Boughton Health Centre, Hoole Lane, Chester

Tel 01244 325421 Fax 01244 322224

Autumn 2016 Newsletter

Health and Care Innovation Expo 2016 - Dr Ed Henry Debut

Dr Ed Henry (GP Partner at Boughton Health Centre) joined Dr Masood Nazir (National Clinical Lead, Patient Online) and Dr Imran Rafi (RCGP’s Chair of The Clinical Innovation and Research Centre) to present at Health and Care Innovation Expo in Manchester. The presentation covered how offering patient’s high-quality online services can reduce workload for practices and improve patients’ health by providing the tools for self-care.

eConsult – the new on line consultation service

Boughton Health Centre launched eConsult at the beginning of May 2016 and the surgery is now ranked within the top 10 in the UK for patient take up. eConsult is an online service which allows patients to use a symptom checker, self-manage conditions, sign post to other services or consult with their GP through the Practice website at a time convenient to them. The service is for patients aged 18 years and over seeking advice on non-urgent medical problems. For more information please visit our website

Flu Campaign 2016

Our annual Flu Clinics are now bookable and the flu vaccinations are available to all patients aged 65 and over, pregnant ladies, carers or for anyone with one or more of the following long term health conditions:

Diabetes Chronic Heart Disease Asthma

COPD Chronic Kidney Disease Weakened Immune system

Tell the Nurse before Your Flu vaccination if……….

·  You feel unwell; have a temperature or an infection.

·  You are allergic to either eggs or chicken.

·  You have had a reaction to a previous flu vaccination.

·  You are allergic to any antibiotics.

Shingles Vaccinations

A shingles vaccination is available to all patients aged 70 & 78 on 1st September 2016. In addition,anyone who was eligible for immunisation in thepreviousthree years of the programme butmissed out on their shingles vaccinationremains eligible until their 80th birthday. This includes:

·  people aged 71, 72 and 73 on 1 September 2016

·  people aged 79 on 1 September 2016

Flu Nasal Spray Vaccinations

Flu nasal spray vaccinations with be available free to eligible children including:

·  Children born from 1st September 2011 to 31st August 2014; there will be dedicated Fluenz midweek clinics at the surgery.

·  Children at school in years one, two & three – will be vaccinated at school.

·  Children aged 2 – 17 years old with a long term health condition will be offered the vaccination at the surgery

Staff Team Building

A team building event was organised in August and all staff were invited to the Adventure Trail at Manley Mere. Communication skills and team work were in abundance as the staff worked together to complete all the challenges of the outdoor activities.

Staff Training Days

The surgery will be closed from 12pm -5pm on the following dates for staff training

·  Tuesday 27th September

·  Thursday 20th October

·  Wednesday 23rd November

Pharmacy First

Did you know your local pharmacy can offer advice and treatment for many minor health conditions which could save a trip to see a GP or Nurse Practitioner. Participating pharmacies provide either a level one or level two service to the local community. Your pharmacist could help with the following minor ailments:

Level One Service

Athletes foots Colds and Flu Diarrhoea & vomiting

Mild acne Constipation Eczema

Sore throat Piles Hayfever

Indigestion Head lice Pain

Warts/verrucae Thread worms

Level Two Service

All of the above conditions plus:

Oral Thrush in infants under 12 months but over 1 month

Uncomplicated uti’s



Vaginal thrush

Once registered with the pharmacy treatment is free for those people who are eligible free prescriptions, and for those who usually pay for prescriptions; treatment for over the counter medicines is normally cheaper than the cost of a prescription. Young’s Pharmacy provides both a level one & level two service.

Well Being Coordinator

Well Being Coordinator Milanda Manger from Age UK will be consulting from the Practice every Wednesday. Milanda can refer and sign post patients aged 18 years and over who have at least one long term medical conditions to various organisations in the local community for help and practical support. She can offer practical advice & support with various problems e.g. benefits, housing problems, social isolation & loneliness.

Missed Appointments

Have you been having problems getting an appointment with a GP, Nurse or phlebotomist? On average 134 patients per month failed to attend their appointments in the last three months which was about 22 clinical hours lost. If you are unable to attend or no longer require an appointment please consider others and cancel the appointment, this allows for the appointment to be offered to another patient. You can cancel appointments by contacting the surgery on 01244325421 or if you have patient access please go on line or use the phone app to cancel the unwanted appointment

National GP Patient Survey Results

The latest National GP Patient Survey results have been published and the high level of service and care delivered by all of the members of the dedicated team at Boughton has been reflected in the latest results. Thank you to all the patients who took time to complete the survey as your feedback is very important to the practice.

We are pleased to report that we scored the same or higher than the national average in all areas. The positive trends from the last 3 surveys where the Practice has consistently improved include:

·  Ease of getting through to somebody on the phone (up from 75% to 81%)

·  How involved patients feel in decisions made by practice nurse (77% to 88%)

·  Last time you saw or spoke to a GP from your surgery, how good was that GP at involving you in decisions about your care? (78% to 87%)

·  Last time you saw or spoke to a nurse from your surgery, how good was that nurse at giving you enough time? (90% to 95%)

·  Last time you saw or spoke to a nurse from your surgery, how good was that nurse at explaining tests and treatments? (81% to 93%)

·  Last time you saw or spoke to a nurse from your surgery, how good was that nurse at involving you in decisions about your care? (77% to 88%)

·  Last time you saw or spoke to a nurse from your surgery, how good was that nurse at treating you with care and concern? (88% to 94%)

However, there were also areas where we could improve, so we are currently reviewing them and will report back to the PPG meeting in November on our progress. In the meantime, there are alternative services available to patients such as Pharmacy First, eConsult, Physio First, Extended Hours, Well Being Co-ordinator & Patient Access, so if you don’t know about them, please access our website at or ask us for more information.

