Forming a New Student Organization

Student Organizations Office

Room 150 Nigh University Center


Process and Checklist for

Forming a New Student Organization

Student Organizations Office • Nigh University Center • Room 150 • (405) 974-2625

1 Discuss the purpose of the new student organization with the Coordinator for Student Organizations in the NUC room 150.

1 Schedule and advertise an informational meeting to inform the campus community about your new student organization and meet with potential members (not required).

Individuals wishing to create a new student organization may reserve campus facilities for informational meetings only. The Coordinator for Student Organizations must approve the scheduling of rooms and/or the publicizing of informational meetings by unrecognized student organizations. Unrecognized organizations are limited to one on-campus informational meeting per semester. An informational meeting is defined as a gathering where the purpose of the organization is the only topic of discussion. No memberships or bid cards may be completed at these meetings. The names of interested individuals or potential members may be collected in order to complete the Petition for Consideration of Campus Student Organizations. All informational meetings held by Greek organizations must abide by the rules set forth by the appropriate governing body. Greek organizations must also meet with Jessica Schwab, Assistant Director of Greek Life, in NUC 212A to discuss the status of forming a new Greek organization on campus.

1 Complete the Petition for Consideration of Campus Student Organizations.

1 Create a constitution for your organization. A listing of required wording in the constitution can be found in this packet. The Vice President for Student Affairs must authorize exceptions to this wording.

1 Identify an advisor and have them sign the advisor agreement form. Main advisor must be a full-time faculty or staff member at UCO.

1 If any affiliation will exist with a department or national organization, obtain a letter from the national organization or academic department requesting approval. In addition, for social Greek letter organizations, a letter from the UCO Interfraternity Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, Panhellenic Council and/or the Greek Advisor approving the colonization of a new chapter on campus.

1 Submit all of the following required materials to the Student Organizations office.

a. Petition for Consideration of Student Organizations

b. An organization constitution

c. An Advisor Agreement Form, listing at least one full-time faculty or staff member who will be serving as advisor. Additional advisors may be added from on and off campus.

d. If applicable, a letter from the academic department and/or the national organization requesting approval, plus (if social Greek letter organization) a letter from governing council and/or the Greek Life advisor.

1 Once all the materials have been submitted, the Student Organizations Coordinator will review the application packet. If all is in order, he or she will approve the application and forward all materials to the UCO Student Association (UCOSA) with a recommendation of recognition of the organization.

1 Organizations should allow up to a 60-day consideration and facilitation period by UCOSA. Once received, the Senate will propose a bill asking for the organization to be recognized. If there are no issues or questions, the Senate body will approve the organization for recognition. Once approved, UCOSA will forward the approval of university recognition to the Coordinator for Student Organizations.

1 The Coordinator for Student Organizations will give final written administrative approval.

1 Once everything is approved, the organization must submit the Officer Update Form to the Student Organizations Office to initiate active status.

è Remember, for an organization to remain active, the Student Organizations Office must have current versions of the following on file at all times: 1) Organization constitution, 2) Officer Update form, and 3) Advisor Agreement form. If any of these become out-of-date, the organization can be placed into “inactive status.” In addition, an officer and the faculty/staff advisor of the organization must attend an annual Student Organization Orientation (for updates on policy, etc.).

Where to Turn for Assistance

ÄThe Student Organizations office (NUC 150, 974-2625) and/or the UCOSA office (NUC 148, 974-2249) – The Student Organizations office and UCOSA are the first places to turn with questions about student organizations. Some of the services provided by Student Organizations include but are not limited to; training for student organization officers and advisors, computers and phones for student organization use, supplies, organization listings as well as an experienced and friendly staff.

ÄINTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL, NATIONAL PANHELLENIC COUNCIL and the NATIONAL PAN-HELLENIC COUNCIL, are the governing bodies for the social Greek organizations. The Department of Student Life, Greek Life Office (NUC 212 A), can put you in touch with these organizations. In addition, the Greek Life advisor can assist you with the beginning of your organization. Please contact the Greek Life office at 974-2580 or .

ÄPRESIDENT'S CLUB consists of all presidents of recognized student organizations on campus. The club coordinates the annual President’s Club Children’s Christmas Party in the fall and the Awards Banquet in the spring.

ÄYOUR NEW ORGANIZATION'S ADVISOR - One of the first things you should do as a new organization is identify an advisor. It is best to look for an advisor with an area of expertise similar to your organization's purpose. Faculty and staff agree to be advisors because they care about students and your organization. Do not hesitate to tap into their wealth or experience and knowledge.

Petition for Consideration of Campus Student Organization at the University of Central Oklahoma

Student Organizations Office • Nigh University Center • Room 150 • (405) 974-2625

I/We hereby petition the University of Central Oklahoma for permission to begin the establishment procedures for ______(organization name) in accordance with guidelines set forth by the Department of Student Life. Date: ______

The University of Central Oklahoma sponsors a student activity program in which a number of student organizations are maintained for student participation. It is the objective of the institution to provide activities that suit the needs of every student on the campus.

All student organizations are responsible directly to the University and are organized and exist only with written permission of the Administration through the Coordinator for Student Organizations. The leaders proposing the new organization must confer with the Coordinator for Student Organizations and receive administrative approval before informational meeting may be held and/or advertised on campus.

The following criteria will determine approval:

1. Will the purpose of the organization be compatible with and contribute to the objectives of the University of Central Oklahoma? 1 Yes 1 No

Please state the purpose of the organization: ______


2. Will the function of any existing organization be duplicated? 1 Yes 1 No

3. Do the standards of the national organization conform to the standards of the University of Central Oklahoma (if applicable)? 1 Yes 1 No 1 Not Applicable

4. For national Greek letter organizations, the following criteria must be met:

a. The organization is recognized as being strong nationally. In addition, the organization has a strong base of local alumnae support.

b. The other Greek organizations of this type (e.g. social, academic, honor) are sufficiently strong that a new organization can be supported.

c. Approval for the start of the new Greek letter organization by the governing councils and/or the Greek life advisor.

