Mail flows questionnaire

To be returned without a covering letter as soon as possible, but no later than 29 May 2015, to the following address:

Mr Philippe Grondein

Remuneration Expert

Remuneration Programme (REM)

Regulations, Economics and Markets Directorate (DREM)

UPU International Bureau

P.O. Box

3000 BERNE 15



Fax: +41 31 350 31 10

Should you have any problems completing this questionnaire, please contact Mr Philippe Grondein at the International Bureau ().

Designated operator
Full name
Ms / Mr
Date / Signature

1 Inward mail flows

To obtain a weighted standard structure representative of the world inward mail flow, it is essential to have information about the 2014 priority and non-priority inward flows for each designated postal operator. This will help greatly in developing a terminal dues system proposal in accordance with resolution C 57/2012 of the 2012 Doha Congress.

For designated postal operators that do not separate their flows into the four product definitions or into priority and non-priority, please indicate the weight of your airmail and surface (including S.A.L.) flows.

If possible, use the corresponding spreadsheet.

If it is not possible to provide figures for 2014, please provide figures for the latest year available and indicate the year.

Direct Access and M-bags shall not be included. Bulk mail shall be included.

Please indicate if mail received is format separated or not in 2015. Indicate No, if all mail received is mixed. Otherwise, indicate Yes. This means that, if some of the mail is received mixed and some of the mail is format separated (two or three formats), Yes should be indicated.

Regarding questions 1.1. and 1.2, please use electronic version of the spreadsheet in “Terminal dues and transit charges” section of UPU website.

