Nurit Rosenberg, Ph.D


Born: November 7, 1955 in Dgania, Israel

Marital status: Married, 3 children

Institute of Thrombosis & Hemostasis

Sheba Medical Center

Tel Hashomer 52621


Tel: +972-3-5302105 ext 2

Fax: +972-3-5351568


Education – Academic degrees

1975 – 1978 B.Sc. (with distinction)

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,

Microbiology and Phytopathology

1978 – 1980 M.Sc (with distinction)

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,


1980 Certificate of teaching in Biology

Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

1985 – 1989 Ph.D - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Biotechnology. Thesis: Nucleic acids introduction using liposome and other means.

1990 – 1993 Postdoctoral fellowship

Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.

Molecular and cellular biology of storage proteins

2009-2012 B.A. (with distinction)

The Open University


Academic and Professional Experience

1979 – 1980 Volcani Center, The Agricultural Research Organization, Bet-Dagan, Israel. Department of Flowers and Ornamental plants.

Research assistant.

1985 – 1989 The Otto Warburg Center for Biotechnology, Rehovot.

Research Assistance.

1990 – 1993 Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.

Genetics and Biochemistry.

Research Assistance.

1993 – 2003 Institute of Thrombosis and Hemostasis, Department of Hematology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer.

Head of molecular biology.

2003  Institute of Thrombosis and Hemostasis, Department of Hematology & Amalia Biron research Institute of Thrombosis and Hemostasis, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer.

Deputy of laboratory manager

2009 Senior lecturer, Hematology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, , Tel-Aviv University, Israel


1979 – 1980 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel

Genetics for advanced students

Faculty of Agriculture.

Lab. Instructor

1982 – 1984 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel

Plant diseases, Control of plant disease

Faculty of Agriculture.

Lab. Instructor

1985 – 1989 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel

Plant Tissue Culture and Plant Propagation.

Faculty of Agriculture.

Lab. Instructor and Teaching Assistant

1996 - 1999 Tel-Aviv University, Israel

Clinical, molecular and genetic aspect of congenital disorders in thrombosis and Hemostasis

Sackler School of Medicine

Guest teacher

2003 - 2010 Tel-Aviv University, Israel

The molecular and biochemical bases of the thrombosis and Hemostasis.

Sackler School of Medicine

2005 Ministry of Health, The Bella and Joseph Lewenfisz, National Training Center.

Human Genetics.

Guest teacher

2010  Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel Management of Medical Laboratories. Guest teacher

2013 Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel

Hematology for medical laborants.


1. Gad AE, Elyashiv G, Rosenberg N. The induction of large unilamellar vesicles fusion by cationic polypeptide: the effects of mannitol, size, charge density and hydrophobicity of the cationic polypeptides. Biochem Biophys Acta- Biomembrane 860:314-324, 1986.

2. Rosenberg N, Gad AE, Altman A, Navot N, Czosnek H. Liposome-mediated introduction of the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) gene and its expression in tobacco protoplasts. Plant Mol Biol 10:185-191, 1988.

3. Gad AE, Lubitz-Omero C, Rosenberg N, Altman A. Changes in the integrity of large unilamellar vesicles due to their interaction with tobacco cell suspensions. Plant Cell Rep 7:341-343, 1988.

4. Rosenberg N, Shimoni Y, Altschuler Y, Levanony H, Volokita M, Galili G. A wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) g-gliadin accumulates in dense protein bodies within the endoplasmic reticulum of yeast. Plant Physiol 102:61-69, 1993.

5. Altschuler A, Rosenberg N, Harel R, Galili G. The N- and C-terminal regions regulate the transport of wheat g-gliadin through the endoplasmic reticulum in Xenopus oocytes. Plant Cell 5:443-450, 1993.

6. Shani N. Rosenberg N, Kasarda DD, Galili G. Mechanisms of assembly of wheat high molecular wheat glutenins inferred from expression of wild-type and mutant subunits in transgenic tobacco. J Biol Chem 269:8924-8930, 1994.

7. Peretz H, Rosenberg N, Usher S, Graff E, Newman PJ, Coller BS, Seligsohn U. Glanzmann thrombasthenia associated with deletion-insertion and alternative splicing in glycoprotein IIb gene. Blood 85:414-420, 1995.

8. Mandel H, Brenner B, Berant M, Rosenberg N, Lanir N, Jakobs C, Fowler B, Seligsohn U. Coexistence of hereditary homocystinuria and factor V Leiden – effect on thrombosis. N Engl J Med 334:763-768, 1996.

