Kimball High School 2013-14
English 1 Pre-AP
Mr. Sankus
Office Hours: Daily Room M1 3:30-3:50
Phone Number: 209-832-6600
Course Description
English 1
This course will include orientation and instruction in college preparatory language art skills including spelling, vocabulary, composition, grammar, reading, and speaking. Study skills and library skills will be reviewed and practiced. Essay writing will be emphasized. This course will provide the necessary skills for more advanced work. Students may expect homework 3-4 nights per week. (Homework policy follows the guidelines adopted by the school board (Board Policy 6154) and is located in the school’s handbook). Because this is a Pre-AP course, students can expect to have outside reading assignments that will need to be completed in addition to any homework.
Course Outline
1st Semester:
Reading: Epic and Myth, Plot and Setting, Character, Narrator and Voice, Comparing Themes, Irony and Ambiguity, Symbolism and Allegory Poetry, Literary Criticism: Evaluating Style
Writing: Autobiographical Narrative, Short Story, Analyzing Nonfiction, Response to Literature
Listening/Speaking: Presenting an Oral Narrative
Writing Conventions: Parts of Speech/Sentence, the Phrase, the Clause, and Agreement, Punctuation, Spelling, Writing Complete Sentences, Writing Effective Sentences.
Reading: Drama, Novels, Poetry, Literary Criticism: Biographical Historical Approach, Workplace Documents
Writing: Comparing a Play and a Film,Analyzing a Poem, Response to Literature,
Listening and Speaking: Presenting a Literary Response
Writing Conventions: Punctuation, Conventions: Parts of Speech/Sentence, the Phrase, the Clause, and Agreement, Punctuation, Spelling, Writing Complete Sentences, Writing
Effective Sentences,Verbs, pronouns, Modifiers, Usage, Capital Letters
We will also be covering the following novels:
Of Mice and Men
Murder on the Orient Express
The House on Mango Street
The Chosen
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
The Odyssey
A Tale of Two Cities
Works on the AP Reading Lists (See following web sites)
Weekly Vocabulary (HOT WORDS)
Literature Related Vocabulary (ACADEMIC VOCABULARY)
Weekly Grammar Assignments
SSR Books
Students will need a binder. The binder should be divided into 7 sections: agenda, academic vocabulary, vocabulary, grammar, writing, homework, and SSR reading log. Students will need a grammar book, literature book, and SSR Book.During the school year, students will also need colored highlighters (red, yellow, and green), flashcards, ruler, colored pens, and scissors. (I will let students know when to bring these materials)
Everyday materials
Everyday students will need to bring the following materials:Their binder, pens/pencils/binder paper, SSR Book (when required), and any assignment we are currently working on in class.Students are responsible for any materials checked out to them from the library.
Class Set
In an effort to keep all classroom textbooks in good condition, the following policy will be used for class sets of textbooks. All books are numbered and stored on shelves in the classroom. Students will be assigned a number. I will keep record of each student’s number. When using class sets, students will use the books that correlate with their assigned number. If students notice any damage(s), they must report this damage to the teacher immediately so that they will not be held responsible. At the end of the period, students will return the book to the shelf, and I will check for any new damage.
Assignments/Late Work/Make-Up Work
All assignments are to be turned in on time by the due date and time. No late work will be accepted. Homework and class work must be LEGIBLE, blue or black ink (If I cannot read it, I will not grade it). Essays are to be typed double-spaced, MLA FORMAT, size 12 font, Times New Roman. Specifics requirements will be given to the students for each essay. All assignments are to have the student’s first and last name, date, and class period in the upper right hand corner. I do not accept email copies as completed/turned in work for any assignment. A hard copy must be turned in for every assignment.
Common Computer Excuses:
“My printer ran out of ink.” My computer crashed/locked/froze.” “My computer has a virus.” Computer related troubles/issues are not acceptable excuses for not turning in any assignment or for turning an assignment in late (even with a parent’s note). Students are not allowed to use the teacher’s classroom computer to print assignments.
On-Line Assistance: and Kimball High School’s Teacher Web Site
To assist students during the year, I utilize It is a social learning network for teachers and students. Students can access notes, missed assignments, handouts, and discuss lessons/topics with other students on The site is only accessible to Kimball students/parents, administrators, and the teacher. It is NOT accessible to the public. If you have any questions about, please contact Mr. Sankus. When using, all rules and procedures from the TUSD Student Handbook apply at all times. Kimball High School also has a Teacher Web Site. I will be using this site to post lessons and information. The address is
The Freshman Pre-AP address is
Late work:
Class work/homework/essays/projects are to be turned in on time by the assigned date and time. Late work will not receive credit. Class work/homework/essay/projects will not be accepted late. Students who have an excused absence will be given one (1) day for each excused absence to turn in class work/homework.Absent work must be turned in before class starts the next day. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain all missed material/assignments before or after school,NEVER DURING CLASS TIME, MY LUNCH, OR DURING THE PASSING PERIOD.
