Standard Specification for Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings
This specification has been prepared by the galvanizing industry through its technicalworking group, in consultation with industryand a number of consulting engineeringgroups. It is intended to be used inconjunction with AS/NZS 4680:2006 and is designed for simpleinsertion into specifiers' overall materialsspecifications.
- Prior to commencement of design it isrecommended that the designer/fabricator refer to AS/NZS 4680, in particularAppendix C `Recommended proceduresfor design and preparation of materialsprior to galvanizing', and to the Design for Galvanizing tab on the Galvanizing Association of New Zealand website.
- The designer is referred to therecommendations contained in AppendixD of AS/NZS 4680 to minimize distortion and reduce the likelihood ofother issues occurring.
- High strength low alloy steels,particularly those containing high siliconcan, when galvanized, produce brittlecoatings which are thicker and differentin colour to normal coatings. The highsilicon content in weld deposits madeby automatic welding processes mayresult in thicker coatings being formedon these areas. These coatingcharacteristics are usually beyond thecontrol of the galvanizer.
- Ifthe galvanized coating is to be subsequently painted or any other specialtreatmentis required, these requirements should be brought to the attention of the galvanizer at the time of enquiry and order so that they can prepare the product appropriately.
This specification covers the galvanizedcoating applied to general steel articles,structural sections, angles, channels,beams, columns, fabricated steelassemblies, threaded fasteners and othersteel components.This specification does not apply to thegalvanized coating on semi-finished productssuch as wire, tube or sheet galvanized inspecialised or automatic plants.
Relevant Standards
AS 1214 Hot dip galvanized coatings onthreaded fasteners
AS 1627.1Preparation and pre-treatmentof surfaces - Removal of oil,grease and relatedcontamination
AS 1627.4 Preparation and pre-treatmentof surfaces - Abrasive blastcleaning of steel
AS 1627.5 Preparation and pre-treatmentof surfaces - Pickling
AS 2309 Durability of galvanized andelectrogalvanized zinc coatingsfor the protection of steel instructural applications - Atmospheric
AS/NZS 2312 Guide to the protection ofstructural steel againstatmospheric corrosion by theuse
of protective coatings
AS/NZS 4680 Hot-dip galvanized (zinc)coatings on fabricatedferrous articles.
The galvanized coating on all steel articleson the following drawings and material listsshall conform to the requirements ofAS/NZS4680 and as specified herein.
Drawings: ______
Items: ______
Care shall be taken to avoid fabricationtechniques which could cause distortion orembrittlement of the steel.
All welding slag and burrs shall be removedprior to delivery to the galvanizer.
Holes and/or lifting lugs to facilitatehandling, venting and draining during thegalvanizing process shall be provided atpositions as agreed between the designerand the galvanizer.
Unsuitable marking paints shall be avoidedand consultation by the fabricator with thegalvanizer about removal of grease, oil,paint and other deleterious materials shallbe undertaken prior to fabrication.
Surface Preparation
Surface contaminants and coatings, whichcannot be removed by the normal chemicalcleaningprocess in the galvanizing operation,shall be removed by abrasive blast cleaningor some other suitable method.
Steelwork shall be pre-cleaned in accordancewith the requirements of AS 1627.1 followedby acid pickling, in accordance with therequirements of AS 1627.5 Abrasive blast cleaning to Class 2 finish in accordance withthe requirements of AS 1627.4 may be used.
All articles to be galvanized shall behandled in such a manner as to avoid anymechanical damage and to minimize distortion. (See Note 2 above)
Design features that may lead to difficultiesduring galvanizing should be pointed outprior to galvanizing.
Galvanizing parameters such as galvanizingtemperature, time of immersion, andwithdrawal speed shall be employed to suitthe requirements of the article.
The composition of the zinc in thegalvanizing bath shall comply withAS/NZS 4680.
Coating Requirements
- Thickness
The thickness of the galvanized coating shall conform with Table 1 in AS/NZS 4680.
Table 1 Requirements for coating thickness and mass for articles that are notcentrifuged
Steel Thickness mm / Local Coating Thickness Minimum µm / Average Coating Thickness Minimum µm / Average Coating Mass Minimum g/m²≤1.5 / 35 / 45 / 320
>1.5 ≤3.0 / 45 / 55 / 390
>3.0 ≤6.0 / 55 / 70 / 500
>6.0 / 70 / 85 / 600
Note: 1 g/m2 coating mass = 0.14µm coating thickness.
