
Parish Council Meeting On June 7th at 7.00pm,

Village Hall, 2 St John Cole Crescent

28/16  Apologies – None received

29/16  Declaration of Interests

Non-Pecuniary interests in the Village Hall were declared by Mary Briggs.

30/16  Acceptance of minutes of the previous Meeting 3rd May 2016, copy filed

Proposed: Mr Ian Briggs Seconded: Mrs Mary Briggs

31/16  Matters arising from those minutes

Notice Board will be put up this week

32/16  County Councillors Report- Mr David Sprason

Mr Sprason apologised for having missed the previous two meetings.

Mr Sprason informed everyone that the hours of opening for the county household tip had changed. There were now charges for vans and building waste. As yet H & BBC had not seen any increase in fly tipping, however this will continue to be monitored. The management of waste sites has been brought back in house in order to save money.

Works around the M1 roundabout continue. There will be a consultation at County Hall to discuss the possible installation of a 40 mph speed limit as far as the County Hall roundabout. The proposal is currently out in the public domain and invited everyone is to give their comments.

The Park and Ride bus service prices are being increased. This has come about because the service is not being used very much. The 120 bus service which serves Stanton is a subsidised service and is also under review.

County Hall is currently investigating alternative forms of transport into the city from north-west Leicestershire; these include a potential tramway.

White lining has been renewed around the village and yellow lines have been painted along Little Shaw Lane.

Mrs Mary Briggs asked whether improvements to the A50 A511 were planned in view of the potentially significant increase in traffic generated by the huge new Amazon development at Battleflat. David Sprason suggested that the only likely improvements would be road re-surfacing. The lights on the A50 roundabout at the Flying Horse are dangerous. The Parish Council is to request a warning sign be erected to draw attention to traffic turning right.

There are plans for additional housing developments at Thornton and Markfield/Field Head. David Sprason encouraged parishioners to appeal against the development. He warned that an additional 90K houses were planned in the county overall.

The Chairman thanked Mr Sprason for his report.

33/16  Borough Councillors Report – Mr Matthew Lay – no report received.



Comments were made about the mowing and the weeds around the flower beds and borders. It was believed that the contractor, Brian Mee, had a problem with their mowing equipment. The Clerk was requested to check if the quote that had been received from Brian Mee included the weeding of the borders around the Village Hall.

35/16  Clerks report

a)  Financial report, copy filed.


20.05.16 / Rent & ROW / £ 223.50


31.05.16 / Mrs J Peberdy / Wages / 102309 / £ 62.40
31.05.16 / Denise Beesley (Clerk) / Wages / 102310 / £ 149.24
31.05.16 / Denise Beesley (Clerk) / Expenses / 102311 / £ 88.48
31.05.16 / Brian Mee (Peak Cash flow) / Mowing / 102312 / £ 350.00
31.05.16 / Greenbarnes Limited / Notice Board / 102313 / £ 2117.93
31.05.16 / H & BBC / Removal of Graffiti - Bus Shelter / 102314 / £ 284.23
31.05.16 / Mrs Mary Briggs / Reimburse Web site / 102315 / £ 29.95
31.05.16 / Mr Kevin Shaw / Audit / 102316 / £ 63.00
TOTAL / £ 3145.23

Proposed: John Geary Seconded: Ian Briggs

resolved that the Parish Council accept the financial statement

b)  Internal Audit report, copy filed.

The Parish Councillors noted the comments of the internal audit regarding employment of the clerk and litter picker. As employees, the Parish Council is obliged to make pension provision for them. Mrs Mary Briggs confirmed that the Parish Council had registered as a member of the Government pension scheme in preparation. The cost would depend upon the age of the employees and their rate of pay. For the Parish Council to progress this the Parish Council needs to sort the registration with the Inland Revenue. Mr Stuart Bridges will speak to the former clerk to establish whether the Council is already registered. Clerk to pursue the registration and setting up of the Parish Council as an employer and to operate PAYE.

Thanks were given to the clerk in achieving an internal audit with no recommendations.

c)  Local Council Insurance Renewal

A quote had been received from Came & Company for the public liability insurance. The IPT has increased. To sign for a 3 year agreement would only give savings of £20 in the first year. It was agreed that the quote for £618 would be accepted.

Proposed: Mr Stuart Bridges Seconded: Mr John Geary

36/16  Parish Properties

a)  Recreation Ground report and equipment

The mowing around the village was not to the expected standard. As stated above the Parish Council were unsure if the mower had failed. The edges around Main Street had not been done. Mr Stuart Bridges will discuss with Brian Mee.

The owner of a property in Main Street which backs on to the recreation ground has deposited a set of old garden furniture on the recreation ground. Since a request by the Parish Council to remove the offending items had been ignored, it was agreed that, since the property was being offered for sale, a letter should be forwarded to the owners’ solicitors.

Bottom and top allotments inspection

Top Allotments

Plot 13 Mr Cumberland is to be sent a letter requesting him to keep his allotment weed free. Mr Cumberland had strimmed some weeds, but he will be asked to cultivate his plot.

Plot 6 Mr Smith- a letter has been sent in respect of the frame, but further letter needs to be sent to request his plot be kept weed free. He also needs to be reminded to remove the frame from plot 7.

Mr Stuart Bridges informed the councillors that he will get the weeds sprayed at the top and bottom allotments. Mr Stuart Bridges will also get in touch with Robert Quail regarding mill waste.

37/16  Planning Applications/Permissions/Refusals

a)  Fell and replace laburnum silver birch etc – 1A Everards Way, Stanton Under Bardon – No objections.

b)  Single Storey Extension to changing rooms/Sports Hall South Charnwood High School – No objections.

38/16  Correspondence received – Clerk presented the correspondence to the Parish Councillors, all copies filed.

39/16  Matters Pending to be actioned before next meeting

a)  Right of Way/Driveway to the Rear of Properties on the North Side of Main Street - Proposal that the top of the right of way needs to be finished to give vehicular access. Some years ago the bulk of the driveway was surfaced by MQP for free. The bottom driveway cost £10000 for all the materials and the Parish Council paid for a contractor to put the bottom road down. This top driveway still needs to be completed. The Parish Councillors suggested that the quarry might make a contribution to the top right of way, which would need scraping back with a digger first.

Mr Stuart Bridges to approach MQP, Whitwick, to see if they will make a contribution towards the completion of the driveway.

b)  Review Clerks Wages

Following discussion the councillors agreed that the clerk’s wages be increased.

resolved clerk be paid at point 16 £8.94 per hour, with expenses towards phone internet and working from home £35.00 per month, with effect from 01.04.16

c) Acoustics in the village hall are very poor; this was most apparent on the recent two film nights. Although this matter has not been included in the budget, it was agreed that Mrs Mary Briggs will obtain quotes for consideration at the next meeting.

40/16  Proposed date of Next meeting - 5th July 2016, 7pm

Meeting closed at 8.32 pm