Global Economics – ECON1100Course Syllabus
Kennesaw State UniversityFall 2013
Instructor:David D. Seem or
Office Hours:Prior to class or by appointment
Course Description. Analysis of economic decision making in a global setting. Examines the fundamental questions of economics as they relate to individuals, firms, and governments operating in an open economy. Topics covered include: a comparison of economic systems, how a market system works, the role of government in the economy, the basis for international trade, the dynamics of the global monetary system, and the impact of technology on economic growth.
This course is a Kennesaw State University general education requirement and addresses the general education learning outcomes listed below (for more information about Kennesaw State University’s General Education program, please visit
- Social Sciences: Students analyze the complexity of human behavior and how social, historical, economic, political, or spatial relationships develop, persist, or change.
- U.S. Perspectives: Students identify the historical, political, social, or institutional developments of the United States.
Course Schedule and Attendance Policy. This course will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:00pm –9:15 pm. Attendance is strongly encouraged. Students are responsible for all material covered during all lectures (even those from which you are absent). It is the students’ responsibility to check their registration form and confirm that they are enrolled in the section they are attending. There will be no classes on the following Holidays Monday September 2nd (Labor Day) and Wednesday November 27th (Thanksgiving). In addition there will not be any classes the week of September 16th.
Course Prerequisites. ENGL0099, MATH0099, and READ0099 (if required).
Required Textbooks. (1) Economicscompiled by T. Mathews and (2)The Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy by D. Yergin J. Stanislaw.
Course Content. We plan to cover the following topics in the following order (the most relevant portions of the textbooks are indicated after each topic, with EC denoting the textbook Economics andCH denoting the textbook The Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy):
- Foundations of Economics (EC Chapter 1)
- Fundamental Economic Questions and Gains from Specialization (EC Chapter 2)
- Economic Systems: Capitalism versus Socialism (EC Chapter 3)
- How a Market System Functions (EC Chapter 4 and Coda)
- Exam #1
- Surplus, Efficiency, and Deadweight Loss (EC Chapter 5)
- Measuring Macroeconomic Outcomes (EC Chapters6 and 7)
- Economic Growth (EC Chapters 8 and 9)
- Market Failure and the Allocation Function of Government (EC Chapter 10)
- Government Failure (EC Chapter 11)
- Exam #2
- The Distribution Function of Government (EC Chapter 12)
- The Stabilization Function of Government (EC Chapters 6 and 7)
- Europe’s Mixed Economy (CH Chapter 1; EC Chapter 13)
- The American Experience from the 1920’sthrough the 1970’s (CH Chapter 2; EC Chapters 7, 14, and 16)
- The Rebirth of Free Market Ideology: the Case of Great Britain (CH Chapter 4)
- Exam #3
- Economic Reform in Eastern Europe and Russia (CH Chapter 10; EC Chapter 15)
- The Asian Economic Miracle (CH Chapter 6; EC Chapter 18)
- China’s Transition from a Planned Economy to a Market Economy (CH Chapter 7; EC Chapter 19)
- India’s Shift from Socialism to Capitalism in the 1990’s (CH Ch. 8; EC Chapter 19)
- Trade and Policy Reform in Latin America (CH Chapter 9; EC Chapter 17)
- Exam #4 (Noncumulative Final Exam given during normal class hours)
Course Requirements and Grading Criteria. Four exams will be,on the following dates:
- Exam #1 – Wednesday September 11, 2013
- Exam #2 – Wednesday October 9, 2013
- Exam #3 – Wednesday November 6, 2013
- Exam #4 – Final Exam – Wednesday December 4, 2013 (Normal class hours)
Exam materials are not cumulative. The specific topics to be covered on each exam will be announced in class in advance of the relevant exam date. You are not allowed to use any notes or books during any of the exams. Further, since the exams will not require calculation beyond what you can accomplish on a “basic scientific calculator,” you will not be allowed to use a graphing calculator or a calculator with any long term memory or storage capabilities (e.g., you may not use a computer, cell phone, or iPad as a calculator).
You must bring valid photo identification with you to each exam (e.g., University ID card, driver’s license). This identification should be visible (photo side up) on your desk while you are taking the exam. When you are finished with your exam, you must hand your exam to me personally and initial the “exam sign-in sheet.”
Your exam grades will contribute toward your semester average as follows.Of the four exams given, your lowest grade will be dropped. The remaining three exams will be weighted equally at 33% each. You will automatically earn the remaining 1% for your enrollment in the class. Since the lowest exam grade will be dropped, no makeup exams will be given other than for the following exceptions: active military deployment or training, jury duty with documentation of date and time, participation in a KSU sponsored event such as athletics, serious medical emergency (requiring a hospital admit or emergency room visit, with official documentation), or the funeral of an immediate family member. If possible, contact me in advance of an exam for which you will be unavoidably absent. All unexcused missed exams will receive a grade of “0.” No “extra credit” will be given to redress poor performance on exams.
After determining your semester average as described above, your letter grade will be determined by the following scale: (89.5% to 100%)=(A); (79.5% to 89.4%)=(B); (69.5% to 79.4%)=(C); (59.5% to 69.4%)=(D); (Below 59.5%)=(F). For example, a student with exam grades of 82.5%, 70%, 95%, and 90% would have a semester exam average of (.40)(95%)+(.3)(90%)+(.3)(82.5%)+(0)(70%)=(89.75%) and would earn a letter grade of (A) for the course.
Course Withdrawal Date and Policy. The University withdrawal policy will be followed. See the Registrar’s Office for the last day to withdraw without academic penalty. Students withdrawing after this date will receive a grade of (WF). Students who wish to withdraw with a grade of (W) must do so formally through the Registrar’s Office.
Student Behavior. During lecture you should not engage in any activities that might disrupt other students. You should arrive on time and should not leave early. Please wait until lecture is over before packing up your belongings. During lecture you should not talk, eat, or use any electronic devices in a disruptive manner (please turn off all cellular phones and other similar devices before the start of lecture). You are allowed to use a computer to take notes, and you are allowed to make an audio recording of lecture. However, keep in mind that other students may find the use of a computer for purposes other than taking notes to be distracting and disruptive.
Belligerent, abusive, profane, threatening, or inappropriate behavior on the part of students is in violation of the KSU Student Code of Conduct. According to University policy, students who are found in violation of the Code of Conduct may be subject to immediate dismissal from the University. Also, violations that constitute misdemeanor or felony violations of state or federal law may be subject to criminal action beyond the University disciplinary process.
You are expected to come to class prepared. You should read the relevant portions of the textbook both before and after the corresponding discussion in class. If you miss a lecture, you should get a copy of notes from another student in class. You should study your notes and the handouts posted on the course webpage on a regular basis, and you should come to office hours to discuss any concepts which you do not fully understand.
Academic Honesty. You are responsible for upholding the provisions of the Student Code of Conduct, as published in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs. Section II of the Code addresses the University’s policies and procedures on Academic Honesty. Incidents of violations of the Student Code of Conduct will be handled through the KSU Judiciary Program. Disciplinary measures in case of such incidents include expulsion, suspension, probated suspension, probation, restrictions, reprimand (oral or written), restitution, and community service.
Other Notes. Any changes in the policies and procedures described in this syllabus (while not anticipated) will be announcedin class.