1.1  Inward mail flows by operator of origin for 2014:

No. / ISO code / Designated operator of origin / Group / A: Airmail priority (kg) / B: S.A.L. non-priority (kg) / C: Surface non-priority (kg) / D: Surface priority (kg) / UR Dispatches (kg) / UR Dispatches (Items) / Format separation (2015) Y/N /
1 / AF / Afghanistan / 5
2 / AL / Albania / 4
3 / DZ / Algeria / 4
4 / AO / Angola / 5
5 / AI / Anguilla / 1.2
6 / AG / Antigua and Barbuda / 2
7 / AR / Argentina / 3
8 / AM / Armenia / 4
9 / AW / Aruba / 1.2
10 / AC / Ascension / 4
11 / AU / Australia / 1.1
12 / AT / Austria / 1.1
13 / AZ / Azerbaijan / 4
14 / BS / Bahamas / 1.2
15 / BH / Bahrain (Kingdom) / 2
16 / BD / Bangladesh / 5
17 / BB / Barbados / 2
18 / BY / Belarus / 3
19 / BE / Belgium / 1.1
20 / BZ / Belize / 4
21 / BJ / Benin / 5
22 / BM / Bermuda / 1.2
23 / BT / Bhutan / 5
24 / BO / Bolivia / 4
25 / BA / Bosnia and Herzegovina / 3
26 / BW / Botswana / 3
27 / BR / Brazil / 3
28 / VG / British Virgin Islands / 1.2
29 / BN / Brunei Darussalam / 2
30 / BG / Bulgaria (Rep.) / 3
31 / BF / Burkina Faso / 5
32 / BI / Burundi / 5
33 / KH / Cambodia / 5
34 / CM / Cameroon / 4
35 / CA / Canada / 1.1
36 / CV / Cape Verde / 4
37 / KY / Cayman Islands / 1.2
38 / CF / Central African Rep. / 5
39 / TD / Chad / 5
40 / CL / Chile / 3
41 / CN / China (People's Rep.) / 3
42 / CO / Colombia / 4
43 / KM / Comoros / 5
44 / CG / Congo (Rep.) / 4
45 / CK / Cook Islands / 2
46 / CR / Costa Rica / 3
47 / CI / Côte d'Ivoire (Rep.) / 4
48 / HR / Croatia / 2
49 / CU / Cuba / 3
50 / CW / Curaçao / 2
51 / CY / Cyprus / 2
52 / CZ / Czech Rep. / 2
53 / KP / Dem People's Rep. of Korea / 4
54 / CD / Dem. Rep. of the Congo / 5
55 / DK / Denmark / 1.1
56 / DJ / Djibouti / 5
57 / DM / Dominica / 2
58 / DO / Dominican Republic / 4
59 / EC / Ecuador / 4
60 / EG / Egypt / 4
61 / SV / El Salvador / 4
62 / GQ / Equatorial Guinea / 5
63 / ER / Eritrea / 5
64 / EE / Estonia / 2
65 / ET / Ethiopia / 5
66 / FK / Falkland Islands (Malvinas) / 1.1
67 / FO / Faroe Islands / 1.1
68 / FJ / Fiji / 3
69 / FI / Finland / 1.1
70 / FR / France / 1.1
71 / PF / French Polynesia / 1.1
72 / GA / Gabon / 3
73 / GM / Gambia / 5
74 / GE / Georgia / 4
75 / DE / Germany / 1.1
76 / GH / Ghana / 4
77 / GI / Gibraltar / 1.1
78 / GB / Great Britain / 1.1
79 / GR / Greece / 1.1
80 / GL / Greenland / 1.1
81 / GD / Grenada / 2
82 / GT / Guatemala / 4
83 / GG / Guernsey / 1.1
84 / GN / Guinea / 5
85 / GW / Guinea-Bissau / 5
86 / GY / Guyana / 4
87 / HT / Haiti / 5
88 / HN / Honduras (Rep.) / 4
89 / HK / Hong Kong, China / 1.2
90 / HU / Hungary (Rep.) / 2
91 / IS / Iceland / 1.1
92 / IN / India / 4
93 / ID / Indonesia / 4
94 / IR / Iran (Islamic Rep.) / 4
95 / IQ / Iraq / 4
96 / IE / Ireland / 1.1
97 / IM / Isle of Man / 1.1
98 / IL / Israel / 1.1
99 / IT / Italy / 1.1
100 / JM / Jamaica / 3
101 / JP / Japan / 1.1
102 / JE / Jersey / 1.1
103 / JO / Jordan / 4
104 / KZ / Kazakhstan / 3
105 / KE / Kenya / 4
106 / KI / Kiribati / 5
107 / KR / Korea (Rep.) / 2
108 / KW / Kuwait / 1.2
109 / KG / Kyrgyzstan / 4
110 / LA / Lao People's Dem. Rep. / 5
111 / LV / Latvia / 2
112 / LB / Lebanon / 3
113 / LS / Lesotho / 5
114 / LR / Liberia / 5
115 / LY / Libyan Jamahiriya / 3
116 / LI / Liechtenstein / 1.1
117 / LT / Lithuania / 3
118 / LU / Luxembourg / 1.1
119 / MO / Macao, China / 2
120 / MG / Madagascar / 5
121 / MW / Malawi / 5
122 / MY / Malaysia / 3
123 / MV / Maldives / 4
124 / ML / Mali / 5
125 / MT / Malta / 2
126 / MR / Mauritania / 5
127 / MU / Mauritius / 3
128 / MX / Mexico / 3
129 / MD / Moldova / 4
130 / MC / Monaco / 1.1
131 / MN / Mongolia / 4
