School News for Sept. 7-14, 2016

Dear Annunciation Families,

Today, students and teachers had an emergency “Secure and Protect” drill. The Diocese of Raleigh requires an emergency “lockdown” drill once per year. We always work to comfort the children during this drill, and to assure them that we all work together to make sure our school is a safe place.

Our Scroogefest Committee is meeting TOMORROW at 4pm. Please join us if you’re interested in helping!

Student and Adult Volunteers are NEEDED Sunday, Sept. 18 from 2-4pm to help with FACEPAINTING! Please email Mrs. Bragg if you’re able to help!

Please, to help keep our arrival and dismissal lines safe, DO NOT pass other cars in line unless you are motioned forward by an adult. Thank you in advance!

Great news! Boxtops in Education earned our school $90 from 8/25 – 8/31! Thank you for your support!

“Welcome” to our new Mr. Isom, our new afterschool tutoring volunteer! Mr. Isom is a retired Social Studies teacher. He helps students work quietly in the library during STACK. We also welcomed Mrs. Collins as an additional STACK teacher.

As a reminder, on Monday, Sept. 19 there is no school, and STACK is not available. We have a Diocesan Professional Development meeting in Raleigh.


Every week, I will provide you with an excerpt from the books “50 Things Every Young Lady/Gentleman Should Know”, by Kay West and John Bridges:#3: Saying “Excuse me”- “A gentleman or lady never uses the words ‘Hey,’ ‘Hey you,’ ‘Hey dude,’ or any phrase that starts with the word ‘hey,’ when he or she is trying to get another person’s attention. He or she says, ‘Excuse me.’”


Mrs. Anna Bragg


Annunciation Catholic School

246 E. Main St., Havelock NC 28532

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September DATES

Thur Sep 84:00pm Scroogefest Committee Meeting

Wed Sep 14 6:30pm - 7:30pm School Advisory Board

4:00pm Volleyball Game @ St. Paul

Thu Sept 15 All day ADA Mae Field Trip 7th

6:30pm ASPA Meeting (Child Care is Provided)

Fri Sep 16 All day ADA Mae Field Trip 8th

Sun Sep 18 All day Parish Ministry Social

Mon Sep 19 All day No School - Diocesan Professional Dev't

Wed Sept 214:00pm Volleyball @ St. Peter

Thur Sept 224:00pm Volleyball v. St. Peter @ Home

Fri Sept 233:30pm Volleyball v. Epiphany School @ Home

Mon Sep 26 All day School Pictures – MASS UNIFORMS PLEASE!

Wed Sep 284:00pm Volleyball @ St. Paul