Matt.19:26 Entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven Requires
a Miracle of God’s Grace
Beloved Congregation. During the last number of weeks we have been meditating on the nature of God’s Kingdom. We have seen that this Kingdom does not come by observation and that it is not of this world. Moreover, the Lord also taught His followers that they ought not to seek honor and prestige in His Kingdom; for, except a person become like a little child he will in no wise be given an entrance into it. In fact, as the Lord Jesus instructed Nicodemus, except a man be born again, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.
Well now, this morning we are again directed to a miraculous element concerning God’s Kingdom by which we ought to be convinced that salvation is all of God. Let us regard the words of our text therefore under the following theme, ENTRANCE INTO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN REQUIRES A MIRACLE OF GOD’S GRACE. In the first place let us regard The Extent of this Miracle. In the second place let us consider The Nature of this Miracle. Thirdly let us examine The Fruits of this Miracle.
In the first place let us regard The Extent of this Miracle. As we mentioned last week, congregation, the disciples were genuinely attached to their Master with bonds of true love and conviction that He was the long promised Messiah of God. And yet, they still had so much to learn concerning the nature of His Kingdom. They were still too earthly minded in their conceptions of the kingdom which the Lord Jesus was going to establish. They were still thinking in terms of an earthly kingdom in which the Lord Jesus would ascend the throne of David.
And so, when the Lord Jesus engaged in conversation with the rich young ruler just previous to the words of our text, we see how that the blessed Savior gives further instruction concerning this very thing. This young man had thought that by keeping the Law of the Lord and by performing certain works he would be a prime candidate for eternal life. However, while he lived an exemplary life outwardly speaking, he still lacked one thing. He was not ready to forsake the riches he had accumulated. The Lord Jesus said to him, go and sell all that you have and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven and come thou and follow Me. But we read that he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions. And then the Lord Jesus made the general statement that a rich man shall hardly enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. In fact, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God.
Yes, congregation, by this discussion, the disciples were being faced more and more with their impossibilities. Their reaction was, Who then can be saved? The Lord Jesus had again used that word “verily”. Verily, I say unto you that a rich man shall hardly enter into the Kingdom of God. And then the Savior states a most amazing metaphor. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God. Now, there are some scholars who try to make this comparison more realistic by saying the camel is really a cable or that the eye of the needle is really a low entrance in a city wall through which camels could only enter by getting on their knees after being relieved of their burdens. But these conjectures are unnecessary. For, by using this comparison, the Lord is not stating that a camel can do this. But it would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Why? Because by nature a rich man is so strongly tied to his earthly wealth that he is not able to work or worm his way into the Kingdom. Wealth can have such a powerful hold on the heart of the natural man!
The disciples are amazed when they hear these things. They are faced with their impossibilities and they say, Who then can be saved? This reaction is very remarkable. For all the disciples experience the same thing. They were all amazed to the point that Christ’s declaration has filled them with prolonged astonishment. This saying is so far reaching! And then a number of them at least come to the same conclusion. The Greek uses the plural here. Who then can be saved? Christ’s followers are faced with their impossibilities. If a camel can sooner go through the eye of a needle than a rich man enter into the kingdom of God, well then, where does this leave them? And so the disciples are faced with their impossibility to enter the Kingdom. If what the Lord Jesus has said is true, then they will never be able to gain entrance into God’s kingdom.
Well now, has that ever become your problem as well, congregation? Have you ever been faced with your impossibilities in this regard? The Lord Jesus has made a statement meant for all time, and not just for the time in which He lived. This saying holds true also for us today. A rich man will hardly enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Why? Because by nature he is attached to his wealth. The natural man is by nature wedded to the god, mammon. For wealth you see means strength, honor and possibilities as the world counts them. Wealth very often translates to popularity and acceptance. Just think of the prodigal son who had friends enough as long as his money held out. Riches provide all kinds of opportunities with respect to possessions and entertainment. And so, generally speaking, earthly wealth feeds man’s lusts and his pride. And there is only one thing that is able to free man from this tremendous power in his life and that is the power of God.