9. Zivelin A, Rosenberg N, Peretz H, Amit Y, Kornbrot N, Seligsohn U. Improved method for genotyping apolipoprotein E polymorphisms by a PCR-based assay simultaneously utilizing two distinct restriction enzymes. Clin Chem 43:1657-1659, 1997.

10. Rosenberg N, Yatuv R, Orion Y, Zivelin A, Dardik R, Peretz H, Seligsohn U. Glanzmann thrombasthenia caused by an 11.2 kb deletion in the GPIIIa (b3) is a second mutation in Iraqi-Jews that stemmed from a distinct founder. Blood 89:3654-3662, 1997.

11. Dardik R, Kaufmann Y, Savion N, Rosenberg N, Shekman B, Varon D. Platelets mediate tumor cell adhesion to the subendothlium under flow conditions: involvement of platelet GPIIb-IIIa and tumor cell v integrins. Int J Cancer 70:201-207, 1997.

12. Yatuv R, Rosenberg N, Dardik R, Brenner B, Seligsohn U. Glanzmann thrombasthenia in two Iraqi-Jewish siblings is caused by a novel splice junction mutation in the glycoprotein IIb. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 9:285-298, 1998.

13. Rosenberg N, Dardik R, Rosenthal E, Zivelin A, Seligsohn U. Mutations in the aIIb and b3 genes that cause Glanzmann thrombasthenia can be distinguished by a simple procedure using transformed B-lymphocytes. Thromb Haemost 79:244-248, 1998.

(A figure of this article was chosen to be presented on the cover).

14. Zivelin A, Rosenberg N, Fair S, Kornbrot N, Peretz H, Mannhalter C, Horollou MH, Seligsohn U. A single genetic origin for the common prothrombotic G20210A polymorphism in prothrombin gene. Blood 92:1119-1124, 1998.

15. Salomon O, Moisseiev J, Rosenberg N, Vidne O, Yassur I, Zivelin A, Treister G, Steinberg DM, Seligsohn U. Analysis of genetic polymorphisms related to thrombosis and other risk factors in patients with retinal vein occlusion. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 9:617-622, 1998.

16. Inbal A, Freimark D, Modan B, Chetrit A, Matetzky S. Rosenberg N, Dardik R, Baron Z, Seligsohn U. Synergistic effects of prothrombotic polymorphisms and atherogenic factors on the risk of myocardial infarction in young males. Blood 93:2186-2190, 1999. IF-10.37, Hematology 2/61.

17. Salomon O, Apter S, Shaham D, Hiller N, Bar-Ziv J, Itzchak Y, Gitel S, Rosenberg N, Strauss S, Kaufman N, Seligsohn U. Risk factors associated with postpartum ovarian vein thrombosis. Thromb Haemost 82:1015-1019, 1999.

18. Salomon O, Steinberg DM, Zivelin A, Gitel S, Dardik R, Rosenberg N, Berliner S, Inbal A, Many A, Lubetsky A, Varon D, Martinowitz U, Seligsohn U. Single and combined prothrombotic factors in patients with idiopathic venous thromboembolism: prevalence and risk assessment. Arterioscl. Thromb Vasc Biol 19:511-518, 1999.

19. Salomon O, Huna-Baron R, Kurtz S, Steinberg DM, Moisseiv J, Rosenberg N, Yassur I, Vidne O, Zivelin A, Gitel S, Davidson J, Ravid B, Seligsohn U. Analysis of prothrombotic and vascular risk factors in patients with nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy. Ophthalmology 106:739-74, 1999.

Cited in: The Year Book of Ophthalmology 2000. Wilson RP edt., pp 213-214.

20. Hayek S, Kenet G, Lubetsky A, Rosenberg N, Gitel S, Weintroub S. Does thrombophilia play an aetiological role in Legg-Calve-Perthes disease? J Bone Joint Surg [Br] 81:687- 690, 1999.

21. Kenet G, Sadetzki S, Murad H, Martinowitz U, Rosenberg N, Gitel S, Rechavi G, Inbal A. Factor V Leiden and anti phospholipid antibodies are significant risk factors for ischemic stroke in children. Stroke 31:1283-1288, 2000.

22. Salomon O, Dardik R, Steinberg DM, Kurtz S, Rosenberg N, Moisseeiev J, Huna-Baron R. The role of angiotensin converting enzyme and angiotensin II type 1 receptor gene polymorphisms in patients with nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy. Ophthalmology 107:1717-1720, 2000.

