(July 2017)

Associate Professor of Marketing / Tel.: (357) 228963606
Department of Business and Public Administration / Fax: (357) 22895030
School of Economics and Management / E-mail:
University of Cyprus
P.O. Box 20537
1678 Nicosia, Cyprus


1996-2000University of Wales, Cardiff, UK.

Ph.D., International Marketing and Strategy.

Thesis title: International Marketing Programme Standardization-Performance Relationship: An Empirical Investigation in the Context of Multinational Corporations.

1996-1997University of Wales, Cardiff, UK.

Postgraduate Diploma, Social Science Research Methods.

1992-1996University of Cyprus.

B.Sc., Public and Business Administration.

Grade Point Average: 8.61 out of 10  Excellent.


Associate Professor of Marketing, Department of Public and Business Administration, University of Cyprus, December 2011– present.

Assistant Professor of Marketing, Department of Public and Business Administration, University of Cyprus, August 2006 – December 2011.

Lecturer in Marketing, Department of Public and Business Administration, University of Cyprus, July 2002 – July 2006.

Visiting Lecturer in Marketing, Department of Public and Business Administration, University of Cyprus, September 2000 – July 2002.


Standardization versus adaptation of marketing strategies in international markets.

Marketing strategy–performance relationship in the context of international business ventures.

Sales Management/Export sales management.

Marketing strategy/Export marketing strategy.

Work outcomes and performance of frontline customer-contact employees.


2015 Excellence in Global Marketing Research Award,American Marketing Association’s special interest group on Global Marketing. This award recognizes the authors of an outstanding research article, published within the last 10 years, which has significantly influenced the direction of global marketing.The award waspresented at the 2015 AMA Summer Educators' Conference in Chicago, Illinois. The award was presented to Constantine S. Katsikeas, Saeed Samiee, and Marios Theodosiou for their paper “Strategy Fit and Performance Consequences of International Marketing Standardization," published in Strategic Management Journal in 2006.

Best Paper, American Marketing Association’s International Conference on Marketing in a Global Economy, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 28 - July 1, 2000.

Overseas Research Students Award, academic years 1997/98 and 1998/99.

Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the UK – Awarded to overseas research students of outstanding merit and research potential.

Award in memory of EvagorasLanitis, 1996.

Cyprus Federation of Employers and Industrialists – Awarded to the first in academic performance graduating student of the Department of Public and Business Administration, University of Cyprus.

Middle East Marketing Research Bureau (MEMRB) Award, 1996.

Awarded to the first in academic performance graduating student of the Department of Public and Business Administration, University of Cyprus, with concentration in Marketing/Management.

Award in memory of Themistocles Dervis, 1996.

Awarded to University of Cyprus students with excellent academic performance and significant contribution to University’s social activities.

Award for the best essay on “The Development of the Offshore Industry in Cyprus,” 1995.

Coopers and Lybrand.


Undergraduate Courses

Consumer Behavior

Marketing Communications

Sales Management

Electronic Marketing

MBA Courses

Marketing Management

Consumer Behavior (elective course)

Sales Management (elective course)

Supervision of Undergraduate Senior Theses

Since I joined the University of Cyprus in September 2000 I have supervised 39 undergraduate senior theses focusing on various research topics in the areas of sales management, consumer behavior, advertising, electronic marketing, and international marketing.

Supervision of MBA Applied Business Projects

Every academic year I commonly supervise four Applied Business Projects, focusing on the development of comprehensive business plans or marketing plans on behalf of local and international companies operating in Cyprus.


-Katerina Makri (currently Assistant Professor at Vienna University of Economics and Business; Ph.D. at the Athens University of Economics and Business).

Dissertation title: Investigating the Path through Which Export Market Orientation Influences Export Venture Performance: the Role of Export Sales Strategy and Marketing Capabilities.

Awarded: July 2014.

Supervisory committee also included Professor George Avlonitis and Dr. Evangelia Katsikea.


I. Edited Volumes

Balabanis, George, Marios Theodosiou, and Evangelia S. Katsikea (guest editors), special issue of International MarketingReview on “Developments in Export Marketing,”Vol. 21,No. 4/5, 210 pages, 2004.

II. Book Reviews

Theodosiou, Marios (2005), International Marketing: An SME Perspective, authored by Seán de Búrca, Richard Fletcher and Linder Brown, Essex: Pearson Education Ltd., 720 pp., International Marketing Review, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 116-117.