Are there any in our midst who have been convinced of this truth? What is your heart attached to, congregation? To the material things of this life? Perhaps to your job, your family, you’re your position in life generally speaking. How many people are there not who have remained nominal Christians because they felt that if they would become too serious they would lose their freedoms. But if anyone thinks in this way, congregation, you are deluded. For when you remain in your natural unconverted condition, then you are enslaved to the ways of sin. But when you experience the blessed salvation that Christ has purchased with His own precious blood, then you indeed may become free, free from sins’ dominion and power, and free from its guilt. How blessed is the man, the woman, the boy, the girl when they are given eyes to see this by the Spirit’s grace, that in the Lord Jesus is freedom!
But meanwhile, the natural man is faced with his impossibilities. In fact we must say it even stronger. Even God’s children are faced with this as well. For, who is our text speaking of? Yes, of the disciples; of men who were convinced that the Lord Jesus was the long promised Messiah of God. And these followers of Christ were intimately attached to their Master. They loved Him with all their hearts. And yet they too are confronted with their inability to enter into the Kingdom of God. If a camel can sooner go through a needle’s eye than a rich man into the kingdom, well then, they will not be able to enter either. Oh what great perplexity must have filled the disciples’ hearts! How can these things be? What now? How can they be sure of gaining an entrance? Who then can be saved? Well, they do not have to wait long for the answer. For the Lord Jesus beheld them our text says and said, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. Which brings us to our second thought, The Nature of this Miracle.
The disciples have been instructed in the way of salvation by their Master. At the beginning of our Scripture reading the Lord has again emphasized to His own the importance of becoming child like; for of such is the kingdom of heaven. And then the Lord pointed out that external adherence to the law is insufficient to gain entrance into the Kingdom. Moreover, riches are a great impediment for anyone to gain entrance into heaven. A camel is more likely to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man into the Kingdom of God. And so, man is faced with his impossibilities isn’t he, congregation? I sincerely hope that you have seen something of that. For when we have truly been brought to see that through the convincing power of the Holy Spirit then we may also have the hope of experiencing the Lord’s grace. Yes, your and my impossibilities ought to drive us out to the Lord, pleading His grace and mercy.
However, that is not something which takes place as a matter of course, no. But this requires a miracle of God’s grace, through the demonstration of the Lord’s power. For see what happens. In verse 27 Peter answers, saying, Behold we have forsaken all, and followed Thee. What shall we have therefore? It seems that the impression which Peter experienced, soon wore off. We do not know if he actually spake the words, Who then can be saved with some of the others or not? But we are certainly given the perception that he, with the others was faced with his impossibility to be saved. But very quickly, carnal reasoning replaces his astonishment and so he declares, We have forsaken all and followed Thee. What will we have therefore? And so we see how foolish man is when left to himself. He is so quickly taken in with himself and his achievements and goals. How long suffering the Lord truly is that he bears with the likes of such sinners as we are who are so slow to understand His will and ways. May all of us be impressed by this.
Yes, Peter is taken in with his attainments. While the rich young ruler could not forsake all and follow the Lord, they did! Well now, what will their reward be for such obedience? Yes, Peter still has so much to learn, congregation. When the Lord said, With men this is impossible, He really meant it. And still Peter comes again with the attainments of men, that which has been performed by the flesh. And so we see how that the Lord must lead His people deeper into the mysteries of faith, step by step.
The Lord has just said that with men this is impossible. But He also added that with God all things are possible! This means, that at every point, at the beginning, in the middle and at the end, man is completely dependent upon God for salvation. Of himself, he can do nothing. If he is to be saved, he must be born again, from above. Saving faith is a gift of God. And therefore God’s people must be supported every day, hour, minute, and second of the day by God’s omnipotent grace. There is no room for the religion of the rich young ruler who thought to receive entrance into God’s Kingdom by his attainments. He had done so much. He had kept the law of God meticulously. If anything else needed to be done, he was ready to do it; just say the word. But this young ruler did not really have knowledge of himself. And therefore his riches proved to be too much to part with. But Peter and the others had parted from their goods. They had left all behind. What would their reward therefore be?
