Joamie School
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Principal: Sonja LeBlanc
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Vice Principal: Darlene Nuqingaq
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P.O. Box 910, Iqaluit, NU X0A 0H0 Ph (867) 979-6206 Fax (867) 979-0686
Welcome back to all returning students and welcome to all new students! I hope everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing summer. We are back into full swing. Theme days, excursions, and activities are already being planned for our school.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome back our returning staff for the 2015/2016 school year:
Neevee Wilkins, Quaraq Pitseolak, Miali Coley, Laura Feltham, Ida Gardiner, Jacqui Bishop, Ria McGillivray, Oopetee Kovic, Emily Joanasie, Darlene Nuqingaq, Marsha Rhodes, Clyde Steele, Susie Joanasie, Opah Picco, Geela Jaw, Lena Ipeelie, Trudy Antler Steele, Danny O’Dell, Reese Alley, Jason Rochon, Lucia Spencer, Marilyn Kennedy, Catherine McIntyre, Alex Kownirk, Joannie Alaralak, and Glenda Pittman.
It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you to Jen Rutledge (teaching grade five), our new staff member for the 2015/2016 school year. Jen comes to Iqaluit with oodles of teaching experience and we welcome her to the Joamie Team!
The entire school will be walking to the turf this Friday, September 4 for the afternoon. Field trip permission forms have been sent home and need to be returned as soon as possible. We will leave the school at 1:15pm and return by 3:30pm.
Parents who are interested in being involved the Joamie Parent Committee (JPC) can contact Sonja at the office. We will notify all those interested to schedule a meeting. We are looking for individuals who are interested in helping with various events (Family Fun Night, literacy nights, etc.).
Joamie has a Facebook page to notify and remind parents of upcoming events. Search under Joamie Ilinniarvik School Announcement Page to request to join. All newsletters and announcements can also be found on the IDEA website under Joamie Blog. The IDEA also has a Facebook account where they post important information.
Joamie students will be taking part in the Terry Fox Run on Friday, September 11, 2015. Students will leave Joamie at 1:15pm and walk toward the middle school, down Tasilik Street, along the Lake Subdivision, and back to Joamie. Students will receive a pledge sheet and are asked to return the sheet and money to school on or before, Monday, September 14, 2015.
Heirloom Studio will be at Joamie School to take annual student photos on Thursday, September 24 and Friday, September 25. Please do not wear green clothing. Every attempt will be made to get photos done on the 24th (younger grades will go first).
Joamie will be having an open house on Monday, September 28 @6:00pm. This is an excellent opportunity to meet your child’s teacher, talk about long range plans, and discuss future learning. We will meet in the gym as a large group at 6:00pm for a short information session and then parents can follow teachers back to their classrooms. We look forward to seeing you!
Joamie has a School Food Bank in the foyer. We invite our Joamie families to take from it or add to it! Thank you for helping our Joamie Community!
Lunch and afterschool clubs will be starting in the upcoming weeks. Clubs for this year include:
CLUB / DAY/TIME / STAFF SUPERVISORS / GRADESDrama / Monday (lunch) / Laura/Emily/Lucia / Grade 3-5
Beading / Tuesday (lunch) / Oopetee/Quaraq/Glenda / Grade 1-5 (rotation)
Piqatigiit (school leaders club) / Tuesday (lunch) / Sonja/Opah / Grade 5 (runs October to May)
Choir / Wednesday (lunch) / Darlene/Miali/Emily/Ida/Jacqui / Grade 2-5 (1st Wed in October)
Dance / Thursday (lunch) / Opah/Lucia/Trudy / Grade 4-5 (starts October)
Volleyball / Friday (lunch) / Sonja/Laura / Grade 5 (starts October)
Baking Club / Friday (lunch) / Lena / Grade 3-5 (rotation)
Badminton / Monday/Tuesday (after school) / Clyde / Grade 4-5
Homework / Tuesday (after school) / Jen/Ida / Grade 5 (mid-October)
Floor Hockey / Thursday (after school) / Reese/Danny / Grade 2-5 (rotation)
Intramurals / Recess / Marsha/Sonja / Grade K-5 (rotation)
Permission forms will be sent home in the upcoming weeks by the leaders of each club. Please keep in mind that students involved in lunch clubs are asked to bring their own NON-MICROWAVABLE lunch (if you are unable to provide your child with a lunch for a lunch club and would like some help from the school, please contact Sonja and arrangements can be made). If your child is in an after school club, please pay close attention to PICK-UP times. Our volunteer club leaders appreciate your help with this issue.
Up-coming Dates:
Friday, September 4 Turf Afternoon
Monday, September 7 Labour Day (no school)
Tuesday, September 8 First Day for ALL Kindergarten students (am English class and Inuktitut class at 8:40am; pm English at 1:05pm)
Friday, September 11 School Terry Fox Run
Thursday, September 24, Friday September 25 Heirloom Portraits Day
September 28 - October 2 Literacy Week
Monday, October 12, 2015 Thanksgiving (no school)