The thickness of the galvanized coatings on threaded fasteners shall conform with Table 2 in AS1214.
Table 2 Requirements for coating thickness and mass for articles that arecentrifuged
Thickness of Articles(all components including castings) mm / Local Coating Thickness Minimum µm / Average Coating Thickness Minimum µm / Average Coating Mass Minimum g/m²
<8.0 / 25 / 35 / 250
≥8.0 / 40 / 55 / 390
Note: For requirements for threaded fasteners refer to AS 1214.
1 g/m² coating mass = 0.14µm coating thickness.
The thickness of the galvanized coating shall first be tested by the purchaser/designer at thegalvanizer's works, using an approved magnetic measuring device. In the event of any dispute,an independent test shall be carried out in accordance with AS/NZS 4680, Appendix G.
- Surface Finish
The galvanized coating shall be continuous, adherent, as smooth and evenly distributed aspossible, and free from any defect that is detrimental to the stated end use of the coatedarticle. On silicon killed steels, the coating may be dull grey, which is acceptable providedthe coating is sound and continuous (See Note 3). Any reparation is to be carried out as perClause 8 of AS/NZS 4680.
The integrity of the coating shall be determined by visual inspection and coating thicknessmeasurements. Where slip factors are required to enable high strength friction grip bolting,where shown, these shall be obtained after galvanizing by suitable mechanical treatment ofthe faying surfaces. Where a paint finish is to be applied to the galvanized coating, all spikes shall be removedand all edges shall be free from lumps and runs. (See Note 4)
- Adhesion
The galvanized coating shall be sufficiently adherent to withstand normal handling during transport and erection.
Inspection shall be carried out at thegalvanizer's works by a designated party, orat some other place as agreed betweenfabricator and galvanizer.
When requested by the purchaser/designer,a certificate shall be provided stating thatthe galvanizing complies with therequirements of AS/NZS 4680.
Transport and Storage
Galvanized components shall, whereverpossible, be transported and stored underdry, well-ventilated conditions to preventthe formation of wet storage stainingfollowing the recommendations contained inAS/NZS 4680 Appendix F.
A passivation treatment after galvanizingmay be used to minimise the wet storagestaining which may occur on articles unableto be stored in dry, well-ventilatedconditions.Any wet storage staining shall be removedby the galvanizer if formed prior to leavingthe galvanizer's plant, unless late pick-up oracceptance of delivery has necessitated thematerial being stored in unfavourableconditions. Provided the coating thicknesscomplies with the requirements of AS/NZS4680, no further remedial action is requiredto the stained areas.
Where galvanized steel is to be welded,adequate ventilation shall be provided. Ifadequate ventilation is not available,supplementary air circulation shall beprovided. In confined spaces a respiratorshall be used.
Grinding of edges prior to welding may bepermitted to reduce zinc oxide fumesformed during welding and eliminate weldporosity which can sometimes occur.
All uncoated weld areas shall be reinstated - see Coating Reinstatementor Clause 8of AS/NZS 4680.
Coating Reinstatement
Areas of significant surface that areuncoated shall, by agreement between thepurchaser and the galvanizer, be reinstatedby following the recommendationscontained in AS/NZS 4680 - Repair afterGalvanizing, or by other methods nominatedby the galvanizer and approved by thecontractor.
Similar repair methods shall beused for areas damaged by welding orflame cutting, or during handling, transportand erection.The size of the area able to be repairedshall be relevant to the size of the objectand the conditions of service but shallnormally be in accordance with theprovisions of AS/NZS 4680 - Repair afterGalvanizing.
Refer AS/NZS 4680 Appendix I
Refer AS/NZS 4680 Appendix H
Galvanized products should be specified inaccordance with the appropriate nationalstandards, which have been drawn up toprovide minimum standards to ensureoptimum performance of galvanizedproducts and to give guidance in selection,application, anddesign.
AS/NZS 2312 `Guide to the protection ofstructural steel against atmosphericcorrosion by the use of protective coatings'is a particularly valuable reference in theselection of the most practical, economiccoating in particular applications.