5. Please check the box that coincides with the organization (you may only check one box):

1 Academic Professional 1 Cultural-Ethnic 1 Honorary 1 Religious

1 Social Fraternity 1 Social Sorority 1 Special Interest 1 Sports/Recreation

6. Please list the names and contact information of the students submitting this petition. You may use the back of this sheet if necessary.

Name Phone E-mail Banner ID







(Bolded wording must appear exactly as it is listed here. You are not limited to the bolded words. You may add more if you wish. Non-bolded words are to be used as guides to writing the rest of the constitution. If you wish to veer from the bolded words, you must discuss this with the Director of Student involvement and Service.)

Name of the Organization.

Place the date (month and year) the constitution was written and revised on the front page.


A brief explanation or reason for the organization.



The name of this organization shall be ______.



Specify distinct aims, goals, and/or purposes of the organization.



Section 1. Eligibility. Who is eligible? Who can be a member? Membership will be available to UCO students without regard to Race, Color, Sex, National Origin, Religion, Disability, or status as a veteran. Regular voting members must be UCO students.

Section 2. Member Selection. How are members are selected? How does a person become a member, by dues, etc? What are the classes of membership (member, associate, honorary, etc.- specify dues for each)?

Section 3. Duties of the Members. What are the duties of the members or delegates?

Section 4. Duties of the Advisor(s). What are the duties of the advisors? Advisors shall consist of at least one full-time faculty or staff member who agrees to serve the organization and must be present at each function held by the organization. They shall be recommended by the Officers and the present membership. They shall provide guidance to the operation of the organization and shall establish and maintain good relations with the UCO Administration.

Section 5. Grade Point Average (if required).

Section 6. Organization/Department. A statement identifying the parent organization, if applicable. This may be a local group, one of national origin or campus department.



Section 1. Offices. List all offices. President, Vice President, etc.

Section 2. Term of Office. Specify procedures for elections, officer removal, and filling of vacancies.

Section 3. Duties of the Officers. What are the duties of the officers?

Section 4. Eligibility of officers. All officers including Queen or Sweetheart must be enrolled at the University of Central Oklahoma. It is recommended the officers have an overall grade point average of 2.5 or better.



Section 1. Regular Meetings. Specify the day, week, and month. Regular meetings will be scheduled at the beginning of each school year on a scheduling application. Called meetings, guest speakers, etc. must also be scheduled at least seven days in advance, in accordance with the student handbook.

Section 2. Executive Board meetings. Specify the day, week and or month that the executive board shall meet.

Section 3. Order of Business. How will your meetings be conducted? It is recommended that the guidelines governing the organization shall be the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order or Mason’s Rules of Order.

Section 4. Quorum and Deposition of Minutes. (How many members need to be present in order to conduct business) Recommended: A quorum for a business meeting must be at least fifty percent plus one of the total membership. Deposition of Minutes (How will members that were not present know what happened during the meeting? Who shall record and how shall the minutes be made available?).

Section 5. Required Notice of Meetings. How much notice will be given to members for scheduled or unscheduled meetings? How will they find out when and where the meetings with be held?

Section 6. Advisors. One UCO advisor must be present at every organizational meeting. One designated chaperones must be present at all social and entertainment programs.



Section 1. Election Timeline. When are elections to be held?

Section 2. Nominating and voting procedures. Who is eligible for which positions? How will they be nominated? Etc.

Section 3. Administrative Board. What are the authority and responsibilities of the administrative board or executive council during elections?

Section 4. Queen or sweetheart election (if applicable). Nominating and voting procedures.



Section 1. Process of appointment. Who shall be appointed to serve and how?

Section 2. Responsibilities. What are the responsibilities of those serving on the committees?



Section 1. Amending the Constitution. Process by which one may amend the constitution.

Section 2. Notice of Amendment. All regular proposed amendments to the Constitution and bylaws must be presented to the membership in a regular meeting and must be published for at least two weeks before the vote on the amendments is taken.

Section 3. Vote required to amend. An amendment must receive a two-thirds vote of the entire membership. The amendment must be submitted in writing and approved by the Director Campus Life before becoming effective.

Section 4. By-Laws. Process by which bylaws may be amended.



Section 1. UCO Handbook. The members of this organization expressly agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the University as stated in the UCO Handbook.

Section 2. Finances. Monies collected and dispersed for the organization will be deposited and handled through the UCO Finance Office.

Section 3. Interpretation of this constitution. In case of conflict which necessitates authoritative interpretation of the meaning of a student organization’s constitution of such consequence that it cannot be settled in the organization, the conflict shall be submitted to the Director of Student Life.

Section 4. This constitution shall go into effect upon approval of the Director of Campus Life, the UCO Student Association and the Vice President for Student Affairs.



The President and the Executive Committee shall be the official spokesmen for the organization. General inquiries of a member by the press, community or by a college agency, concerning the organization, shall be referred to the President or Information Officers. All publicity, news releases and/or newspapers concerning UCO and its organizations must be cleared through the Public Information Office/University Relations.

Student Organization Advisor Agreement Form

Student Organizations Office • Nigh University Center • Room 150 • (405) 974-2625

Please submit this form to the Student Organizations Office, Room 150 NUC, 405-974-2625. This form must be re-submitted/updated each academic year or when a new advisor is obtained.