Exams/Quiz: Students who miss a quiz or an exam because of an excused absence will have 1 week from the day he/she returns to class to make-up the test. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule a time to make up a missed test or quiz.
Projects/Reports: If a student is absent the day a major assignment is due (report/essay/project), then he/she must turn in the assignment the day he/she returns to class before school begins.
Suspension: Students who are suspended from school or who have an unexcused absence will not be allowed to make up any missed work, tests, quizzes, essays, reports, projects, or assignments.
In-House Suspension: Students who miss class due to being sent to Friday’s In-House Suspension are required to get that Friday’s assignment no later than the Thursday prior. Class work will not be given out on the Friday of the assigned In-House Suspension, and any missed work will be considered late. Students who miss a test/quiz because of being sent to In-House Suspension will have to until the next Monday following the assigned day of In-House Suspension to make up the missed quiz/test. Assignments/Projects/Essays that are due on the same day a student is sent to In-House Suspension will be due at the end of that Friday by 3:50PM.
Grading: Grades will be based on a point system: the total number of points earned divided by the total number of points possible. I do not round up or down numbers/grades. Grades are based on the following scale:
90.00-100 A
80.00-89.99 B
70.00-79.99 C
60.00-69.99 D
59.99-below F
First Semester Grade:
First Quarter: 40% (10% will be the Summer Academic Vocabulary test) + Second Quarter (40%) + Final (20%)
Second Semester Grade:
Third Quarter (40%) + Fourth Quarter (40%) + Final (20%)
Grades On-Line
For your convenience, I use Kimball High School’s on-line grading system, Parent Portal. This is an on-line grading program that allows parents to obtain his/her child’s grade at anytime from any computer with Internet access. I try to update grades on a weekly basis. To sign up for Parent Link, please go to the follow web site:
Extra credit will be given at the teacher’s discretion
Classroom Rules and Responsibilities
1. Be Here and Be Ready to Work
Students are to be in class in their seats ready to go before the bell rings. This includessharpening pencils, having materials ready (books, homework, pens, paper, notebooks, etc.), correctly wearing their ID’s and lanyards, and working on the warm-up activity before the tardy bell rings. Students who are not in their seats when the tardy bell rings will be considered late.Students who are not wearing their ID’s and lanyards and/or who are in dress code violation will be sent out of the classroom and maybe sent to the office. If the student returns to class after the bell, then he/she will be considered late for class.
Bathroom Passes: Each student will be given 2 bathroom passes per qtr. If they use their passes before the qtr ends, then they can take a tardy. Tardy policy will apply. (See consequences for Tardies)
Consequences for Tardiness
1st-4th Teacher’s Discretion: Contact with parents/guardians via email or phone call
5th-End of QTR: See Student Handbook
2. Be Polite and Respectful
Be polite and respectful to all students and instructors at all times. When the teacher is talking or giving instruction the students are to listen carefully and pay attention to the directions. When students want to respond to the teacher, have a question, a response, or a comment, they must raise their hand before speaking.
3. Pay Attention, Follow the Directions, and Be on Task at all times
A. No CELL PHONES, iPods, MP3 Players, or other electronic devices. Please See Mr. Sankus’s Personal Learning Device policy on Mr. Sankus’s Teacher Web Site ( All electronic devices must be turned off and put away at all times. IF I SEE IT, I WILL CONFISCATE IT. This includes headphones and whatever device they are attached. All electronic devices confiscated during class time will be returned to the administration after school at the teacher’s earliest convenience.
B. Take care of personal grooming outside of class. NO make-up, perfume (I have very bad allergies), hairbrushes, etc. Take care of personal business during break or before or after class. Use of personal grooming products will result in a referral.
C. All backpacks, purses, and bags are to be placed under the student’s desk or behind his/her chair.
D. No Food/Drinks/Gum in class. Bottled water is allowed.
4. Be Ready to Leave When the Teacher Dismisses You
The bell does not dismiss you, I do.
5. All Rules and Procedures in the Student Handbook Apply at all times.
Major Offenses
1st Occurrence: Referral to the AP’s Office
2nd Occurrence and Beyond: See Student Handbook
For minor offenses that occur in the classroom the following consequence will apply:
1st-3rdOccurrences: In Class referral and contact with parent
4th Occurrence and Beyond: Referral and sent to the AP’s Office.
The teacher has the right to determine the severity of the student’s disruption and apply the appropriate consequences.
Cheating/Plagiarism: All work submitted by students should be a true reflection of their effortand ability. If it is not, then the student has manifested unacceptable behavior. Unacceptable behavior includes but is not limited to copying another student’s work and plagiarism. There are several Internet resources that are available to monitor plagiarism (, Google Searches, etc). Consequences: For Refer to Student Handbook for Consequences.
If you would like to contact Mr. Sankus, the best way is via email at ; however, I usually leave at 3:50, and I do not handle calls or emails after I leave school and not until I return the following day at approximately 8:00 a.m.
TA’s: TA’s (Teacher Assistant) will follow the same guidelines/rules/procedures as outlined in the class syllabus. All rules and procedures in the Student Handbook apply at all times.