Knightly News & Views September, 2017

Knights of Columbus Father Henry Kemper Council 6409, Kerrville



It has been a great start to the year. We have been getting praise from the parish for all we have been doing. The first fish fry was great. We made close to $1,400 that, truthfully, I did not expect. The pro-life rosary got so many likes on our Facebook page I quit counting. It was an awesome sight as Brother David stood tall guarding the image of the Virgin Mary in his regalia and other Knights were in their tuxes or blue shirts. Brother Hank will have more about this in his article. The work on the handicapped signs went well. We jackhammered out the old sign and replaced the bent pole with a new one and cemented it back and at the same time we straightened out the other signs that were bent, even the one we just put in, (right Hank?). I would like to thank Rolando Maldonado and Hank Lyon for helping me do this little job for Father. Lastly, our membership drive went well and we have a few leads on new members.

With everything we are doing we are getting positive feedback from all. Let’s keep up the good work. For you new members out there don’t be shy. Jump in and lend a hand. We have several opportunities for y'all to help this coming up month and in months to follow. Just keep an eye on the calendar of events, in this newsletter, on the website calendar, and on Facebook.

One of the big events happening this month is the Notre Dame Festival and we are in charge of the Turkey Legs, Hamburger and Hotdog booths. We need volunteers to help with set up, working booths, cooking, and clean up.The festival starts on Saturday Sept 16th from 4-10pm and ends on Sunday Sept 17th from 11am-8pm. We will start to set up Friday the 15th around 5 pm and hope to clean up after the festival ends on Sunday. The set up and clean up doesn’t take long; it's working the booths where we need most of the help.If you can helpand it doesn’t matter for how long, please call me at (830)343-9200 or Rolando at (210) 643-8165 and let us know when and for how long you would can volunteer.


Let’s keep the family of Brother Raymond Giovannini in our prayers. He was a faithful Knight for fifty-two years and passed away the first part of August. Let us also keep all those affected by Hurricane Harvey in our prayers as well. If you feel the need to donate go to the Texas Knights of Columbus web site there you will find a Donate Now button on the right hand side of the page click it and you will find a disaster relief fund.

For you Brother Knights that we haven’t seen in a while stop by for a meeting or come to a social. The door is always open and you will find friendly faces.

See you at the next meeting.

Vivat Jesus,

GK Fernando Gutierrez

“In service to one, in service to all”


September Calendar:

Sept. 1: Blue mass honoring first responders 8am @ Notre Dame

Sept. 1: Fish Fry @ Msgr. Walsh (KofC) Hall 5pm to 7pm

Sept. 2: First Saturday pro-life rosary 3:30pm Notre Dame

Sept. 6: Business meeting 7pm.

Sept. 7: Fourth degree meeting, Bandera

Sept. 13: Knights sponsor Bingo at VA center at 1:30 pm.

Sept. 15-17: Notre Dame School Festival

Sept. 16: Knight in a day Fredericksburg

Sept. 20: Officer Meeting: 7:00 pm.

Sept: 27: Monthly social. Set-up & hospitality 6:30. Dinner 7:00 pm


Coming Events

Saturday October 21 Annual Pro-Life Chicken Dinner

Sunday November 12 Year-end blood drive

Saturday November 18 Turkey shoot and chili cook off



VA Hospital Bingo

The Knights were well represented at the K of C sponsored bingo on Wednesday August 9th. We had 23 patients that participated, nice crowd. Thanks to the Brother Knights that showed up: BrothersMelvin Jones Keith Morvant, Stuart Walker, Hank Lyon and the lovely ladies: Judy Vece, Tina Morvant and Carol Lyon. Thanks to Brother Keith for the opening prayer.

A BIG Thank You to all the youngsters that helped us during the summer. They made the event extra special. The Morvant grandkids: Julian, Jesse, Joselyn, Alyssa, & Seth, Melvin Jones' granddaughter Addison, Stuart Walker's Son Charles and Brother Jose Arriola's daughter Zoey Cruz. You all did a super job and I'm sure that our Veterans enjoyed having you there and appreciated your smiling faces and your help. We will miss you all and looking forward to having you all back next summer. The best of luck to you all during the school year. As a side note everyone seemed to have enjoyed their moon pies, and one of our Veterans actually remembered the year that they came out.

Our next Kof C sponsored bingo is Wednesday September 13th. Some of you newer members come and join us. I promise you that you will get that fuzzy feeling in your heart knowing that you spent some quality time with our Veterans in the Hospital.

God Bless,

Brother Frank Bertagnolli

For questions call me at 896-6796 or on my cell 303-881-0472


Cookbook Committee Cutting Board

Our cookbook committee has received several great recipes but we need more. Look for index cards on your table to reply. And if any of your men have any secret recipes, let's share them. This is your chance to share the recipe and the story behind it. Send them to me, Bernadette Moniz, at or to GK Fernando at .