III. Book Chapters

Samiee, Saeed, Constantine S. Katsikeas, and Marios Theodosiou (2008), “Uniformity versus Conformity: The Standardization Issue in International Marketing Strategy,” in Handbook of International Marketing, edited by MaasakiKotabe and KristiaanHelsen, London: Sage Publications, pp. 301-319.

IV. Journal Articles

Makri, Katerina, Marios Theodosiou, and Evangelia Katsikea (2017), “An Empirical Investigation of the Antecedents and Performance Outcomes of Export Innovativeness,” International Business Review, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 628-639.

Katsikea, Evangelia, Marios Theodosiou, and Robert E. Morgan (2015), “Why People Quit: Explaining Employee Turnover Intentions among Export Sales Managers,” International Business Review, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 367-369.

Theodosiou, Marios and Evangelia Katsikea (2013), “The Export Information System: An Empirical Investigation of Its Antecedents and Performance Outcomes,” Journal of International Marketing, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 72-94.

Theodosiou, Marios, John Kehagias, and Evangelia Katsikea (2012), “Strategic Orientations, Marketing Capabilities and Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation in the Context of Frontline Managers in Service Organizations,” Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 1058-1070.

Rigopoulou, Irini, Marios Theodosiou, Evangelia Katsikea, and Nicholas Perdikis (2012), “Information Control, Role Perceptions, and Work Outcomes of Boundary Spanning Front-line Managers,” Journal of Business Research, Vol. 65, No. 5, pp. 626-633.

Theodosiou, Marios and Evangelia Katsikea (2012), “Antecedents and Performance of Electronic Business Adoption in the Hotel Industry,” European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 46, No. 1/2, pp. 258-283

Leonidou, Leonidas, Dayananda Palihawadana, and Marios Theodosiou (2011), “National Export Promotion Programs as Drivers of Organizational Resources and Capabilities: Effects on Strategy, Competitive Advantage, and Performance,” Journal of International Marketing, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 1-29.

Katsikea, Evangelia, Marios Theodosiou, Nick Perdikis, and John Kehagias (2011), “The Effects of Organizational Structure and Job Characteristics on Export Sales Managers’ Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment,” Journal of World Business, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 221-233.

Theodosiou, Marios and Evangelia Katsikea (2007), “How Management Control and Job-Related Characteristics Influence the Performance of Export Sales Managers,” Journal of Business Research, Vol. 60, No. 12, pp.1261-1271.

Katsikea, Evangelia, Marios Theodosiou, and Robert E. Morgan (2007), “Managerial, Organizational, and External Drivers of Sales Effectiveness in Export Market Ventures,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 35, No.2, pp. 270-283.

Katsikeas, Constantine S., Saeed Samiee, and Marios Theodosiou (2006), “Strategy Fit and Performance Consequences of International Marketing Standardization,” Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 27, No. 9, pp. 867-890.

Leonidou, Leonidas C., Dayananda Palihawadana, and Marios Theodosiou (2006), “An Integrated Model of the Behavioural Dimensionsof Industrial Buyer-Seller Relationships,” European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 40, No. 1/2, pp. 145-173.

Katsikea, Evangelia S., Marios Theodosiou, Robert E. Morgan, and Nikolaos Papavassiliou (2005), “Export Market Expansion Strategies of Direct-Selling Small and Medium-Sized Firms: Implications for Export Sales Management Activities,” Journal of International Marketing, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp.57-92.

Balabanis, George, Marios Theodosiou, and Evangelia S. Katsikea (2004), “Export Marketing: Developments and a Research Agenda,” International Marketing Review, (guest editorial), Vol. 21, No. 4/5, pp. 353-377.

Leonidou, Leonidas C. and Marios Theodosiou (2004), “The Export Marketing Information System: An Integration of the Extant Knowledge,” Journal of World Business, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 12-36.

Theodosiou, Marios and Leonidas C. Leonidou (2003), “Standardization versus Adaptation of International Marketing Strategy: An Integrative Assessment of the Empirical Research,” International Business Review, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 141-171.

**Reprinted in 2008 in International Marketing: Modern and Classic Papers, edited by Stanley J. Paliwoda and John K. Ryans, Jr, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

Theodosiou, Marios and Constantine S. Katsikeas (2001), “Factors Influencing the Degree of International Pricing Strategy Standardization of Multinational Corporations,” Journal of International Marketing, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 1-18.