For a more detailed list of the results, please refer to the ‘National GP Patient Survey’ page on our website.

Friends and Family Test Results Jun 16 – Aug 16

How likely are you to recommend our GP surgery to friends or family if they require similar treatment? When asked… on average 91% of our patients said they were likely or extremely likely to recommend us.

Jun 16 / Jul 2016 / Aug 2016
Extremely likely / 81% / 81% / 80%
Likely / 12% / 10% / 10%
Neither likely or unlikely / 2% / 2% / 5%
Unlikely / 2% / 3% / 2.5%
Extremely unlikely / 3% / 3% / 2.5%
Don’t know / 0% / 0% / 0%

Extended Hours Service – Hours and Contact Number

The extended hour’s service at the 1829 building on the Countess of Chester Health Park has increased opening hours and you are able to pre book an appointment with a GP or Nurse. This service is available to patients who are unable to attend the surgery during core working hours due to work or caring commitments. Ring0300 123 7740, option 3to book an appointment.

The extended hours are:

·  Monday – Friday 6.30pm – 9.30pm

·  Saturday 9am – 2pm

·  Sunday 10 am – 3pm

Patient Participation Group

The Boughton Health Centre Patient Participation Group meets on a quarterly basis to provide a forum for discussion about the practice. If you are a patient at Boughton Health centre, aged 16 years or over, and feel you can offer a positive contribution to how we can improve the services at the surgery please sign up via our website or speak to the Practice Manager for more information. The next PPG meeting is scheduled for 16th Nov 2016.

The Practice’s Patient Participation Group (PPG) has organised an email group to make it easier for patients to discuss matters relevant to the practice. If you join you will receive copies of contributions made by other members and will be able to contribute or start topics yourself. If you would like to join the group please email asking to join the group, your name and email address will then be added to the group.

NHS 111

NHS 111 is a non-emergency medical advice service which is now available 24 hours a day 365 day a year. NHS 111 has also now replaced the out of hours service so if you require urgent medical assistance after 6.30pm that cannot wait until the surgery re-opens at 8.00am the next working day, please hang up and call 1-1-1. Calls to the NHS 111 service are free from both landlines and mobiles and calls are recorded for your protection.If the emergency is life threatening please ring 999.

West Cheshire Carers Trust

1 in 10 people in Cheshire are carers. Are you, or do you know, someone who cares for a person with an illness, a disability, or frailty, which means they are a carer? Carers can also be identified as someone who cares for someone with mental health, drug or alcohol problem. Carers Trust offers both practical and emotional support to carers. They offer regular carer meeting groups and days out to allow carers to have a break from their role. All services offered by the Carers Trust are free of charge. If you are a carer we would like to know, either down load a carers notification form from our website or speak to one of our Reception Carer Links – Jen & Kim who will be happy to offer any support and advice they can.

Younger Generation

Contraception & Sexual Health Services

The surgery offers a wide range of contraception services at the practices which include:

·  Oral contraception & annual Pill checks

·  Depo Injections

·  Contraception implant service

·  IUD Coil fitting service

We also offer opportunistic chlamydia screening for those patients aged 16-24 (kits available in toilets).

GOSH is a new sexual health service based at the Fountains Health on Delamere Street Chester. The services available are:

·  Free online chlamydia screening postal kits for 16-24 year olds

·  Free condom distribution service

·  All methods of reversible contraception including implants and IUDs (coils)

·  Emergency contraception

·  Testing and treatment for all sexually transmitted infections including HIV, Hepatitis B and C

There are both pre-bookable and drop in clinics available on various days during the week. Just ring 0300 323 1300 for more information.

Self-Care Tools for Children and Young People

There are a number of tools that are available to parents, carers, young people and children to help them manage and care for themselves

My wellbeing on line

It is a site designed by and for young people aged from 5 to 19 which offers advice and information from the School Nurse Team ranging from primary to secondary school and beyond. Advice and information covered include immunisations, health screening, and support services in school and the community and on line support. All questions posted to the team are dealt with in the strictest confidence. There is also advice & information for parents/carers and professionals. From this page, young people can self-refer for online support directly with a health practitioner. Visit for more information.

Common Conditions Booklet

As well as general well-being, this handbook will help you to understand when is the right time to call NHS 111, visit your GP, chat to your health visitor or take a visit to your local pharmacy.

Common Conditions App

The booklet is available as an app and can be downloaded for free on Google Play and Apple. Search for ‘cheshire child health’ in the App Store or Google Play.

Teenage Relationship Abuse Campaign

The Disrespect Nobody Campaign is aimed at 12 – 18 year old boys and girls with the aim to prevent young adults becoming perpetrators or victims of abusive relationships by encouraging them to rethink their views on violence, controlling behaviours and what consent means in their relationships. For more information visit the website