Columbus Club News

Brother Knights,

I am pleased to report that the hall rentals are picking up and keeping Kody busy. We had some setbacks with our a/c and the cooler but that is to be expected due to age and wear and tear. I would like to schedule another workday for the hall in September as to make it presentable for the upcoming chili cook off and Turkey shoot. We will hold a meeting to elect officers for the coming year after our next general meeting on September 6th. If you are interested in serving on the board of directors please contact me or Fernando.

God bless,Steve Erickson 830-792-3270


Successful Membership Drive

The Knights were well represented at the K of C Membership Drive on August 26th & 27th. Despite the inclement weather, our Knights came through. We had much interest and a few leads. Special thanks goes out to 10 Brother Knights, Grand Knight SK Fernando O. Gutierrez, SK Henry M. Lyon, SK Melvin T. Jones, SK Gino Delgado, Robert Bishop, SK Donald Kelly, Alvin Morant, Johnny Vasquez, Arnold Vela Jr, & Floyd Tremper. This weekend was a great chance to show our parishioners how the Knights offer many opportunities to grow in service to their faith, community, family and youth.
Vivat Jesus!
Membership committee chairman
Stuart Walker 830-238-3270


Monsignor Walsh (KofC) hall is available for rentals at reasonable rates. Contact Kody Kubala at 979-541-9669 for more information, prices and reservations.


Pro-Life News

Knights of Columbus Council 6409 would like to thank everyone who donated diapers, wipes, and/or money to the 9th Annual Pro-Life Diaper Drive. The Drive was very successful and so many families in Kerr County will be blessed because of you. We appreciate you and pray for you.

Approximately 2,500 diapers and 2,500 wipes were collected as well as $3,990 to purchase many more in the coming year.

Special thanks to Dorothy Cassand Fr. David for their support, the Knights who helped man the tables, the volunteers of the St. Vincent de Paul Society and The Pregnancy Resource Center for distributing the diapers, and Frank Bertagnolli for taking the Diaper Drive to the VA Hospital.

God bless you and see you next year!

Annual Pro-Life Chicken Dinner!

The annual Pro-Life Chicken Dinner will be served at the Notre Dame Church Social Center following the 5:00 pm Mass on Saturday, October 21st. Proceeds from this dinner benefit THE Pregnancy Resource Center of Kerrville, an organization dedicated to saving babies and building strong families. Mark your calendars!

Thanks, Mitch Lockwood


September Birthdays

Ed Taber (2nd), Tony Faz (3rd), Joe Hernandez (4th), Jerrell Hood #81 (7th), Roberto Gonzalez (7th), Edward Miesch #82 (8th), Darrell Strange (10th), Fernando Villafranca #81 (11th), Armando Calderone (11th), Dowell Mudry (13th), Gene Lang (13th), Ricky Lopez (15th), George Novak #83 (16th), Andrew Kramer (16th), Mike Douville (16th), Robert Molina (18th), Eric DeMent (23rd), Vicente Arriola (23rd), Gerald Lapinski (28th), Luis Venegas (28th), William Gibson #83 (29th), Miguel Limon (29th)



Good of the Order

Please continue to pray for the healing power and comfort of the Holy Spirit

for our loved ones: Betty Connally, Jose Sanchez, Ed and Barbara Nemec, Frank Bertagnolli, Elaine Jackson, Joe Meurer, Jesse Silva, Lavina Delgadillo, Jerrell Hood, Gene Lang, Ponciano Rangel, Roger Holt, Butch Connally, Maria Galvan, Bea Hardey, Morgan Kelly, Carl Stakes, Rudy Garcia, Bill Treybig, Clark Klein, and Frank Moniz.

Also, please pray for the repose of the soul of Raymond Giovannini and for comfort for his widow and family.

Continue to let us know of any brothers or members of their families to be remembered in our prayers at .


Council Officers

Chaplain Rev. David Wagner 257-5961

Grand Knight Fernando Gutierrez 830-343-9200

Deputy G.K. David Pillatzke 367-3310

Chancellor Hank Lyon 270-821-9231

Recorder Jose Otero 956-244-5672

Advocate Melvin Jones 972-372-5742

Treasurer Mike Douville 370-2441

Financial Secretary Juan Limon 377-6207

Warden Amos Valles 830-322-4341

Outside Guard Geronimo Gomez 817-999-7531

Inside Guard Arnold Vela 830-370-8723

Trustee 3yr. Gino Delgadillo 896-0308

Trustee 2yr. Jeff Sirianni 367-3508

Trustee 1yr. Raymond Limon 896-6172

Lecturer to be appointed

District Deputy Scott Scheidt 210-823-3525

Insurance Agent Tim Carder 512-497-6572


More news on our website and Facebook page

Website: Facebook: Kerrvillekofc