Chapter 5

  1. Why does Ponyboy wake up in the church in a panic? What has happened?
  1. What do Pony and Johnny do to “kill time”?
  1. What drastic measures do the boys take so they don’t get caught? What does Ponyboy say the change feels like (Find the exact quote and page #)?
  1. Ponyboy says, “For the first time since Dally and I had sat down behind those girls, I relaxed.We could take whatever was coming now.” Interpret what Ponyboy means and why he says this now.
  1. What word does Johnny use to describe his admiration for Dally? Explain whether you agree or disagree with his explanation.
  1. Describe Johnny as a student.
  1. What does Pony get tired of eating? What does he crave?
  1. What do you think Ponyboy means when he describes Darry as having “superman qualities”?
  1. How does Soda know that Dally may know something about Ponyboy’s whereabouts? What does Soda give to Ponyboy?
  1. Although Dally gets “hauled” into the police station often and has managed to help these boys run from the law, what contradictory statement does he make which may reveal a different side of Dally?
  1. What decision was made at the “war council”?
  1. What surprising news do Johnny and Pony find out about the Socs? Does this surprise you? Explain why or why not.
  1. “We could see for miles; see the ribbon of highway and the small dots that were houses and cars.” IDENTIFY and INTERPRET the figurative language in this quote.

Chapter 5

  1. Why does Ponyboy wake up in the church in a panic? What has happened?
  1. What do Pony and Johnny do to “kill time”?
  1. What drastic measures do the boys take so they don’t get caught? What does Ponyboy say the change feels like (Find the exact quote and page #)?
  1. Ponyboy says, “For the first time since Dally and I had sat down behind those girls, I relaxed.We could take whatever was coming now.” Interpret what Ponyboy means and why he says this now.
  1. What word does Johnny use to describe his admiration for Dally? Explain whether you agree or disagree with his explanation.
  1. Describe Johnny as a student.
  1. What does Pony get tired of eating? What does he crave?
  1. What do you think Ponyboy means when he describes Darry as having “superman qualities”?
  1. How does Soda know that Dally may know something about Ponyboy’s whereabouts? What does Soda give to Ponyboy?
  1. Although Dally gets “hauled” into the police station often and has managed to help these boys run from the law, what contradictory statement does he make which may reveal a different side of Dally?
  1. What decision was made at the “war council”?
  1. What surprising news do Johnny and Pony find out about the Socs? Does this surprise you? Explain why or why not.
  1. “We could see for miles; see the ribbon of highway and the small dots that were houses and cars.” IDENTIFY and INTERPRET the figurative language in this quote.