23. Salomon O, Rosenberg N, Zivelin A, Steinberg DM, Kornbrot N, Dardik R, Inbal A, Seligsohn U. Methionine synthase A2756G and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase A1298C polymorphisms are not risk factors for idiopathic venous thromboembolism. Hematology J 2:38-41, 2001.

24. Yatuv R, Rosenberg N, Zivelin A, Peretz H, Trakhtenbrot L, Seligsohn U. Identification of a region in glycoprotein (GP)IIIa involved in subunit association with GPIIb – further lessons from Iraqi-Jewish Glanzmann thrombasthenia. Blood 98:1063-1069, 2001.

25. Mor-Cohen R, Zivelin A, Rosenberg N, Shani M, Muallem S, Seligsohn U. Identification and functional analysis of two novel mutations in the multi-drug resistance protein 2 gene in Israeli patients with Dubin-Johnson syndrom. J Biol Chem 276:36923-30, 2001.

26. Salomon O, Huna-Baron R, Moisseiev J, Rosenberg N, Rubovitz A, Steinberg DM, Davidson J, Sela BA, Seligsohn U. Thrombophilia as a cause for central and branch retinal artery occlusion in patients without an apparent embolic source. Eye 15:511-514, 2001.

27. Striefler JY, Rosenberg N, Chetrit A, Eskaraev R, Sela BA, Dardik R, Zivelin A, Ravid B, Davidson J, Seligsohn U, Inbal A. Cerebrovascular events in patients with significant stenosis of the carotid artery are associated with hyperhomocyteinemia and platelet antigen-1 (Leu33Pro) polymorphism. Stroke 32:2753-2758, 2001.

28. Rosenberg N, Murata M, Ikeda Y, Opare-Sem O, Zivelin A, Geffen E, Seligsohn U. the frequent 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T polymorphism is associated with a common haplotype in Caucasians, Japanese and Africans. Am J Hum Genet 70:758-762, 2002.

29. Zivelin A, Bauduer F, Ducout L, Peretz H, Rosenberg N, Yatuv R, Seligsohn U. Factor XI deficiency in French Basques is predominantly Caused by ancestral C38R mutation in the factor XI gene. Blood 99:2448-2454, 2002..

30. Rosenberg N, Zivelin A, Chetrit A, Dardik R, Kornbrot N, Freimark D, Inbal A. Effects of platelet membrane glycoprotein polymorphisms on the risk of myocardial infarction in young males. Israel Med Assoc 4:411-414, 2002.

31. Carp H, Salomon O, Seidman D, Dardik R, Rosenberg N, Inbal A. Prevalence of genetic markers for thrombophilia in recurrent pregnancy loss. Hum Reprod 17:1633-1637, 2002.

32. Rosenberg N, Yatuv R, Sobolev V, Peretz H, Zivelin A, Seligsohn U. Major mutations in calf-1 and calf-2 domains of glycoprotein IIb in patients with Glanzmann thrombasthenia enable GPIIb/IIIa complex formation but abolish its transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus. Blood 101: 4808-4815, 2003..

33. Salomon O, Steinberg DM, Dardik R, Rosenberg N, Zivelin A, Tamarin I, Ravid B, Berliner S, Seligsohn U. Inherited factor XI deficiency confers no protection against acute myocardial infarction. J Thromb Haemost 1:658-661 (in focus), 2003..

34. Kenet G, Hayek S, Mor M, Lubetsky A, Miller L, Rosenberg N, Mosheiff R, Itzchaki M, Elstein D, Wientroub S, Zimran A. The 1226G (N370S) Gaucher mutation among patients with Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. Blood Cells Mol Dis 31:72-74, 2003. IF-2.678, Hematology 27/61

35. Horton MA, Massey HM, Rosenberg N, Nicholls B, Seligsohn U, Flanagan AM. Upregulation of osteoclast a2b1 integrin compensates for lack of avb3 vitronectin receptor in Iraqi-Jewish-type Glanzmann thrombasthenia. Brit J Haematol 122:950-957, 2003.

36. Kenet G, Maayan A, Rosenberg N, Sela BA, Mazkeret R, Ifrah A, Kunit J. Thrombophilia does not increase risk for neonatal complications in preterm infants. Thomb Hemost 90:823-828, 2003.

