Scholarship Application

Offered by the Chicago Chapter,

Public Relations Society of America (PRSA)

The Chicago Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America is committed to advancing the public relations profession and its professionals by supporting college students pursuing careers in the field.

Three students from PRSA Chicago-affiliated PRSSA chapters will be awarded scholarships at the annual PRSA Chicago Skyline awards banquet in late May. The top student will be awarded $1,000, with scholarships $500each for tworunners-up.

Applicants must:

  • Have junior or senior status in the current academic year;
  • Be a PRSSA member in good standing at a PRSA Chicago-affiliated chapter;
  • Hold a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA (4.0 scale);
  • Use scholarship funds for educational or professional purposes.

Submissions must be received by Friday, May 6 at 5 p.m. No exceptions!

Send completed forms to the address below or submit electronically to . Contact Alison Hamer (e-mail or 312-565-4632) with questions.

Alison Hamer

L.C. Williams & Associates

150 N. Michigan Ave. Suite 3800

Chicago, IL 60601

Required Materials

Please sign the release statement on the following page and submit along with the following materials:

Cover Letter

Please include a cover letter on your application that details how you became interested in a career in public relations, what your goals are for the future and why you think you deserve to win the PRSA Chicago scholarship.


Please attach a copy of your resume detailing your communications experience. Include activities such as internships, industry-related employment, PRSSA projects, volunteer work and any honors or awards you have received. Be specific and list your responsibilities for each activity.

Two Letters of Recommendation (one academic and one professional preferred)

Please provide the information on page three to the academic and professional contacts you are asking to write your recommendation letters.

Academic Transcript

Plan ahead! Unofficial copies will be accepted, but will be verified if you are a finalist.

Application Question

Your client, PRSA Chicago, is trying to expand its membership by increasing the number of young professionals who become dues-paying members of the chapter. How would you advise the client in order to help the chapter achieve its goals?

Please answer in two pages or less. Be clear, concise and creative.

Release Statement

Please sign and submit the statement below with your application materials.

I signify the information I have provided is correct and I am a dues-paid member of PRSSA. I understand that the winner may be publicized in the chapter newsletter and Web site,


Scholarship Application

Offered by the Chicago Chapter,

Public Relations Society of America (PRSA)

Letter of Recommendation

Thank you for contributing to a student’s application for the PRSA Chicago scholarship. Please share your insights into the student’s academic performance, leadership qualities and potential as a public relations professional. In your letter, be sure to include who you are nominating and your relationship to the student.

Submit your recommendation via your student in a sealed envelope or e-mail it directly to Alison Hamer at that all submission materials must be received by Friday, May 6 at 5 p.m. No exceptions!