**Reprinted in 2008 in International Marketing: Modern and Classic Papers, edited by Stanley J. Paliwoda and John K. Ryans, Jr, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

V. Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Makri, Katerina, Marios Theodosiou, and Evangelia Katsikea (2017), “The Role of Market-Oriented Cultures in Building Strong Export Marketing Capabilities,” Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Dubai, United Arab Emirates,

Pascale,Ηardy, Evangelia Katsikea, and Marios Theodosiou(2016), “Knowledge Creation and Transfer in the Workplace: An Empirical Assessment within an Online Setting,” 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, California, USA, August 5-9.

Theodosiou, Marios, FaidonTheofanides, and Panayiotis Chaveles (2014), “An Empirical Investigation of the Antecedents and Consequences of Export Relationship Capabilities,” 2014 Global Marketing Conference, Singapore, Singapore, July 15-18.

Katsikea, Evangelia, Marios Theodosiou, and Anastasios Karamanis (2013), “Strategic Implications of Export Manager Creativity,” American Marketing Association’s Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 9-11.

Makri, Katerina, Marios Theodosiou, Evangelia Katsikea, and George J. Avlonitis (2013), “An Empirical Investigation of the Antecedents and Performance Outcomes of Export Innovativeness,” Academy of International Business 2013 Annual Meeting, Instanbul, Turkey, July 3-6.

Katsikea, Evangelia, Marios Theodosiou, George Avlonitis, and Katerina Makri (2012), “Market-Orientation, Marketing Capabilities, Sales Strategy, and Performance in Export Market Ventures,” American Marketing Association’s Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA, February 17-19.

Samiee, Saeed, Marios Theodosiou, and Constantine S. Katsikeas (2010), “Environment-International Promotion Strategy Coalignment: An Examination of Subsidiary-Level Performance,” Academy of International Business 2010 Annual Meeting, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, June 25-29.

Katsikea, Evangelia, Marios Theodosiou, and John Kehagias (2010), “Strategic Orientations, Marketing Capabilities and Branch Performance: An Empirical Investigation in the Financial Services Sector,” 39th European Marketing Academy Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 1-4.

Theodosiou, Marios, Katerina Makri, Saeed Samiee, and Evangelia Katsikea (2009), “A Proposed Conceptualization of Electronic Service Quality as a Higher-Order Formative Indicator Construct,” Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Oslo, Norway, July 22-25.

Katsikea, Evangelia, Marios Theodosiou, Nick Perdikis, and John Kehagias (2009), “The Influence of Organizational Structure on Export Sales Managers’ Job Characteristics and Work Outcomes,” 38th European Marketing Academy Conference, Nantes, France, May 26-29.

Leonidou Leonidas, Marios Theodosiou, and Dayananda Palihawadana (2009), “Export Promotion Programs Effects on Export Strategy and Performance: A Resource-Based Perspective,” 38th European Marketing Academy Conference, Nantes, France, May 26-29.

Theodosiou, Marios and Evangelia Katsikea (2008), “An Empirical Investigation of the Antecedents and Consequences of Export Information Behavior,” Academy of International Business 2008 Annual Meeting, Milan, Italy, June 30 – July 3.

Katsikea, Evangelia, Marios Theodosiou, Nick Perdikis, and John Kehagias (2007), “Antecedents and Consequences of Sales Management Control in SMEs Exporters,” 36thEuropean Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavík, Iceland, May 22-25.

Theodosiou, Marios and Evangelia Katsikea (2007), “An Empirical Investigation of the Antecedents and Consequences of Export Sales Manager Organizational Commitment,” American Marketing Association’s Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, San Diego, California, USA, February 16-19.

Katsikea, Evangelia and Marios Theodosiou (2006), “An Empirical Investigation of Interrelationships among Information Control, Supervisor Role Ambiguity, Role Stressors and Job Satisfaction in an Export Sales Context,” Academy of International Business 2006 Annual Meeting, Beijing, China, June 23-26.

Theodosiou, Marios and Evangelia Katsikea (2006), “An Empirical Investigation of Interrelationships among the Antecedents and Outcomes of Organizational Commitment in an Export Sales Context,” 35th European Marketing Academy Conference, Athens, Greece, May 23-26.