37. Figlin E, Chetrit A, Shahar A, Shpilberg O, Zivelin A, Rosenberg N, Brok-Simoni F, Gadoth N, Sela BA, Seligsohn U. High prevalence of vitamin B12 and folic acid in elderly subjects in Israel. Brit J Haematol 123: 696-701, 2003.

38. Salomon O, Rosenberg N*, Steinberg DM, Huna-Baron R, Moisseiev J, Dardik R, Goldan O, Kurtz S, Ifrah A, Seligsohn U. Nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy is associated with a specific platelet polymorphism located on the glycoprotein Iba gene. Ophtalmology 111:184-188, 2004.

*The first two authors contributed equally to this study.

39. Segal A, Zivelin A, Rosenberg N, Ginsburg O, Shpilberg O, Seligsohn U. A mutation in LMAN1 (ERGIC-53) causing combined factors V and VIII deficiency is prevalent in Jews originating from the island of Djerba in Tunis. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 15: 99-102, 2004.

40. Leiba M, Seligsohn U, Sidi Y, Harats D, Sela BA, Griffin JH, Livne A, Rosenberg N, Gelernter I, Gur H, Ehrenfeld M. Thrombophilic factors are not the leading cause of thrombosis in Behcet's disease. Ann Rheum Dis 63:1445-9, 2004

41. Rosenberg N, Landau M, Luboshitz J, Rechavi G, Seligsohn U. A novel Phe171Cys mutation in integrin aIIb causes Glanzmann thrombasthenia by abrogating aIIbb3 complex formation. J Thromb Haemost 2:1167-1175, 2004.

42. Vysokovsky A, Saxema R, Landau M, Zivelin A, Eskaraev R, Rosenberg N, Seligsohn U, Inbal I. Seven novel mutations in the factor XIII A-subunit gene causing hereditary factor XIII deficiency in ten unrelated families. J Thromb Haemost 2:1790-1797, 2004.

43. Fromovich-Amit Y, Zivelin A, Rosenberg N, Tamary H, Landau M, Seligsohn U. Characterization of mutations causing factor VII deficiency in 61 unrelated Israeli patients. J Thromb Haemost 2:1774-1781, 2004..

44. Salomon O, Seligsohn U, Steinberg DM, Zalel Y, Lerner A, Rosenberg N, Pshithizki M, Oren M, Ravid B, Davidson J, Sciff E, Achiron R. The common prothrombotic factors in nuliparous women do not compromise blood flow in the feto-maternal circulation and are not associated with preeclampsia or intrauterine growth restriction. Am J Obstet Gynecol 191:2002-2009, 2004.

45. Mor-Cohen R, Zivelin A, Rosenberg N, Goldberg I, Seligsohn U. A novel ancestral splicing mutation in the multidrug resistance protein 2 gene causes Dubin-Johnson syndrome in Ashkenazi Jewish patients. Hepatol Res 31:104-111, 2005

46. Losonczy G, Rosenberg N, Kiss C, Kappelmayer J, Vereb G, Kerenyi A, Balogh I, Muszbek L. A novel homozygous mutation (1619delC) in GPIIb gene associated with Glanzmann thrombasthenia, the decay of GPIIb-mRNA and the synthesis of a truncated GPIIb unable to form complex with GPIIIa. Thromb Heamost 93:904-909, 2005.

47. Salomon O, Steinberg DM, Pshithizki M, Zalel Y, Lerner A, Rosenberg N, Achiron R. The influence of protrombotic polymorphisms and obstetrical and medical variables on the length of secondary postpartum hemorrhage. J Women's Health 14:306-310, 2005. IF-1.711,

48. Fromovich-Amit Y, Zivelin A, Rosenberg N, Landau M, Rosa JP, Seligsohn U. Of four mutations in the factor VII gene in Tunisian patients, one novel mutation (Ser339Phe) in three unrelated families abrogates factor X activation. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 16:369-374, 2005.

49. Rosenberg N, Hauschner H, Peretz H, Mor-Cohen R, Landau M, Shenkman B, Kenet G, Coller BS, Awidi AA, Seligsohn U. A 13bp deletion in aIIb gene is a founder mutation that predominates in Palestinian Arab patients with Glanzmann thrombasthenia. J Thromb Haemost 3:2764-2772, 2005..

50. Vysokovsky A, Rosenberg N*, Dardik R, Seligsohn U, Inbal A. Effect of four missense mutations in the factor XIII A-subunit gene on protein stability: studies with recombinant proteins. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 17: 125-130, 2006.