While Peter may mean well, he still has so much to learn. For, though the Lord had required the rich young ruler to sell his goods that he might have treasure in heaven, that did not mean that special favors of God could be received as a reward. You know, sometimes teachers in a classroom or companies in the work place establish a system of rewards. If you do this or that, if you attain this or that goal then you will get a bonus, a special reward. In this way the teacher tries to get the children to do their very best and a company tries to get good production from its workers. Well now, Peter and the others have left all. What then shall be their reward? Surely the Lord will not tell them that they still have to do something else as He told the rich young ruler? For they have left all and did exactly what their Master had said to him. Well now, what shall they have therefore?
While we may recognize the error of Peter’s way of thinking, does this manner of reasoning not live in all of our hearts by nature? If only I do this. If only I fulfill that obligation. And surely, when I give so much of my time or my resources for God’s cause, then the Lord will be more pleased with me. Then I will be more likely to experience God’s favor. But, that is not at all the principle by which God’s Kingdom functions. The reward that the Lord gives to His people is not due to merits, but is all of grace.
Just listen to what the Lord says to Peter and the rest of the disciples. For it is noteworthy to realize that the Savior uses the plural pronoun in His response. He Answers, Verily, I say unto “you” plural, That ye which hath followed Me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit upon in the throne of His glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Let us try to discern what the Lord means by these words. Ye that hath followed Me. Notice, that also here the Lord uses the term verily. Verily, I say unto you. And so what follows is of great importance. And what is that? You that have followed Me. Yes, the disciples had remained with the Lord when many had left Him. By the grace of the Spirit they were convinced that their Master was the Christ, the anointed One of God Who should come. They would not and could not leave the Lord. Their hearts were attached to Him. All their hopes were placed upon the Lord; He has the words of eternal life. Consequently, they were anticipating the coming of His Kingdom and desired to receive a place in it.
And so, in the second part of this verse the Lord Jesus addresses this very issue. Since they have become His true disciples, they will also be given a place in His Kingdom. And here the Lord uses a very specific word. In the regeneration, when the Son of Man shall sit in the throne of His glory, they shall also be given a place there. Yes, at the rebirth of the earth, when the Lord shall make all things new, then those who have been born again will also receive a place there. The disciples will rule over the twelve tribes of Israel, that is, over all who are born again in Zion, the spiritual Israel of God. Yes, by the grace of God and His power the followers of the Lord Jesus will be given a place in the New Jerusalem, upon a new earth where everything will redound to the Lord’s glory.
Well now, is that also your only hope, beloved? Are your desires founded on nothing less than the Lord Jesus’ blood and righteousness? Realize well, only when you have been born again in Zion shall you be given entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven. Only when you have been regenerated and renewed in the inner man so that your longings and affections are set upon the Lord, will you be received into glory. But may you also be convinced, congregation, that this is impossible with you and me. Really. And yet, this is possible with God! For all things are possible with the Lord who is able to change a heart of stone into a heart of flesh. He is able and willing to make all things new in sinner’s lives. To that end He comes to us with His Word of truth again, namely, that in His finished work is life, while outside of Him is death. Therefore seek life, my friends. Call upon the name of the Lord, pleading that He look down on you in mercy, perhaps for the first time in you life or by renewal. For in His condescending grace alone is life. Which brings us to our third thought The Fruit of this Miracle.
Now, when the Lord works in the heart and life of His people then things dramatically change in their life. Then you are no longer so intent upon fulfilling your own desires. But then the prayer is born in your heart, Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do? Yes, then the truth of God takes on a whole new meaning. And then you begin to see the world and all that takes place in it from a different perspective. While in this life it is but a small beginning, nevertheless, God’s people begin to see their lives, with all its complexities and attachments, from God’s point of view. If things are right, then you do not engage in some of activities you once did. Instead, you start to do other things that you could not have imagined. When the Lord bestows His grace, the sinner begins to read the Word of God and good material about the way of salvation. Then he or she is desirous to come to every function if possible in God’s House. For the Lord and His truth has taken on new meaning. God’s grace, beloved, causes man to focus upon who the Lord is for His people. How great this becomes in the life of a sinner. Yes, then one thing becomes needful, namely, to experience tokens of God’s favor. To use the words of Paul, That I might know Him and the power of His resurrection. When that has become the longing of your soul, beloved, then all the temporal attachments and relationships which you have begin to fade in significance. Then nothing else can compare to the grace and favor of God.