132 / ME / Montenegro / 3
133 / MS / Montserrat / 2
134 / MA / Morocco / 4
135 / MZ / Mozambique / 5
136 / MM / Myanmar / 5
137 / NA / Namibia / 4
138 / NR / Nauru / 3
139 / NP / Nepal / 5
140 / NL / Netherlands / 1.1
141 / AN / Netherlands Antilles / 2
142 / NC / New Caledonia / 1.1
143 / NZ / New Zealand / 1.1
144 / NE / Niger / 5
145 / NG / Nigeria / 4
146 / NU / Niue / 3
147 / NF / Norfolk Island / 1.1
148 / NO / Norway / 1.1
149 / OM / Oman / 3
150 / PK / Pakistan / 4
151 / PA / Panama (Rep.) / 3
152 / PG / Papua New Guinea / 4
153 / PY / Paraguay / 4
154 / PE / Peru / 4
155 / PH / Philippines / 4
156 / PN / Pitcairn Islands / 1.1
157 / PL / Poland / 2
158 / PT / Portugal / 1.1
159 / QA / Qatar / 1.2
160 / RO / Romania / 3
161 / RU / Russian Federation / 3
162 / RW / Rwanda / 5
163 / KN / Saint Christopher (StKitts) and Nevis / 2
164 / LC / Saint Lucia / 3
165 / VC / Saint Vincent and the Grenadines / 3
166 / AS / Samoa / 4
167 / SM / San Marino / 1.1
168 / ST / Sao Tome and Principe / 5
169 / SA / Saudi Arabia / 2
170 / SN / Senegal / 5
171 / RS / Serbia / 3
172 / SC / Seychelles / 3
173 / SL / Sierra Leone / 5
174 / SG / Singapore / 1.2
175 / SX / Sint Maartin / 2
176 / SK / Slovakia / 2
177 / SI / Slovenia / 1.2
178 / SB / Solomon Islands / 5
179 / SO / Somalia / 5
180 / ZA / South Africa / 3
181 / SS / South Sudan / 5
182 / ES / Spain / 1.1
183 / LK / Sri Lanka / 4
184 / SH / St Helena / 4
185 / SD / Sudan / 5
186 / SR / Suriname / 3
187 / SZ / Swaziland / 4
188 / SE / Sweden / 1.1
189 / CH / Switzerland / 1.1
190 / SY / Syrian Arab Rep. / 4
191 / TJ / Tajikistan / 4
192 / TZ / Tanzania (United Rep.) / 5
193 / TH / Thailand / 3
194 / MK / The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia / 3
195 / TL / Timor-Leste (Dem. Rep.) / 5
196 / TG / Togo / 5
197 / TK / Tokelau / 4
198 / TO / Tonga / 4
199 / TT / Trinidad and Tobago / 2
200 / SH / Tristan da Cunha / 1.1
201 / TN / Tunisia / 4
202 / TR / Turkey / 3
203 / TM / Turkmenistan / 4
204 / TC / Turks and Caicos Islands / 1.2
205 / TV / Tuvalu / 5
206 / UG / Uganda / 5
207 / UA / Ukraine / 3
208 / AE / United Arab Emirates / 1.2
209 / US / United States of America / 1.1
210 / UY / Uruguay / 3
211 / UZ / Uzbekistan / 4
212 / VU / Vanuatu / 5
213 / VA / Vatican / 1.1
214 / VE / Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep.) / 3
215 / VN / Viet Nam / 4
216 / WF / Wallis and Futuna Islands / 1.1
217 / WS / Western Samoa / 5
218 / YE / Yemen / 5
219 / ZM / Zambia / 5
220 / ZW / Zimbabwe / 4
221 / PS / Palestine / 5

If the figures are not for 2014, please indicate which year: ……………

1.2 Inward mail flows by groups of countries of origin

If for any reason, you are not able to provide the information required under question 1.1 you may alternatively provide the mail flows by groups of countries of origin for 2014:

Group of countries of origin / A: Airmail priority (kg) / B: S.A.L. non-priority (kg) / C: Surface non-priority (kg) / D: Surface priority (kg) / UR Dispatches (kg)
Group 1.1
Group 1.2 and Group 2
Group 3
Group 4 and Group 5

If the figures are not for 2014, please indicate which year: ……………

1.3 Use of CN 61 detailed accounts available at the QSF secretariat

If you are not able to provide the information in 1.1 and 1.2, you may authorize the International Bureau to take data from the CN 61 detailed accounts sent for Quality of Service Fund (QSF) billing. If this is the case, please check the box below:

q We authorize the International Bureau to use data from CN 61 detailed accounts sent for QSF billing.

Thank you very much for your cooperation!