PAST FORMS OF VERBS _ Exercise 1 _ Answer Key

In the sentences below, the present form of a verb is given in parentheses. Substitute either past or past participle, whichever the sentence requires.

Part A

  1. Have you (got) your report card yet? _____got______
  1. Jim (fling) his bat down in anger. ______flung______
  1. The mosquito had (sting) me through my clothes. ______stung______
  1. I had (lead) the marching band onto the football field. ______led______
  1. The sun (shine) brightly in a clear, blue sky. ______shone_______
  1. The children (fight) like cats and dogs. ______fought______
  1. Have you (bring) your books along? ______brought______
  1. The thief (flee) when he saw the police. ______fled______
  1. Dad has (lend) me enough money for the ski trip. ______lent______
  1. I must have (catch) a cold. ______caught______
  1. Colleen accidentally (tear) the letter as she opened it. ____tore______
  1. Have you ever been (bite) by a dog? ______bitten______
  1. Miss Jones has (wear) that dress before. ___worn______
  1. I would have (swear) I left my jacket here. _____sworn______
  1. The child (bear) a strong resemblance to his mother. ______bore______
  1. Have you (tear) your brand new shirt? ______torn______
  1. The burglar had (steal) our television. ______stolen______
  1. Dad told the police it had been (steal) ______stolen_______
  1. The milk (freeze) because it was left on the back porch. _____froze______
  1. The vengeful man (swear) he would get even. ______swore______
  1. My left ankle was (break) when I tripped. ______broke______
  1. The jet (break) the sound barrier. ______broke_______
  1. Shoes must be (wear) at all times. ______worn______
  1. My fingers felt (freeze) despite my heavy gloves. ____frozen______
  1. I (speak) to the personnel manager about a job. ______spoke______
  1. I have also (speak) to the department manager. ______spoken______
  1. Allison (choose) her suit carefully. ______chose______
  1. He looked at the menu and (choose) chili ______chose______
  1. You have (bear) your responsibilities well. ______born______
  1. The ingredients were (beat) in a large bowl. ______beaten______

Part B

In the following sentences, the present form of the verb is given in parenthesis. Substitute the past or past participle, whichever makes the sentence correct. Remember the past participle always has a helping verb.

  1. Jack Nicklaus (sink) a perfect putt. ____sunk______
  1. The boat had (sink) before help arrived. _____sunk_______
  1. I (drink) a quart of Gatorade after the tennis match. _____drank______
  1. The baby has (drink) four ounces of formula.______drunk______
  1. The survivors (swim) to safety. ______swam______
  1. The rain has (begin) to soak the infield.____begun______
  1. Have you (begin) your homework yet? _____begun______
  1. The siren (begin) to wail its warning.______began______
  1. The jack-in-the-box (spring) out.______sprang______
  1. My air mattress has (spring) a leak. ______sprung______
  1. He (swim) the length of the Golden Gate Bridge. ____swam______
  1. Steven Wonder (sing) to a packed auditorium.______sang______
  1. The National Anthem was (sing) before the game.______singing______
  1. The salesman (ring) the doorbell insistently.______rang______
  1. The bell (ring) several times before I answered. ______rang_______
  1. The Titanic (sink). _____sang______
  1. I have never (swim) in salt water.______swum______
  1. We have (begin) a new generation. ______begun______
  1. The dough (begin) to rise.______began______
  1. Someone had (drink) all the cocoa. ______drunk_______
  1. We’ve only just (begin) to live. ______begun______
  1. John (see) the President. ______saw______
  1. The batter was (throw) out at the plate.______thrown______
  1. The teacher had (write) the assignment on the board.______written______
  1. The soldier (give) his life for his country.______gave______
  1. The poor family had (know) hunger and ill health. ______known______
  1. The train had (go) when we got to the station. ______gone______
  1. All of the cookies were (eat). ______eaten______
  1. The toys (fall) to the floor. ____fell______
  1. The power lines were (blow) down by the storm.______blown______
  1. Where have all the flowers (go)? _____gone______
  1. Pinocchio’s nose (grow) when he told a lie.______grown______
  1. Our friends have not (come) over for several days. ______come_______
  1. The talented boy had (draw) a sketch of a turbine engine. ______drawn______
  1. It has (grow) dark outside. ______grown______
  1. Ben Hur always (ride) in a chariot.______rode______
  1. The sun (rise) at 6:40 this morning. ______rose______
  1. I have (take) all my required courses. ______taken______
  1. I haven’t (write) in my diary for months. ______written______
  1. John Kennedy was (slay) by an assassin. ______slain_______
  1. How long have you (know) our friend? ______known______
  1. The politician had (shake) so many hands he had blisters. ______shaken______
  1. The water (run) over the top of the bathtub. ______ran______
  1. We (see) a hit-and-run accident in front of the school. ______saw______
  1. All of the leftovers were (eat). ______eaten______
  1. The blistering heat had nearly (drive) the miners crazy. ______driven______
  1. The students (do) everything they could. ______did______
  1. Have you (bring) your camping gear? ______brought______
  1. Moses (lead) the people across the desert. ______led______
  1. We have always (sit) in the box seats. ______sat______
  1. The sun (shine) brightly on our graduation day. ______shone______
  1. The milk was (freeze) solid.______frozen______
  1. Mr. Farber (wear) a costume to the party______wore______
  1. I should have (wear) one, too. ______worn______
  1. I wonder who (steal) the records. ______stole______
  1. The phone had (ring) twice and then had stopped. ______rung______
  1. The chef has (begin) preparing the dinner. ______began______
  1. The artist (draw) with charcoal. ______drew______
  1. I have never (draw) with charcoal. ______drawn______
  1. The play was (write) by Shakespeare. ______written_______
  1. Aaron has (grow) since we last saw him. ______grown______

Part B

In each of the following sentences, underline the correct form of the verb.

  1. Look how tall you have (grew, grown) this year! ______grown______
  1. I had (went, gone) to the dentist when you called. ______gone______
  1. The wind (blew, blown) down a tree outside my window. ______blew______
  1. Has the mail (come, came) yet? ______come______
  1. The message was (written, wrote) in shorthand. ______written______
  1. I have (gave, given) a donation to the Salvation Army. ______given______
  1. The garbage was (threw, thrown) all over the sidewalk.______thrown_______
  1. If I had (knew, known) you were coming, I’d have baked a cake. ____known______
  1. The photos were (took, taken) in a studio.______taken______
  1. Have you ever (ridden, rode) in a limousine?______ridden______
  1. This furniture polish must be (shook, shaken) before every use. ______shaken_______
  1. The sun had already (risen, rose) before I awakened._____risen______
  1. All the leaves have (fell, fallen) from the trees. ______fell______
  1. Who has (run, ran) out of paper? ______run______
  1. We had just (ate, eaten) when the storm began. ______eaten______
  1. I have never (drove, driven) a stick-shift. ______driven______
  1. The boss (seen, saw) a good science fiction movie. ______saw______
  1. The portrait was (drawn, drew) in charcoal. ______drawn______
  1. The dragon was (slew, slain) by the brave warrior. ______slain______
  1. I never (saw, seen) such an unorganized person. ______saw______