CCAQS Query Catalog Module Technical Document

Monday, February 03, 2003

[Revision Number 2.0]

Document Information

Filename: CCAQS Catalog Technical Document

Created: Thursday, January 03, 2002

Last Modified: Monday, Feb 24, 2003

Rev # / Date / By / Description
1.0 / 01/03/2002 / Seshu Kavuri / Initial release.
2.0 / 02/24/2003 / Seshu Kavuri


Assists the people in understand the implementation details of the Catalog application.

Help in making changes, enhancements to the existing application and debugging any errors in the course of maintaining the same.

This document will not contain any information on design of the application. This document is rather aimed in describing the implementation details of the application.


The main functionality of the “Catalog” module is to

1.  List all the data files that have been requested and presently in the catalog database.

2.  Provide a way to download the data files from the above catalog list.

3.  Provide some information about the data request that is listed.

Whenever a data request is made, “WriteToFile” method of the Catalog component will execute the query, generates the file from the query result in the ftp folder and updates the catalog table with the data request information after the file is generated.

Files Used


The following files are used in the Catalog Module.

1.  qryCatalog.Asp – Page that displays the query catalog.


q  The Query Component is configured in COM+ on the application server.

q file is to store global variables

q  A virtual Directory called “Datamaintenance” in the IIS Default Website

q  A virtual FTP directory called “CCAQSDataFiles” in the IIS Default FTP Site



q  Query.dll – This is the com object that will execute the query, creates the file from the results of the query, updates the catalog and send request status information to the user.

The implementation details of the COM object are described in COM object part of the document.

q  Database - This application needs some database object in the database. The database section of the document describes the use of those database objects.



This is the homepage for catalog application. This page lists all the data files that are generated form the previous query requests and currently available in the catalog database. This interface also provides links to the ftp path for each file, from which user can download the data files. This interface also provides a link for each request clicking on which users can view the description details of the request.

This page contains the asp code that will query the catalog database table and display the field values in a table across multiple pages. Only first 25 characters of the description are displayed in the table column.

Include Files


This file is included to access the following client functions


This file is included to access the following global constants



Specific Server Functions

Name / Purpose / Parameters / Return
GetFromattedTableDataPageWise() / This function generates a HTML table structure displaying limited number of records per page. The table will have all the columns specified in the SQL query. / StrSQL: The sql query string. This query is executed to build the table rows.
IntCurrentPage: The current page number to be displayed. / HTML table structure. And page number when the data is displayed in more than one page.




This page has asp code that calculates the page number by calling the getFormattedTableDataPageWise() function in the qryCatalog.asp page, when the data is displayed in more than one page.

This page also has got code that will display two bottom links to navigate to the next and previous pages when the data is displayed in multiple pages.




The database should have the following Tables for the execution of catalog application


1.  Catalog Table: This table contains information of the query request, made by the user from the data retrieval, admin and Submittal Report applications.

Each query request will make an entry in this table. This table is updated once the data file is generated. This table is updated by the query component’s “WriteToFile” method.

This table can be created using the “Create_Table_Catalog.sql” script present in the SQL Scripts folder of the application.