Tziortzi, Athanasia, Irene Anaxagorou, Marios Theodosiou, and Caroline Oates (2005), “Mothers’ Preferences for Regulating Children’s Advertising: The Cyprus Case,” 10th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications, Nicosia, Cyprus, April 8-9.

Katsikea, Evangelia, Marios Theodosiou, and Nikolaos Papavassiliou (2004), “Drivers of Managerial Job Satisfaction in Export Market Ventures: A UK Study,” Academy of International Business 2004 Annual Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, July 10-13.

Theodosiou, Marios and Evangelia Katsikea (2004), “Drivers of Superior Managerial Performance in Export Market Ventures,” 33rd European Marketing Academy Conference, Murcia, Spain, May 18-21.

Leonidou, Leonidas C. and Marios Theodosiou (2002), “An Integrated Model of Seller-Buyer Relationships in Industrial Markets,” 31stEuropeanMarketingAcademyConference, Braga, Portugal, May 28-31.

Theodosiou, Marios and Constantine S. Katsikeas (2000), “Factors Influencing the Degree of International Pricing Strategy Standardization of Multinational Corporations: An Empirical Investigation,” American Marketing Association’s International Conference onMarketing in a Global Economy, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 28 - July 1 (Paper received “Best Paper Award”).


-“How to supervise quantitative methods and survey design type DBA theses,” Maastricht School of Management, Maastricht, The Netherlands, May 2017

-“How to encourage DBA candidates to publish their research,” Maastricht School of Management, Maastricht, The Netherlands, May 2017


2013 David A. Wilson Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Laureate International Universities, $50000 grand for the research project “Knowledge creation and transfer in the workplace: an empirical assessment within an online action learning environment” (with Pascale Hardy and Evangelia Katsikea).

Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation (December 2006 – May 2009), Awarded €141200 for the program “Enhancing the competitiveness of Cypriot small- and medium-sized firms through an innovative service” (in collaboration with Hiperformance Consulting Ltd, Polydorides and Associates Consultants Ltd, and Inteli-Scape Limited).

University of Cyprus (2002 – 2016), Internal research funding, on average €4000- €5500 per year.


American Marketing Association

Academy of Marketing Science

Academy of International Business




Editorial board membership

- Industrial Marketing Management (April 2007 – present)

- Journal of International Business Studies (January 2009-December 2013)

Ad-hoc reviewing for:

- Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

- Journal of Business Research

- Journal of World Business

- Journal of International Marketing

- International Business Review

- International Marketing Review

- Decision Sciences

- Journal of Global Marketing

- Journal of Product and Brand Management

- Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal

Conference reviewing

-Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting

-American Marketing Association’s Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference

-American Marketing Association’s Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference

-EuropeanMarketingAcademy (EMAC) Conference

-Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference

-Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress (biannual)

Session chair

Academy of International Business Annual Meeting 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, July 1-5 (Marketing and Consumer Research Track)

American Marketing Association’s Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 9-11, 2013 (Marketing Strategy Track).

38th European Marketing Academy Conference, Nantes, France, May 26-29, 2009, (International and Cross-Cultural Marketing Track).


American Marketing Association’s Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, San Diego, California, USA, February 16-19, 2007 (Global Marketing Track).


March 2015 – December 2016Vice-chairman, Council of the Department of Business and Public Administration, University of Cyprus.

September 2002-presentMember, Council of the Department of Public and Business Administration, University of Cyprus.

March 2013-Present Member, Council of the School of Economics

and Business

January 2011-December 2015Chairman, Council of the Alumni Office,

University of Cyprus.

March 2006-December 2010Member, Council of the Alumni Office,

University ofCyprus.

April 2009-May 2015Chairman, Management Committeeof the University of Cyprus’ Photocopying Center.

March 2009-December 2016Chairman/Member, Senate Committee on Buildings/Organization Development.

September 2006-December 2016Erasmus program coordinator, Department of Public and Business Administration, University of Cyprus.

February 2003-January 2007Member, Senate Committee on Public Relations, University of Cyprus.


- May 2014-February 2016Chairman of the Board, Periferiaki SPE Nicosia (regional cooperative bank).

- November 2013 – presentMember, Working Group on economic issues, providing assistance to the Greek Cypriot side’s negotiator in the peace talks for the Cyprus problem (appointed by the President of the Republic of Cyprus).