council for the priorities in your region. / Contact your local council’s RADF Liaison Officer for closing dates.
Australia Council for the Arts – Arts Projects for Individuals and Groups / Supports a range of activities that deliver benefits to the arts sector and wider public through the creation of new work, practice based research, creative development, collaborations, touring, festivals, exhibitions, performances, publishing, market development, and experimentation. / 7 February, 6 June & 3 October 2017
Australia Council for the Arts – Arts Projects – Organisations / Supports a range of activities that deliver benefits to the arts sector and wider public through the creation of new work, practice based research, creative development, collaborations, touring, festivals, exhibitions, performances, publishing, market development, and experimentation. / 7 February, 6 June & 3 October 2017
Australia Council for the Arts – Cross-Pollination
/ This program offers peer-to peer learning with the intention for future leaders in arts organisations to understand how audiences interact with different art forms and organisations, and the various strategies employed to attract, retain and/or deepen engagement with audiences / EOI close 14 March 2017
Australia Council for the Arts – Development Grants for Individuals and Groups
/ To develop the career of artists / 7 February, 6 June and 3 October 2017
Australian National Maritime Museum – The Maritime Museums of Australia Project Support Scheme – Internship Program
/ Internship at the Australian National Maritime Museum in Sydney for regional or remote staff and volunteers / April 2017
Brisbane City Council – Brisbane History Grants / Provides support to increase the community's access to, and appreciation of Brisbane's history and heritage and support projects that raise the profile and accessibility of Brisbane's history and heritage. / Check provider’s website for details
Brisbane City Council – Creative Sparks Program / To support creative projects in any artform that enriches the creative life of Brisbane.
To support artists, artsworkers and producers in the development of new work including professional development opportunities.
To encourage the development or entrepreneurial opportunities, initiatives and partnerships. / Check provider’s website for details
Brisbane City Council – Lord Mayor’s Young & Emerging Artists Fellowship / Development of young and emerging local artists by participating in national or international training and professional development programs / Check provider’s website for details
Churchill Fellowship / To support Australian citizens to travel overseas to investigate a topic or an issue that they are passionate about / 28 April 2017
Copyright Agency Limited – Create Career Fund / To support individual mid-to-late career artists and authors by providing grants to support time to write and create / Opens mid-March 2017 (two rounds per year)
Copyright Agency Limited – Ignite Career Fund / To support individuals working in the publishing and visual arts sectors to develop skills and enhance their careers. / 16 March & August 2017
Local Council / Local Councils often provide funding for local community arts and culture projects. / Visit http://dlgcrr.qld.gov.au/local-government-directory for your local council

Mordant Family / Australia Council Affiliated Fellowship

/ To offer a visual artist the opportunity to undertake a two-month residency in Rome / EOI close 14 March 2017

National Association for the Visual Arts – Freedman Foundation International Scholarship for Curators

/ To assist early career curators to develop their practice through overseas travel / 25 March 2017

National Association for the Visual Arts – Freedman Foundation Travelling Scholarship for Emerging Artists

/ To assist emerging artists with the cost of overseas travel to undertake formal study, undertake a residency or mentorship, or undertake informal study for a planned research project / 6 May 2017

National Association for the Visual Arts – Visual Arts Fellowship

/ To assist mid-career visual and media arts, craft and design practitioners to undertake a self directed program of professional development / 23 September 2017

National Library of Australia – Creative Arts Fellowship

/ To support creative practitioners and artists to undertake a sustained period of intensive work at the Library, using the collections to develop a new artwork or body of work or an artistic concept for future elaboration / 1 July 2017
National Library of Australia – Community Heritage Grants / ·  Preservation and collection management training
·  Hiring of a consultant to undertake a Significance Assessment or Preservation Needs Assessment / 8 May 2017
Queensland Government – Department of Justice and Attorney-General – Gambling Community Benefit Fund / Priority area includes community events, training, workshops, programs and festivals / 28 February, 31 May, 31 August, 30 November 2017

Queensland Government – Queensland-Cooper Hewitt Fellowship

/ To support a registered Queensland school teacher to complete a project in design education at the Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum in New York / 27 February 2017
Queensland Government – Queensland Smithsonian Fellowship / Supports people from Queensland’s research, education and cultural sectors to visit a Smithsonian Institution facility in the United States and complete a project / 27 February 2017
Regional Galleries Association of Queensland – Organisational Grants / ·  Costs towards improvements in the gallery/museum exhibition program such as touring exhibition fees and display improvements.
·  An appropriate consultant to work with the institution on skill development in areas such as Education and Public Programs; Exhibition Development; or Strategic Planning and Policy Development.
·  On-site training workshops and seminars in specialist areas such as volunteer recruitment, board management and museum/gallery practice. / First day of every month until funds are expended
Regional Galleries Association of Queensland – Professional Development Bursaries for Artists or Curators / Available for independent artists and/or curators to assist deliver lectures, workshops, or similar in partnership with a regional or metropolitan gallery. Grants can be used towards travel, workshop materials, accommodation, and living expenses during the period of the partnership agreement. / The first day of every month until funds are expended
Regional Galleries Association of Queensland – Professional Development Bursaries for Volunteers or Paid Staff / Available for individual museum and gallery volunteers or paid staff to attend seminars, conferences or courses. Grants can be used towards conference registration fees, associated workshop fees, travel, and accommodation/living expenses during the period of the conference. / The first day of every month until funds are expended
State Library of Queensland – John Oxley Library Fellowship / Supports a research project that uses the resources of SLQ’s John Oxley Library and contributes to the creation of new knowledge of Queensland / 29 March 2017
State Library of Queensland – Queensland Business Leaders Hall of Fame Fellowship / Supports a research project that uses the resources of SLQ’s John Oxley Library and contributes to the creation of new knowledge about Queensland’s business and economic history / 29 March 2017
State Library of Victoria – Creative Fellowships / Supports artists and scholars to immerse themselves in SLV’s collections. Recipients are to repurpose, transform or imaginatively respond to published or original source material / 23 April 2017
Conservation/ Preservation / Acquisition / Arts Queensland – Regional Arts Development Fund / To support local arts and cultural priorities, as determined by local communities across Queensland. Check with your local Council for the priorities in your region. / Contact your council's RADF Liaison Officer for closing dates
Australian National Maritime Museum – Maritime Museums of Australia Project Support Scheme / Provides grants to regional museums and organisations to help preserve or display objects of national and historical maritime significance / April 2017
Australian Government – Department of Communications and the Arts – National Cultural Heritage Account / Helps Australian public cultural organisations buy significant objects that they could not otherwise afford / Applications accepted anytime
Australian Government – Department of Veteran’s Affairs – Saluting their Service Commemorative Grants / ·  Restoration or upgrading of community war memorials and their surrounds
·  Restoration, preservation and interpretation of Australian wartime memorabilia for public display
·  Restoration of and new commemorative plaques and honour boards on public display / Accepted anytime. Funding decisions are made every two months. Contact provider for updates